>your height
>your penis size
193cm height and 15cm penis. Not big but i make do
That's fucking huge. 180 is like 6 feet
Oh sorry yeah im tall but i was talking about my dick. Im still happy with it though
How much is 15cm in inches?
6 inches just about i think. Im more familar with inches and feet but hanging out with other koreans so much lately has me thinking in cm
6 inches
22cm/9 inches (almost)
Feels good dudes
6 inches is big. I'm 5.5 and I consider mine big
Maybe you're not white, or you're short. I'm 5'7, and I consider mine small (4.5") and inferior.
You're so lucky dude, I'm jealous.
184cm and 19cm penis. Never had compliants other than it hurting when I hit their cervix.
5' 2"
My dick is around 5 and 1/2 inches but it's beautiful and I wish I could suck it myself. I actually am in love with my fucking cock.
187 and 15~
Yeah. I was a turbo autist most my life so I never took advantage of it, things are a lot better lately though.
>5'6" body
>6.2" dick
Aside from my inferior height, my dick used to be my biggest weakness. I started using a Bathmate for 20+ minutes a day and got okay results. Started jelqing for 5-10 minutes and then Bathmating for 20+ minutes and gained an inch in length and a fuckload in girth within 6 months.
If you don't have the face and height then focus on dick gains.
But they came a lot, right?
How did the girls react?
There's someone else here with my measurements?
17cm, 19 if bone pressed
still a virgin
>But they came a lot right?
Orgasms for women aren't done by just penetration, flicking her clit does way more than just raw fucking. Don't worry about your dick size, knowing your way with your hands and her clit is going to be more of an advantage.
>7 inches
One plus side of being a manlet is if you have a big dick, it looks even bigger in contrast to your small body.
How did the girls react?
But being penetrated by a big one surely feels different compared to the average one. And definitely better. Like, the pain is a good pain. When they first saw the cock, they're impressed and they can't wait to bang you. Small or average ones aren't gonna be that much of an excitement, no matter how much they love you.
True but still, if we're talking about orgasms alone for women, clitoral stimulation is 100x better and effective than a big dick. Sure a big dick, even though I think it looks small despite being 19cm and 17cm in circumference, is aesthetically more appealing. It's not like they can't wait to fuck you dude, not every women has seen 10+ cocks in her life, especially at the age of 20ish. Current I have a girlfriend if 5"3 who was a virgin before me. We met in uni and honestly most women at least here aren't all turbo whores like in the US or UK.
Don't waste it, man. I'm 4.5", I deserve to be a virgin.
Adding some content to this post
I mean I've had sex with a couple of girls who didn't actually mention it or just said 'yeah that's a big dick' quite unenthusiastically, but usually they go fuckin wild and can't stop going on about it afterwards.
I think most women love a big dick, and the bigger the better. Like they tell me it couldn't be any bigger because it's already too long to take the whole thing and sometimes painful from the girth, but I fuckin guarantee they'd have said the same thing to 7.5 inches before seeing mine, and would still go crazy for 10 inches if they ever come across it.
There's a lot more to sex than having a big dick, but there's no doubt than in general women love it.
187cm and 14cm dick :((
6 foot
6 inch
6'1" barefoot, 6'2" with shoes.
7.8 inches fully erect.
I'm still a KHV so it doesn't matter.
i am 5 foot 6 and a half
>size of pp
just under 6 inches
about 6 inches not original
>5'2 10 inches
>6'4 4 inches
Which one is better, femanons?
>4.0" hard/1" soft
Dont worry...you're not the only one who's given up.
And now i want to kill myself
7.6 inches long about 5.5 inches around
A little under 7" bone pressed
Made a few measurements.
Height 6.0
Beenus length 6" and girth 5,9".
>There's a lot more to sex than having a big dick
This is meaningless after the other things that you said. Man this really sucks. I'm angry and sad at the same time. I don't think love matters anymore, if they CAN like big dicks, I can't be with them no matter how much they love me.
6 to 7 depending on how you measure
Killer cock, man. How did the women react?
The most depressive thing I've read
1.79 m
15 cm
I'm the literally the physical standard male
But women would still be more excited with the big ones. How do you even feel good about yourself then? There's no way.
Yeah but basically all women love a muscular body as well, but you can still make them happy without one. In normal day-to-day life your personality matters more (I'm including things like social status with personality because they are closely related, I won't deny that most women are quite shallow) and for sex specifically there is your body, your facial aesthetics, your skill at actually doing the fuck, your skill in other areas like eating pussy, etc etc.
Having a big dick is great and as I said most women seem to love it, but those other factors combined are easily more important and women love all that shit too.
