I've never understood people who drink until they pass out

I've never understood people who drink until they pass out.
Just how worthless can these humans be?
Especially young women seem to do this.

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LIfe sucks, you want to be out of this world.

Ignorance is bliss, fear is worse than pain, alcohol makes you ignorant and numb to fear, numb to pain.

Normalfaggot tier bait OP.

Sounds like alcohol is for the weak.

I'm 28 and never had alcohol in my life.

Drinking is probably the biggest normie meme.

Fucking weak normies can't handle life without numbing themselves to it and then feel proud to do so.

You must be fun at parties


>you're not fun!!!

Nice normie cope.

I've once witnessed a young passed out girl getting shat and pissed on the face by a guy.

Honestly, it was horrible. Her face, hair and everything was covered in wet porridge-like shit. I was thinking that has to be a crime of some sort. But everyone witnessing just said it's her own fault for passing out.
Like if you pass out from your own stupidity, you deserve a punishment.

Not him, but the original faggot that told you off, the point of that saying is you're a buzz kill and no one likes you faggot.

Normalfaggots of the high degree, they don't drink to get drunk nor to get out of pain, like I posted here.

They do it as an excuse to get away with bad behavior, and ironically hate people that get drunk at parties for real, because they don't respect the weak. Right winger tier bullshit. Cruel hearted efficiency is as it does.

Sounds like you're a normalfaggot at heart.

>posts on THE basket weaving forum
>haha no one likes you
Just how much do you have to cope?

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Dude some people don't drink lmao

I do it because i hate myself but only drink that heavily when alone.

You're not a true robot if you haven't gotten drunk at least once. This world is a terrible place for robots and alcohol is a good way to cope with this fact.

Nigga r9k is for the weak so just stfu

Because I can't unsee the things I have seen and done but alcohol dulls it. People who do it for social status are faggots, people who do it to cope with past trauma or an overall shit life are not.

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I don't like normalfaggots.

Outed yourself to be honest cunt.

You deserve it for posting the pink wojak.

Oh gee, i'm sorry the wojak I posted didn't meet up with your oh so superior taste.

Taste has nothing to do with it, biz is beyond cancer.

I really like this disappointed lizard lmfao haha

I've been here for so long and i've never felt this fucking new. Never been to biz. I didn't even know pink wojak was a biz thing. My bad.

I don't get people who go out to bars/clubs and do this, but getting blackout drunk in your own home is comfy af.

If you've never had alcohol in your life then you literally have no place to comment on it. You haven't opened Pandoras box.

I don't do it on purpose, I get fucked up then just so happen to pass out


You're saying you can't criticize pedos unless you've been there yourself.

this but unironically and in a way that is completely unique to this post.

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How does drinking alcohol affect with certainty anyone but yourself? And who better knows the guilt and shame pedophilia causes better than pedophiles anyway?

You couldnt even say with 'certainty' it effects yourself, let alone anyone else.
I would assume Pedophiles and their victims know it best, which is what I was saying. Its odd that someone feels like they have something to say on a subject when they have no experience with it. The commentary can only be hollow.

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