Female standards

Take a gander at this female reject 20 chads and brads in a matter of 5 mins (manlets be ware, you've been warned)

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1920x1080, 190K)

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Source for that graph?

(i'm getting muted somehow)

this video fucking gets me angry

welcome to the club oringinal

what i found interesting was the look on her face when even just one guy leaves. she looks absolutely stunned, like she cannot comprehend how someone doesn't find her attractive.
and i dont mean a look of feeling bad or even insulted, because everyone would feel at least a little bit bad if that happened to them, but that look on her face is straight up "wow are you seriously not attracted to me?".

Holy shit this average looking asian thot got 20 guys interested in her and basically told them all if they don't meet some arbritratilly specific criteria to fuck off no guy could ever do this unless he was fucking famous

I would've left b/c I wanted to crush her esophagus lmao

>Can't be younger than me cos it reminds me of my brother
>Even one month younger is too young

That's a lot of mental gymnastics to avoid saying "I like older men", I wonder how she lives constantly thinking of her brother like that.

>I'm 5'6 so 5'11 minimum
Top kek

I'd be happy to do that to someone this insufferable.

I would have left right at the start.
she was not that attractive

seconded, her face is very punch-able, especially when she frowns


>I'm 5'6 so 5'11 minimum
I didn't watch it, because I am getting second hand shame and the cringe is hurting my face, but I fully expected her to say something like that. I've had a short girl reject me for being too short, despite me being a full head over her.

>Mad hamplanet detected

Here's the overarching blackpill about female sexuality-there's no set demographic of attraction for them. They'll always want the top 20%

Take height for example, several hundred years the average height was around 5'6", yet all women want at least 6' and higher depending on her own height. So a Chad today could be the virgin tomorrow.

This is a very sensible discussion of the problem. Now, compare this to the divide and conquer, anti male shit stirring approach the mass media takes, with the goal of getting everybody fighting

why the fuck do you even come to this board?


Same reason as everyone else. To talk shit and be depressed about my current situation.
I'll fuck your man.

>not denying being a hamplanet

No you won't, cause I don't have one, and if I did we'd be gay so he wouldn't want to fuck your body that probably smells like sauerkraut and trash fatty

I'm not but would it matter if I was?

She's like a 5, or a 6 at best if you're into asians maybe, and insists on all men being this much taller than her.
Also she said 5'11 to the camera and told the guys 5'10 was minimum like a few seconds after, she's very thoroughly dislikeable. I hope she's forever alone desu, she can literally breathe and get lots of cucks who'll worship her but none are a 40 yr old 6 figure earning 6'5 beasts with a jaw sharp enough to cut diamonds so fuck even considering them.

I get why this happens, I don't feel particularly personally attacked, but it's so blatantly ridiculous. How does someone think like this lmao.

There was a chinlet who made it a lot of the way through and I was just feeling bad for him, poor guy probably thought he had a chance lmao.

My pussy gets really wet when you talk to shit to me daddy.

No it doesn't, you're tearing up in front of your screen right now aren't you

Oh yes I'm close, keep going!

>I like to drink
>I like to dance
>I don't want a baby until after at least 7 years, I want to fucking travel instead

Honestly I'd just get up and fucking leave off of that alone, what the fuck does someone do with their life that they plan to travel for 7 years.

Okay then cum for me already, this is the closest you're getting to a real man for a while hammy

She's basically saying she wants a daddy that'll pay for her to live the high life without any commitment if you didn't realize already

it's about time you guys discovered coltaine, he's one of the intellects we need to decipher the bullshit that is love/sex in this day and age.

Probably plans to go to other countries to get shitfaced in a different setting without enjoying the actual places too from the sounds of it too.

I love when people pose as me. But yes I am getting closer. Fuck mi. Pussy boi.
Also just so you know. I'm hot af and have a boyfriend.

already linked here
>Not MGTOW divide and conquer shit stirring and agitation
He's legit

He's still providing incels with ammo

height eliminated all the Asians.

>subhuman race that doesn't even want to date themselves

Asian women do this all this time it's literally their reason for not dating Asian men.

>it would be like dating my brother.

>i'm 5'6
>Oh shit we're getting thanos'd
damn they knew it was coming too, feelsbadman

I'm 6'4 and good looking,
but I would've been in the first round of rejections because I don't like dancing

They're good goyim who cannot quell their emotions. The elite rule the world for a reason, and that is basically it.

Women suck at emotional attachment, conversations and relationships, relationships themselves are simply resources and effort moving from the man to the woman, women simply exist and only ever do something when the man is about to go awol. This is why men don't bother with standards. Women are the same useless drag on your life wrapped up in better or worse packaging.

if you're a jew i wish upon you the cruelest of deaths

Women are essentially cowards playing for the approval and jealousy of their female friend. They fuck for other people.

If you think making a sandwich is too much work or offensive please leave. Zero females left.

Shit, glad I'm not into Asians then, having to hear that shit tier excuse would give me a fucking stroke.