Normie here. I think I realized you guys' problem. You're too damn sex obsessed

Normie here. I think I realized you guys' problem. You're too damn sex obsessed.

Let's say you get yourself a qt. In a 1 week period, let's say you are living with each other and have sex once a day. What the heck are you doing the rest of the time to keep each other entertained? Almost zero content on this board is focused on what makes up the majority of romantic relationships, but instead on this one part of relationships that makes up a few minutes/hours of you and your gf's day.

Girls are not as interested as guys in sex without a deeper relationship underlying it. If you are good company first, then the sex will come. But how are you, the robot, good company for a girl? Take one step back and work that shit out first.

Just trying to help.

Attached: download (1).jpg (225x225, 8K)

Fact of the matter is most these guys would become normal after having sex

>once a day
I wanna fuck like 5 times a day at least.

>Almost zero content on this board is focused on what makes up the majority of romantic relationships, but instead on this one part of relationships that makes up a few minutes/hours of you and your gf's day.

That's because zero content on this board is concerned with actually helping people to become normies who are likely to get a gf.

I thought that would be pretty obvious? This place is anathema to any sort of irl healthy social relationship

Does it work if you have sex with a escort

>Normie here
>Normie here
>Normie here
>Normie here

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Have you ever had sex? Or are you just assuming you'd want that? I thought that too when I was a virgin.

>put your penis in a warm hole once
>brain structure is instantly rewired to get rid of the robot's autism/narcicissm and make them a normie

Attached: 1527048659299.jpg (540x540, 20K)

Unironically, it would for me. I'm not as far gone as most people here. I keep failing to connect with women. Getting "there" would help me overcome the troubles of what I think I'm missing.

FUck off normie. You have a low test sex drive. I'd fuck a girl 5 times a day every weekday and probably into double digits on weekends.