I'm horny, user. P-please take responsibility and help me relieve myself

I'm horny, user. P-please take responsibility and help me relieve myself.

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You can hold it inside forever

It might be time to post your discord qt.

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C-can we not do it here?

You don't have to tell me twice, user.

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Wh-what are we going to do?

It all depends on what you want to do, do you like instructions?

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Just a little teasing unless user starts to touch himself~

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Y-yes. I can follow instructions for you..

P-please tease me...

>why do you even DESERVE to be relieved

Because.. because I can't hold it any longer!

user's so cute! Are you going to thank me for showing up like the good boy you are, user?

>Because.. because I can't hold it any longer!
On second thought, you might just want to start taking out your cock and stroking it right now, user. Just slowly! I want to get the most of out my user.

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What do you want to stroke your little thing about today, user? Pinning down a breedable body or submitting yourself?

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Begin with very light touching, only first finger and thumb. Do not cum without permission

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Y-yes.. thank you. I started stroking... and I'm already wet. I really want to cum.. but I'll wait for permission..

A-anything. Whatever lewd things you have!

Sorry I take so long to type with one hand!

Op you fuck.

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>I started stroking... and I'm already wet. I really want to cum..
>Already near
I really do love a cute cock, OP but please do hold on just a little longer, okay? Don't you want to get the most out of this fap~? Tell me, what's on user's mind right now aside from being milked by lewd anons.

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take a seat sir, we'll get you fixed up

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I-Im sorry... it's just that getting milked by anons makes me feel really good. It's like my mind goes numb and I can't think about anything else. I'm addicted to it!

What are you talking about user? We are all cute girls here

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Whats with japs and "taking responsibility." It sounds autistic as fuck and yet it comes up extremely often in hentai and shit


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Awww, so user likes being a little cow for strangers? That's totally adorable! Okay, user. Speed up your strokes just a little, pause if you get near. Don't forget, you cum on my command. Keep milking.

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Y-yes! I'm a little masochistic cow for anons to use whenever they want. I'm going faster but.. I'm really pathetic.. I'm c-close already.

It might be time to start using your other hole OP. Press and rub the area between your genitals and your anus, a little bit closer to your boi hole but not on it

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>I'm c-close already.
>I'm really pathetic.
Pathetic is right. You better hold you and your dumb cock back just a little longer, do you understand? Just one more post, user.

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P-please! I can't keep going! I'm begging, please let me cum!

Y-yes.. okay. Just one more post.. I can do it, for you.

Okay, OP! Let it all out for me and the other anons! Beat that dumb cock into oblivion and cum really hard for us! Give us that stupid NEET milk, please! I want it so bad!

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Not that user, but I decided to fap along with you guys and I just busted a big load to you

No! Stop! I won't allow it! Did you think it was gonna be that easy OP? Keep on edging, I want to hear you beg

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A-ah.. I-I came like a submissive little cow. Th-thank you.. I'm sorry that my pathetic cock couldn't last longer..

I-I'm so sorry! I couldn't hold it! P-please don't be mad..