Do you really believe that if you're overweight, skelebones, or generally willingly unhealthy, that you SHOULD feel shame?
Do you really believe that if you're overweight, skelebones, or generally willingly unhealthy...
I’ve been all 3, fat, skele and muscular.
Currently muscular, and yes I can say by far I am treated the best in a muscular condition.
Being skeleton you’re treated as a weakling, beta, invisible, you may aswell not even exist.
Being fat you’re treated as an annoyance, problem, a nuance, people are offended by your existence.
Being muscular you’re admired, respected and assumed alpha, people look at you and can’t help but feel positive because their unconsciousness is amazed by your presence.
I guess it could be more so about the fact that skelly and fat are more common, and a true well built body is extremely rare to come by now days.
If you are a drain on society through your own fault, you should feel shame
i’d say only fat people. fatness takes work to get to, it’s a reflection of poor choices for many years in most cases. skinny people probably just never played sports, and if they can have a successful life so be it.
>t. former “obese” bmi now upper end of “normal”
You SHOULD however, realize that it's unhealthy and start exercising ASAP.
I don't care what people do as long as they don't care what I do. I have fat friends, skinny friends, skinnyfat friends, fit friends, but I don't have friends who bitch about people fitter than them.
oh sweety... why would I date some meathead who spends all his time in the gym when I can date Bob from accounting who will take care of me financially?
You date Bob and fuck the meathead.
shame is a social construct, just live in the woods in isolation and you can do whatever the fuck you want
I felt terrible when I was fat and getting in shape was the decision of my life. Both males and females treat me much better.
How bout being Bob AND being fit, you fucking retard?
Work out, so you can sleep better, handle disease better, be more attractive, have less mood swings.
I replied to the wrong guy, I mean this
Girls don't like Jow Forums bodies. You can't be Jow Forums, have a good job and have a good relationship all at once.
Nice biased google search, faggot.
Too bad NONE of the girls I asked about this confirmed.
Keep dreaming.
>"You can't be Jow Forums, have a good job and have a good relationship all at once."
Wow. You really like to lie to yourself.
Do you know how fucking easy it is to have an attractive body (not arnold or any bodybuilder) by just going to the gym 3 times a week and doing sets of 5 reps?
I'm overweight and the only reason I'm being motivated at all is through shame. I still hate doing all of this but it's better than being a lardass.
>"Girls don't like Jow Forums bodies."
Yet another faggot who thinks he'll look too muscly by accident.
It's always the same with you fuckers.
good god man
Most of the women surveyed were on BC pills or drinking water that was heavily polluted with BC.
That's not even mentioning how women find different body types different depending on what part of their cycle their own and immedate social surroundings.
That test is as useful as reading tea leaves.
Yes, and you should funnel that negative emotion into improving your life.
Yes, of course. Shame is an essential driver on the road towards self improvement.
Bullying builds character for the meek and easily trampled on too. It's pretty important.
Been all 3 as well, kind of different results, which makes me believe that in the end personality is what truly matters:
I was the absolute soul of the party, they even had a “phat” suffix on my name every time they talked about me. Got laid fairly often.
People always complimented my fashion and how the way I looked. Didn’t got laid as much, highschoolers always asked me if I was selling drugs.
By far the worst of the worst. You might truly go unoticed here, since you’re the “average” body. Fashion is average as well. What really made me stand up was my attitude, but still, while skinnyfat is also fairly easy to get laid.
>Jow Forums:
It was like setting Tinder on tutorial mode. Everyone looked up on me. My closest friends mentioned my drastic changes often. I feel better about everything overall most of the time. Fashion is harder now, but now my personality doesn’t have to complement anything, since I’ve sculpted my body just as well.
So, in your study, none of the women took birth control pills?
Just ask your girl friends (assuming you even have any) if they prefer a moderately buff guy or a fucking twig/dad bod. Go ahead.
I myself have onced posted a pic with 4 guys
an average guy, michael phelps, a weight lifting champ, and a bodybuilder, and asked women friends and some anons which they prefered.
Michael Phelps or the body builder were always the prefered type.
Funneling negative emotion is what people who have severe issues(momentary or unfortunately permanent) do.
Relatively mentally healthy people don't use those emotions to do anything, they do things to understand lessen and finally aleviate them and live a better life.
It's not a fuel. It's a cue that something is wrong.
Because that's how you deal with bad emotions.
It's like pouring the gas out of the car and putting acid into the tank.
Learn to read studies, dumb meatheads. Lifting for girls is the most beta thing you can do, especially when they don't even want you to be muscular.
>reads one kike study that says girls prefer dad bods
>"hurrr durrr I'm not gonna work out cause I'll instantly look like schwartzneger"
*Michael Phelps or the weightlifting champ
>do you believe that if you're not the best version of yourself, that you SHOULD feel shame?
Fixed that for you.
And, yes, you should. We all should, provided it will motivate and not terminally depress us.
. . .said the NEET permavirgin fatass. . .
>it's actually several
You actually have a 2 digit IQ, meathead.
>reddit ellipses
I have a girlfriend because I'm not a dumb fuck >
How many women surveyed?
How old were they?
What options were thy given for them to choose?
Can't find this anywhere, really triggers one's almonds...
no, but you should not feel proud either.
>was 262lb 5'9 fatty in september
>fasted for 50 days down to 195lb
>now down to 163lb via IF and OMAD
>went from invisible to girls to now they compliment me daily and actively acknowledge my existence
>coworkers amazed at weight loss
>more confident than i've ever been in my life
yeah fuck being fat desu.
This study only says that women like the dad bod.
It doesn't say if they prefer moderately muscular guys, how convenient...
And EVEN STILL, only 47% prefer it over the six-pack.
Only if it's a transformative emotion for you.
I have been all three and being fat was the worst
I didn't like how I looked and keep in mind I am 5,11 and have never weight more than 200 pounds in my life and when I did weight 200 pounds I couldn't even look at my self I the mirror
So I can't understand 300 pound plus fatties
Know I rather starve my self to death than be fat
She will be with bob and than go fuck Chad when he is not looking
I guess extremely successful fit attractive
And educated(He speaks german) chads don't exist