I'm happy for my life. I work hard everyday to improve myself, and that gives me happiness.
I was born with what ever penis i was born with and what ever height i am. Only thing you can do is own up to it.
And trust me, self confidence and being happy for yourself without needing others approval is the sexiest thing in a woman's eyes.
Because those are things she can never dream of achieving herself
Yeah I know. I don't have the best body either but I don't give a single fuck. But somehow, the penis thing REALLY bothers me. Idk maybe it's because penis is closely related to women pleasure, that's what set penis size apart from muscular body and money.
190cm, 16cm dicklet. Fml.
188 cm, 19x16 cm
how did girls react?
Not gonna deny I know exactly what you mean, I was always really concerned with my dick size when I was younger and I just got lucky. It's a strange one, it doesn't make much logical sense but so many guys are caught up on it more than anything else regarding sexuality.
I'm never going to use it so it doesn't really matter.
I dunno, i have never had sex, i know it's a good size
>>your height
>>your penis size
8 inch
It's not big anyway, so it's not that much of a waste to not use it.
How did girls react?
Yeah I know. I wish I can eliminate my urge for affection and intimacy.
I'll let you know when I lose my virginity, I'm 25 and still a kissless virgin.
6 inches is actually slightly bigger than average.
Don't pay attention to porn and inflated internet measurements. My ex told me she'd had plenty of dicks that didn't even touch the back of her throat when she sucked them. That's like less than 4 inches or something, I mean fuckin hell that is micropenis territory if you listen to the internet, but IRL it is pretty common.
>My ex told me she'd had plenty of dicks that didn't even touch the back of her throat when she sucked them
And they're automatically less of a man compared to the big ones. Yet they still delusionally believe that they can get happy marriage.
>6'4" tall
>7.5" abouts on the dong
Most of them told me that it's big and hurts them if I go rough. There was two girls who would later look for someone with bigger peenur just to tell me that they've found bigger. But there was also two girls who would return any time to get some because of girth and the fact that I can go for hours. In terms of appearance I am 5-6/10. Slightly chubby, have somewhat wide hips. Getting fit would make me around 6-7/10.
Any of them went crazy and came buckets?
Fuck off on Chad
Are you small too, brother?
177cm and 6.5 inch
What a waste of good height
Or about 5'7"/7" in Burger units
5'6/168cm height
12-13 cm/ 4.8 inches
Why does dick size matter
>because girls like them
>because it makes a girl cum
Your entire premise is flawed, you shouldn't give a fuck what a girl thinks period.
6'3 ft 8 In
Are you a virgin?
184cm high, @81kg
length is 17cm, thickness is 6cm
my ex said thickness is most important
>Are you a virgin?
What makes you think I have even the slightest chance of not being a virgin for the rest of my life ? I'm a virgin, obviously.
Nah. One of the girls liked to go in public having her holes filled up with my semen though. Good thing she was on pills while we were dating. Best memory is how she was sucking me off in park while cum dripped from her pussy.
18.5 cm/ 7 inch
but my donger looks kind of small so I'm not sure if I'm measuring right.
I'm definitely gonna start jelqing tomorrow.
Well, most people who choose to remain virgins eventually change their mind. Maybe you too will later on.
Not him but yeah maybe later on I will be so desperate that I will start to normalize mental cheating.
Doesn't jelqing give you erectile dysfunction after a few years?
says who? big but softish is better than below average but hard
Height: 6'5.5"
Dick Size: 5.5" length 4.5" girth
Yes I want to die.
>focus on dick gains
I've googled jelqing because I wanted to do it myself a while ago, but I came across people saying that it can cause you ED if because it damages and weakens your muscle tissue. Some people say it happened to them, so I didn't want to risk it.
I didn't choose to remain virgin, I'm a ugly as fuck, weird dude. Women are disgusted by me, and in all my years alive, not even of female has been interested in me and rejection is the only thing present in my romantic/sexual life
Stop being such a desperate sperord. How many girls have you asked out?
>8 inches bone pressed
It's pretty OK. My gf likes it.
Stop assuming shit. I'm not desperate, I just gave up on sex, relationships and dating because it's something that never brought something positive to my life. And I have no idea how many girls I asked, never counted.
7" bonepressed x 5.2"
Nice in theory but not enough to compensate for my autism
6'2 and a 6"8
It isnt big, checkd tho
Of course, she's a woman
5'7" / 173 cm
7" / 18 cm
Pretty happy with it, looks huge on me
I'm the same height. I wish I was you.
I'm ok with it.
Whoops I mean 171cm
How big is yours?
1,67m tall
15 cm penis
4.5", technically a sub-man
6 inches
feels good man
what a waste.
5'5 height
5.5 inch penis