Ask a boring disinterested girl anything, originally of course

Ask a boring disinterested girl anything, originally of course.

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do u want kids? explain your answer

What is your one important fetish, if you were forced to keep only one?

Do you get a thrill out of turning guys down like I do? I love the feeling of being unattainable.

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what's a good and subtle way to let a girl im into her?

you aren't unattainable though, Chad could have you if he so desired

when will you post your tits and if you wont your a dude

But not you. Do me a favor and never address her again. You're not worth her time.

When the Day of the Roast will be upon us, and you will all be replaced by sexbots and artificial wombs. Have a good day, and try not to think about it.

Do actually anyone still falls for these low effort baits