Dating a robot

I'm terminally depressed with a few other disorders in my bag, but i think i'm not a robot. I work full time and study.

How is the experience to date a robot? I met one. He lives a few cities away, and he's very nice and lovely to me.
However a thing makes me sad: He doesn't cares much about living. No apparent ambitions in life, no self care. The only thing he does is playing fps and mobas all day.

Can you change and influence someone to fix their lifes? Has it happened to anyone before?

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i wouldn't count on it. If he was addicted to games and despaired at his inability to control his habit then you could encourage him to stick to his goals, but if he has no will to be different then he won't be no matter how you try.

Ultimately he has to desire change in order to change. You can try to change him, but you'll only get frustrated when he resists.
Sometimes providing support and encouragement can be enough to foster such change, like giving him the nudge to do so.
But if he's completely content and okay with how he is now, then he may resent you for trying to change him.

>Can you change and influence someone to fix their lifes?
You can't change people!
Fucking women and fags i swear.
>he is satan the lord of darkness
>but i can change him

>fall in love with robot
>he has terrible hygiene and refuses to change
It was nice while it lasted.

roasties and ambition.(euphemism for money,status)
it never fucking ends.
these cunts want to force men into wagecucks to become their personal ATM.

>vidya addicts and drug users get gfs
>i can't get a gf

i know i'm no outstanding example of masculinity, but why do women have such awful taste?

Most people like this are pragmatists and won't do more than is necessary.
You need to explain why ambitions in life and self care are necessary, and what could be better than videogames.

It's possible sure but I think you won't succeed.

What does robot means here? (I'm not baiting)

>tfw no gf to push me into bettering myself to become a functional human being
The desire is there but the motivation is not... I need a cheerleader for my life.

I'm trying to do this for someone but he doesn't care enough to try. I think if you can't change by yourself it won't matter how much someone loves you and encourages you.

>I'm terminally depressed with a few other disorders
and has the nerve to try to change someone else

not him but i am changing. getting encouragement from a girl would make it easier to be sure.

What's funny is that I'm actually trying to do the same for a girl who is less functional than I am. Trying to give out encouragement and advice, but I feel like she resents me for it sometimes, even though I'm just trying to help because I genuinely care.

>Can you change and influence someone to fix their lifes.
No you can not force someone to change, getting into a relationship just to change then aiming to change the other person is wrong and will cause friction and resentment on both sides.

Change has to be started by the individual, change is a very personal process

If you do it without her wanting you to then you are basically just telling her that she's not good enough for you. It's hard to encourage people without hurting their feelings. I'm having a hard time getting the person I'm with to follow even a basic hygiene routine so he doesn't smell bad. It makes me want to quit.

That makes me sad... I wish i could encourage him to improve his life. I KNOW i can't ultimately force him to change his interests and i don't want to, i'd feel very bad for this actually. I want him to find his own passions and follow them by himself, with me on his side.

I'll stick together and see if i can be a support for him. Ultimately i don't have any other reason to live if things don't work, i don't think i'll find another person like him.

Why are you angry anyway?
I didn't said i wanted to change his interests to fulfill any kind of egoism. I want him to fix his life. Either get a job or study something so he doesn't ends in a bad place in the future, either if we stay together or things don't work, having basic ambitions in life are needed to survive.

If you go all autistic at people who love you and want you to be better, no wonder you're so bitter.

Fuck... i'm sorry to hear that user.

You either don't put yourself out there, is not a nice person, or didn't hit a lucky spot yet, idk. IF you don't have a relationship and is actively trying, you probably have something preventing you, and you need to realistically look at what is it and fix it.

Despite having these problems, the person i'm in love with is very nice, and handsome (he's kinda messy due to the lack of care, but still looks cute).

Where is the problem? Doesn't matter if i'm broken, that doesn't means i'm defeated yet, nor egoist. I can support someone and find my support there.

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>That makes me sad... I wish i could encourage him to improve his life. I KNOW i can't ultimately force him to change his interests and i don't want to, i'd feel very bad for this actually. I want him to find his own passions and follow them by himself, with me on his side.
>I'll stick together and see if i can be a support for him. Ultimately i don't have any other reason to live if things don't work, i don't think i'll find another person like him.

Have you ever told him any of this
relationships are built on communication

hearing this might inspire him to change
note communicating your feelings like this isnt forcing him to change. Nagging and ultimatiums & guilt trips are what I would consider forcing

I've tried dating robot girls but it never goes anywhere. I'm not even bad looking, some top stacies have had crushes on me but I was too socially retarded to notice, I never found out until months later after they moved on.

Anyway, literally every robot girl has either ghosted me or left me on read. I dunno if it is me or them or that they are scared of me. Back when I was in school I used to project my sexual frustration and loneliness onto beating the shit out of certain chads if they crossed the line with me. Do they think i'm a loose cannon or is it to do with them?

you can encourage him, but if he doesn't want to you'll sound like a nag. How long will you stick by him if he makes no improvements? How will he know he needs to make improvements to have a good relationship if you give him one without the improvements? You're endorsing his behavior by staying with him, and if leaving him doesn't cause him to grow from his current state, then it's clear that you don't mean all that much to him.

>I don't have any other reason to live if things don't work

sounds like a recipe for codependence. You'll support his poor lifestyle and he'll feed you a starvation diet of companionship, just enough to keep you going but not enough to make you happy. Good luck with that.

Blows my mind how "robots" get female attention.

I dont talk to anyone on or offline
I post here maybe 4-5 times a week at most

Videogames can be an intense passion and source of joy, and I think that's something you're failing to understand.
You're not explaining why, from this persons perspective, he's sad or defeated. That's your assumption.
You're making the classic mistake of trying to change things without making any attempt to understand them.

It's very fortunate for you that it's very easy to get people to explain things rather than change them. So that should be your first step. Understanding.

You gotta actually talk to people to have a relationship with a person

>Videogames can be an intense passion and source of joy,
lol I loved video games growing up but at 28 it just seems like I'm running away from living my life. Escapism isn't living. If he's content with playing video games then maybe he hasn't realized that this is the only life he has and it's gonna be full of regret when he's older and realized his entire life was spent chasing imaginary goals inside of virtual worlds.
Vidya is a fun recreational activity, but it should never be used as a replacement for one's life.

Well what is life but the pursuit of happiness?
If videogames make you happy, you seem to have an exceptionally simple life laid out before you.

It's only people who expect more of you who will interfere with this.
And it's extremely easy to tell them to go fuck themselves and ignore them.

If you become important in his life, he is sure to listen to you. Give him a reason to want to do things, whether he uses the thought of you as motivation or you reward him with something (get your mind out of the fucking gutter) like cookies or playing something with him when he does something that helps him out of NEETdom

>talk to people
not very robot behaviour :^)

Sometimes just being there is a motivational force for him to improve. I know it work for me for awhile until things became distant and unclear.

So if your trying this try to figure out what's bothering him because it might not be loneliness mix with finding someone to love. Grant it he might have fallen into the giving up aybass which is tricky to get out. Try to be around him, face to face contact does wonders in long run but is anxiety inducing in the short term. I say this because your presence and if you form a connection can be a motivator for him to build a future.