Is it normal to be a male in early 20s and feel the need to have children?
I don't even care about getting a gf.
Is it normal to be a male in early 20s and feel the need to have children?
You can always adopt one.
well duh, of course your supposed to want to have children. If you don't it's because you think it's too dangerous to raise them right now
It's good and healthy yea. Talk about it openly with women it may well get you laid.
I say utterly autistic shit on the matter usually going on how i'll raise my 'warrior sons' and it fnlly got me laid.
it's normal but it still makes you a cuck to biology.
I feet the same, always have dunno why since it won't happen anyway. I'd adopt if possible. I just really like kids over all really
yeah you bropaply just have an average to below average IQ- so your animalistic instincts are stronger .
Nope not normal at all. You're probably some white nationalist "traditionalist" who spends too much time watching Varg videos and getting "redpilled" on Jow Forums.
what are you even saylng
Too bad I'm too poor and socially retarded.
I hope to someday get a wife that's 15 years younger than me
>If you don't it's because you think it's too dangerous to raise them right now
what do you mean by dangerous?
and like said, talking about having kids (in a cute, semi joking, semi sincere manner) CAN get you laid in the right situations
Yeah it's normal, but get a decent job first.
I don't care about getting laid with a woman so impressionable
she wouldn't make a good mother
you're a fucking faggot homosexual flaming candyass! is what u r
what's more ur fucking dangerous, ur the worst, get the fuck out of existence and never come back in the most burning way
it's normal, but just watch moe anime instead
you're a fucking animal op, ur a demon. if you impregnate a woman she could have Siamese twins. think about somebody but yourself for fucking once. cut off your nuts and bleed out for your thoughtcrime.
what's more OP, you're a spineless coward. When I orgasm I say to myself "I will NEVER HAVE CHILDREN"
you don't have a self if you want kids. and i'm gonna take what's left.
they say reincarnation is real. but you are going to cease to exist for eternity. sure, you will pop in and out of existence, prove you have no willpower and are thus a leech and be abandoned as a baby and die forever.
why moe anime?
moe characters are made in a way to evoke feelings of nurture, makes you want to protect them, like a father or an old brother
not financially stable
you don't want your children to grow up poor do you?
.t I don't need my meds
For you my good sir
Actually that's my biggest fear, not being able to take care of my children
I'm not having any until I get a decent job and meet a woman who'd be a good mother
humans like animals tend to survive, rich people usually lose their virginity after compared to poor people wich, unlikely, tend to put up a family in their early 20s. the human can guess his life expectation, he can feel it and act accordingly at it. maybe you feel the urge to have a family cause you are afraid that you wont have a bright future?
why you put an image of freud?
>why you put an image of freud?
didn't know what to put in the OP but I guess Freud talked about human insticts so why not him
>I guess Freud talked about human insticts so why not him
wow, are you american? i can see you are well educated
rude also stop taking everything literally
Don't play dumb. You know these people.
shltty bait
tipical american
you do realize youre the male version of a tradtho roastie then right?
typical fucking eurotrash elitist, hey eurocuck, how does muzzy dick taste faggot? couldnt hear you over the sound of all my guns, big tittied unraped women, non muzzy and african aids infested, freedom of speech bald eagle land over here stupid nigger kike lover
>you do realize youre the male version of a tradtho roastie then right?
how shallow are you
>gathering shallowness from that post
you're a special kind of stupid if you cant understand facetiousness user
great dmg ctrl
great penis sucking nigger
>Tumblrina who thinks pregnancy is a form of 9 month long rape detected
You are supposed to spread your genes, not to take care of those shitlings.
Its not normal you were brainwashed to keep the economy running, every smart, educated and self-aware person doesnt want children. Or you just dont want to die alone
is this what bitter virgins actually believe
Not virgin, try again.
so whv are you here