Why can't I be someone's crush?

Guys I swear I tried to get a bf but I've been rejected. And it wasn't a Chad like you all like to think, my type is shy and quiet guys. Nobody would ever love me. Sorry for ruining the board, i'm just an insecure fucker

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What are (you) biologically?

Are you fat? That's a pretty important factor.

try harder you piece of shit

try talking to me femanon c:

I'm not.

Try harder too and stop saying it's easy for females then

would you be satisfied if someone beneath your consideration had a crush on you?

No one is beneath my consideration

no she would be disgusted as all women are
unless you are chad, then your attraction is not creepy

This is bullshit and we all know it.
Just be fucking honest!!
>this guy is attracted to you

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would you consider me? Aside from being like 40 lbs overweight and asking for gfs on Jow Forums i'm actually a moderately well put together guy.

You can send your discord to me here: [email protected] and we could talk.

That's not true. Seriously, stop with this. I can't prove to you that I wouldn't do that, but you also can't prove that I would.

Yes we can
>your female
>females are hypergamous and don't like men who are beneath them
>therefore, you are hypergamous and don't like men who are beneath you

Why would I date someone who's intellectually inferior than me?

He is mentally ill, of course I wouldn't consider it. Would you consider a chick with down syndrome?

How do you stills think, after months of baiting, that this is a genuine female.

have you ever tried looking for guys that like the same things you do?


Post them and receive boyfriend within the hour.

Guys we're probably far away :'(

won't know unless you tell us where you are. personally, i don't mind the distance.

Not dating a retard is understandable, but how smart are you in general?

Well I don't really feel comfortable sharing where I live cause it's unusual. I honestly do mind :c

Answer arriba arriba andale andale

If you don't wanna say the country say the continent or general area

>no one is beneath my consideration
>except 99.9999% of the male population because they live too far away

I see how it is now.

>unironically falling for this obvious bait

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just look at yourself

I really like cinematography, i'm trying to read more and I'm also into learning languages

Here user

Which cuntry?or at least east/west.

>my type is shy and quiet guys
Reporting in. Thing is you wouldn't notice if I'm crushing or not. Chances are other reserved, shy, quiet guys are like this too. So you will never know the truth.

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>not into vidya
yeah that's gonna be a problem. How are you completely vanilla. What the fuck. You're either in west europe or north

b r a z i l
pls be my gf

I'm so sorry. Distant relationships are different, I just don't want that pls dont be mad

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I honestly want to get into vidya but my pc broke more than a year ago and I still have to fix it, rip
I'm not from Brazil :c

So what country is it. An unusual country you say? So like Latvia/Lithuania around there?

Share your fucking country now. If that's your general attitude it's no wonder nobody will ever have a crush on you


or anywhere in new england really. I can drive

>all the virgins falling for this

I-im a fembot from Brazil user, i can be your gf if you want.

i want somebody to talk to please im going insane from the loneliness

Well then, how was your day, I guess?

Get a pet you nerd. Or go outside. The internet sucks

she's probably african or Indian and knows no one would want her on this site. everyones assuming she's white which is why they want to get with her

true girl incels have it the worst. they're low in number and discriminated hard by male incels

Fembot here, tell me about your average day and average interactions with people you know, I might come up with something.

Just tell us whether or not you're from the USA

Fine guys it's Italy.

utter shit as always

nao imaginava uma fembot brasileira no r9k

What bad things happened?

Real failed normalfags would be desperate to find a chocolate goddess or a curry queen, but sadly, even our normies are normies these days.

Stop, this is impossible.

My life is shit too high five c:

>my type is shy and quiet guys.
Shy and quiet chads you mean?

Don't worry, there must be some loser like me who loves/likes/whatever you.
I wasted all my school years like that and never told her :-)

I knew it was you Italian Fembot, every-time someone asks where you're from you get really hesitant about it.

got raped by a family member again yay

Please give details.

I just don't wan't to be recognized lmao I'm browsing too much these days I don't really like it

E MG do Sul, vc?



sou de SP

post your contact information dummy. this is your threads only purpose

You should definitely report that to the local authorities.

Hey, you sound like your still a youngin. Trust me girl there's plenty of fish in the sea. Same thing happen with me only I'm a fat chick, so image my surprise when I settled for a nerd my own size and the guy I was into before suddenly wants to be my boytoy.

You'll be fine

No it's not, i'm just sad and it's nice talking to people anonymously about it.

Thank you, that's really sweet of you

>when I settled for a nerd my own size and the guy I was into before suddenly wants to be my boytoy
Female incels, everyone. Also proof not to settle for incels, haha. You can always do better, gurl!

Questo non puo essere.
No puoi essere un ragazza (ragazza).

details about what? how many times he cummed on my face?

For example, you could tell us how/why you're getting raped by a family member multiple times.

Well I am, if I write in italian it doesn't let me publish it so yea. Also we're probably in different regions

Well I am, if I write in italian it doesn't let me publish it so yea. Also we're probably in different regions

Why do you think she/he knows why? She/he probably doesn't. Plus I think you should be more sensible about it

he pays the bills he owns the house and he also owns me apparently

>if I write in italian it doesn't let me publish it so yea
Non puoi usare gli accenti.

> I doubt you're italian shh
More Italian than you.

>Also we're probably in different regions

you should find a better master

Oh sono italian honey, diciamo che mi annoio un po' in questi giorni e non e' una brutta board desu e' tipo un guilty pleasure lmao

>Getting raped more than once in the #metoo era
>You like it, stop lying or report it.

oh boy its as if america is the only country that exists no?

You probably wonkt read this,
I used to think about getting a "significant other" a lot too, not too long ago.
Got to the point where i was actively making decisions for the highest chance of meeting someone. (E.g go the store instead of eating something from the fridge)
It was honestly depressing.
Had to force myself to think about it less, whenever a thought about such a decision came up, i cut myself off.
I think i'm happier now, perhaps a bit more confident. Still no gf though, but what happens, happens i guess.

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be my master

Only one that matters. If you live the 3rd world just kill him and take the house

okay, send me your discord and i will give you instructions. I'll get you into a much better situation.

[email protected]

Nord o sud?
Etnicamente italiana?



>he pays the bills he owns the house and he also owns me apparently

Chi cazzo e'?
Perche' non lo denunci?

ill be the one to add you

well i'm not posting my discord here so you're going to have to provide some contact detail for me to send it, you can send it to that email or you can post it here.

[email protected]