If a cute but muscular girl started coming on to you in public, would you accept or reject her advances?

If a cute but muscular girl started coming on to you in public, would you accept or reject her advances?

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Definitely accept. If she was way too muscular to the point where her tits merged with her muscles, then I'd lose her number.

She would have to rty really hard, and I doubt she's bigger than me even if she's more muscular than me, so I would doubt her ability to force me.

Accept it but wonder if she had used gear or not. Depends because I don't want to be with someone who cheats to get gains.

Not too muscular though because I don't like people that are too muscular in general. I feel they are sacrificing agility and stamina for raw strength and power. That is especially when considering that they are only training for muscle mass, not strength, so I find it dumb how they are making themselves big for not that much gain.

Would you kiss her abs?

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I prefer the muscular/athletic body type, except the bodybuilding level stuff, that's just too unattractive.

I have no idea how being in public would fit into the equation, but I'd reciprocate no matter the situation.

Fuck yes orig orig

she's REALLY strong though

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Don't go too overboard.

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