Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill myself right now

>once chance at life
>born ugly and low iq

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do you have long hair?


So you can show me your pussy

Ugly and low iq here too. Hard to find a reason, so I'm staying in the thread to see what other people say.

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user! This is no reason to kill yourself, okay?! Even if you lack knowledge and feel stupid, you don't have to be like this, even if its hard work you can learn and study more!
Also, being ugly is a subjective thing! Even if you are truly ugly, that doesn't mean you're totally screwed.

You too, user.

Both of you guys can find happiness in life that doesn't revolve around your looks or your IQ!

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Good to know there are still niceposters around :3

No matter how bitter and sad everybody seems, there always are going to be niceposters! Don't let any rudeposters get to you, okay?!

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Be my ugly friend, OP. I need an ugly friend so we can not kill ourselves together.

You can fix ugly with money if you cared that much.

I have 15k into my teeth because I have/had horrible horrible teeth. Next up is a nosejob desu.

I will become average looking one day, and so can you.

You are wrong faggot, you can't increase your IQ.
Also, life is pain, misery and suffering. Death is the only solution to all problems.
Kys now.

user, this is horrid! This is such a rude post.
..Why did you make this, user?! Are you having a particularly bad day..? Lets talk about it, okay?

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Because if you are alive you can do manyyyyyyy things

Actually IQ can be increased to a certain extent, but only through a decent amount of effort through activities that exercise your mind.

Do you have some evidence for this?
Post study that proves it.

Life is hell just, end it all.

it doesn't matter how hard I study if it takes me 20 times longer than stacey

and yeah, I'm ugly. stop it.

Don't forget mute, dummy.

>wants a study "proving" neuroplasticity, something that's been common knowledge for decades
Guess how I know you're a brainlet?

You don't have to be so RUDE.

Thank you for being neutral! Sometimes that can be appreciated even more than niceposting. I appreciate you!

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No, you can't... You can increase your crystallized IQ though.

all this talk about IQ just makes me want to end it

H-have I been figured out?

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>Born with cleft lip
>Have had plenty of surgeries
>Still ugly as fuck

Idno user some of us are just completely fucked

Yeah, but there is no study that shows that it is possible to increase the IQ.
Just kys fag.

Most people are able to increase their confidence/self-worth by focusing on positive traits of themselves rather than negative traits. If you have something positive about yourself that you can focus on, then you can increase your perceived self-worth.

There's still good things in life. Like pizza and stuff.

>There's still good things in life. Like pizza and stuff.
Not OP, but all you robots ever say is that women aren't allowed to eat or gain weight. So no, pizza is not something she will ever be able to enjoy.

Well, then how about other tasty things that aren't as rich in calories. Like tangerines and stuff.

I'm hoping to live long enough that I can upload myself to a computer. Maybe my current conscience will be destroyed, but at least the new me can enjoy life for once.

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But, user, if you eat pizza in moderation along with other non-calorie rich things, you can still enjoy it!

Tangerines are nice, good taste.

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>"Not supposed to eat or gain weight"
You not supposed to be obese, it's not hard if you care about yourself at all

One reason? Go lay down on your bed and stretch your legs, arms, and back. That awesome comfy feel is your reason. You wont find comfort in death.

>born ugly
>low iq

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I don't care about their weight as long as they're not morbidly obese. Getting to the point where you struggle to get off the toilet is a point where you're just slowly killing yourself.
I would help them if they really wanted it, but otherwise if they're not morbidly obese I don't care. I'm really lonely ;-;

>being this much of a brainlet
All you have to do is type "study increase iq" into google. It's that easy.

>This study aimed to replicate and extend the pilot findings of Cassidy et al. (2011) which found that teaching children to derive various relations among stimuli leads to increases in the full scale IQ scores of both typically developing children and those with educational and learning difficulties. In Experiment 1, fifteen 11-12 year old children were exposed over several months to an intensive training intervention to improve their understanding of the relations Same, Opposite and More and Less. Significant increases in full scale IQ of around one standard deviation were recorded for each child. In Experiment 2, the same intervention was delivered to thirty 15-17 year old children. Significant increases in verbal and Numerical Reasoning were recorded for almost every child.

I'm sorry you're so retarded user but look, there's hope for you. If you're willing to work hard then you can raise that depressingly low IQ of yours.

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There's no point in ruminating over your iq. If you have the mental faculties to hold a conversation with someone, be able to form opinions and have a world view, you have enough to be successful in most domains. Obsession and persistence supersedes intelligence. You might not become the best, but you can still rise high.

you cant be my wife if youre dead

kay sarah sarah
whatever will be will be

if you do some newcomer on Jow Forums will take your place, do you really want that?

You think that's bad?
>one chance in life
>born autistic female in a somewhat male body

If you're not happy, just end it. Death isn't a bad thing and suicide is your own right.

>you have the mental faculties to hold a conversation with someone, be able to form opinions and have a world view, you have enough to be successful in most domains.

>mfw I can barely do any of that.
Yes being low IQ is far worse than autism. At least with most high functioning autistic people they can do the bare minimum of driving a car, attending college, or working a menial job. With low IQ, you're not able to do much because you're intellectually held back from doing things effectively.

IQ has a lot to do about how you were raised so chances are you weren't born with a low IQ but born into a low IQ.