But in order to attract women, you need to be valuable to women.
This value can come from physical appearance, but there is more to it.
Looks alone are not a deal maker. You need to be interesting and have hobbies and connections.
>Maybe you play guitar and are working with some bandmates on your first album >Maybe you do art or cosplay or photography and make friends and connections all the time >Maybe you give back to the community or the world at large, teaching inner city kids or providing medical care to Africa >Maybe you have thousands of friends and can always find someone to help you move in exchange for a couple drinks and some pizza
My point is, you need to broaden your horizons and find something of value you can bring to the table.
Nothing I said has anything to do with gender roles. It has always been this way.
Jacob Allen
i bring independence and security. I own my own house and take care of myself, and entertain guests.
Luis Thompson
>being this much of a sexist and denying your promotion of male gender roles in 2018
Levi Fisher
>expecting males to bring more to the table than they are fuck off roasties
Nathaniel Gray
Everyone can offer that. You have to be interesting.
Oh, you are upset that women dont take the initiative in the scenario I laid out. Huh.
Males need to do more to make themselves valuable if they dont measure up.
Aiden Baker
>Maybe you play guitar and are working with some bandmates on your first album How is that useful to her? >Maybe you do art or cosplay or photography and make friends and connections all the time How is that useful to her? >Maybe you give back to the community or the world at large, teaching inner city kids or providing medical care to Africa How is that useful to her? >Maybe you have thousands of friends and can always find someone to help you move in exchange for a couple drinks and some pizza How is that useful to her? You can hire a moving company.
Stop baiting.
Zachary Wood
im UPSET that you force your gender roles on males in my safe space. i made no mention of rosties.
Ryan Evans
i have money a good degree loyalty a 7.5 inch dick youth
>i bring independence and security. I own my own house and take care of myself, >Everyone can offer that. Uh, no alot can't are you retarded
Owen Sullivan
All of those things prove your worth as a man and a human being.
Aaron King
>worth as a man >worth as a human being How do you measure this worth?
Brody Hernandez
playing guitar proves your worth as a man and a human being?
i dont need to prove anything to any rostie. sexist pig, go force your gender roles elsewhere like Saudi Arabia
Connor Baker
It lets women brag to their friends they have an artist as a boyfriend. Otherwise their boyfriend may be boring.
Christian Myers
lel. legit boomers talking about hash dens and nazis
Alexander Roberts
why dont they just abandon their friends?
Eli Robinson
would they rather brag that their boyfriend has a house rather than is a starving artist in an apartment with his 5 roommates
Elijah Russell
Because friends are important to Maslows Hierarchy of Human Needs.
Levi Lee
because women's worth doesn't originate from themselves, but derives from what other women think of them.
Jacob Edwards
Because they literally get more social value in return from the artist boyfriend.
Why do you think women date guys who dont have their loves together but have one interesting quality?
Brayden Lewis
friends are just holding you back
Charles Martin
Yeah and you know what comes before friends on the hierarchy of needs? shelter clothes food financial security personal security
They don't more social value from their artist boyfriend than they would a man with MONEY.
Alexander Edwards
Clearly you have never met any women before.
Jayden Young
a man doesnt need any money, sexist pigs.
>2018 >believing in gender roles
Juan Turner
But Maslow's Hierarchy isn't backed by data at all; quite the opposite actually. It's pop-science at best
Aiden Hernandez
Are you stupid? The very notion that males have to bring something but females don't, is in fact gender roles which have no place in an equal feminist society. You're saying females don't have to keep their role and be the sexual selectors but males have to keep ours. All of this t. retard Not everything is about data you idiot, do you even study STEM?
Connor Brooks
So if i want a woman who doesn't give a shit about the opinion of others and thinks with her own head, i'm pretty much out of luck?
Ethan Harris
If you make a model of what the human psyche is like, you better have a lot of data to back it up - or you're a quack. What I study has little to do with it; it's one of the most contested, yet still circulated psychological theories. Lawfag here
Why else would women date losers, gangbangers and other scum? They get something to bring about and such.
David Cook
It's funny you post these yellow texts but fail to explain what this 'brings' to the relationship. How exactly does a woman benefit from her partner contributing his time and energy to charity? It only detracts from the time and energy he can expend on her or gathering things for her. As pointed out by and hilariously expanded upon in the replies. Worth as a human being from playing gitah lol.
Nice try though here's your (You)
Liam Torres
Women get to brag and gain social cred from other women. Their brains work differently than men.
Ethan Perez
This is literally just a nice way of saying "women are narcissistic social parasites who gossip and destroy everyone around themselves in their vanity".
Matthew Thompson
Yes, and? You are the guys obsessed with womenz
William Price
Why do they need to live vicariously through men? Why can't they live their own lives?
I think women never evolved past being dragged around by their hair.
Liam Barnes
Who said I was obsessed with women? Why not, instead of us capitulating to their bullshit, we as men just do what we need to do?