>be beta
>like girl
>lack the balls to as her out
>alpha friend does
>they start dating
>they start having problems
>alpha friend asks for advice
>could potentially ruin their relationship
>decide not to be an asshole and provide genuine advice
>they make up
>they get engaged
>I'm still single
>still have a crush on the girl
At l-least I am a g-good friend, right?
Be beta
Yes. Having a heart > all else.
you did the right thing hes your friend
even tho its kinda an ass move to start dating if he knew you had a crush, he should helped you
op p kept his crush secret
Next time ask alpha friend to be your wingman, if he is a true friend he will help you out.
What would have happened if you actively sabotaged their relationship? You'd have been the same beta bitch except even worse, because you'd officially be a snake as well. You'd still be too beta to get a rebound or anything. You would have just ruined something your alleged friend had going for him for absolutely no reason.
Being a good person is always better in the long term than being petty. You would have been single either way, but now you don't have a terrible secret hanging over your head and you helped a friend have a better life.
>Be unhappy because of a non-corresponded love but with a friend who's happy
>Be unhappy because of a non-corresponded love but without a friend and people knowing they can't trust you
Geez, I wonder which one is better
However, you have more options then those too, they just involve you growing beyond that woman
>not losing interest after knowing she is sloppy seconds now.
get on my level.
You fucked up, OP. Sabotage is the only way to go. Even if you couldn't get the girl, vengeance is sweet.
Don't listen to these literal cuckolds.
>snibbedy snab
(You)'re right, nothing's sweeter than ruining everyone's chances at happiness including your own.
Here's (you)
Enjoy being miserable
I think you'll find few joys greater than a well-placed revenge.
>t. living step mat
Yes, let the normalfags walk all over you. Don't do anything to change your world.
This one isn't well-placed though, autist. OP did nothing and didn't tell anyone he was into this girl. His friend had zero reason to not go for it. It wouldn't be OP taking vengeance for some slight from his friend, it'd just be him being a bitter faggot trying to keep others from being happy. Last (You) from me, I have a feeling I'm being baited but this exchange was good for an autist like OP to see.
>Implying this hard
u did the right thing OP.
You did the right thing, because even if she broke up with him, she still wouldn't be interested in you.
How can idiots like you even exist? I'm surprised people can even live without spines.
yeah, youre a good friend OP, you're better than purposely sabotaging someone else's relationship
Stop with that cringy tryharding, incel loser.
>Stop with that cringy tryharding
>moralfags who unironically use 'incel' aren't cringey tryhards
Enjoy your cuckshed, boi.
You're a good and loyal person OP. I hope you find someone that loves you back and treats you well. I'd date you just reading this. You have the qualities of a good partner.
He's right, the toastie wouldn't be interested in OP. He'd already been friendzoned.