Niceposting thread 3

Remember, Anons. When you're having a bad day and don't know how to deal with it, the answer isn't to lash out at other people or leave mean or rude replies. I see that happen a lot! Why not try to talk it out? Theres an advice board and you also might be able to find advice threads here, if you'd rather talk to fellow robots!

Tell me one good thing about your day so far, or one thing you're looking forward to today! Are you going to eat a nice meal or snack? Maybe play a game?

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I'm looking forward to having a tasty family dinner of Mexican Lasagna (???) with my mother and older brother!
I just hope this isn't an intervention to confront me over my NEET lifestyle! H-haha!

I've never heard of Mexican Lasagna but that sounds nice!
Even if it is (For your comfort, I hope it isn't!), just remember that they care about you even if they're being pushy or making you a bit uncomfortable! Don't get too nervous, talk it out, I think you could handle that fine!

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Thanks, that's reassuring. It's probably for the best if they do. I've been running from my responsibilities for too long.

Hello fellow niceposter :>
I really do hope you are having a great day!

Self hatred and blackpilling will always lead to disaster, I've been on it for too long
I'm going to find a place all the cool people my age go and try to make friends
Hopefully this weekend I'll do it instead of sitting alone online, I'm sick of being afraid to talk to new people, I've been able to talk to strangers better yet I still can't make friends as easily as I used to

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I woke up a bit earlier than usual, so I stayed in bed and read for a while before leaving my room and turning my computer on, so that was a great start! I hope you have a good day too, even if you feel like your niceposting isn't fully acknowledged and appreciated, I'm sure you've made a lot of peoples days!

Its easy to run away from your responsibilities and convince yourself you never have to change your ways, or rather convince yourself it'll be too scary or hard to do so, when it isn't the case. Even if its hard, you can do it, okay? Good luck!

No matter how caught up you get in self hatred, hating others, or blackpilling, you can always improve yourself, the way you think, the way you act, and the way you feel about yourself most importantly! I'm very proud of you user, that sounds like a really good idea and even if its a bit hard, I'm sure if you try you can find a lot of cool friends and distance yourself from being lonely and sad. Good luck!

Here is a good luck kitten for those who need it!

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Today was the same as always. I was tired, I went to school to learn Jow Forums, my circuits burned again cause I'm brainlet, I came home in 1,5 hour. It's okay, I just have headaches, but they're fine too, I feel nothing when I sleep or meditate. Maybe I should just sleep forever.
How was your day? (If you decide to compliment, don't. It's fucking annoying.)

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Its a shame when days end up all feeling the same, weeks and months can go by like a blur and it can feel like they didn't even matter. Sorry if my optimism here sickens you or makes you feel worse, but, even if they feel like they don't matter they really do, and every day that you live is an important part of what will lead to your future, which matters, and an important part of your life as a whole..Which also matters! Now, instead of this, heres some actual advice.. Maybe you could try doing some small things that'll make your days feel less similar? Even small things will work. You could try to play a game if you like that, you could try to do something to make your evening particularly nice, like ordering good food or even cooking it yourself! Cooking can be nice.
My day has just started, really, all I did was read for a while which I haven't done in quite a while and I think I'm going to go out to get coffee later.

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Okay guys, I'm going to go out to get groceries with a family member.. I think I'll say something nice to them while I'm in the car with them!

I'll be back if this thread is still alive by the time I'm back, but if not, I'll make a new one.
I'm very sorry if I miss any replies! Bye guys!

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