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is that bradley martyn?


yh, thumbnail for his latest vid

you mean calves?

Just about everyone is going to looks like they have chicken legs in baggy shorts. Only way to pull it off is with massive calves.

Oh yea totally OP you are right Lol better hit the squat rack Lol am I right or what

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Who tf incline presses 35

BM trains legs and squats more than you, OP

People who understand sets of 20-30 are more useful for hypertrophy than 3x5 past the novice stage
(Just calculate the volume yourself - more volume + easier recovery from said volume = more gains)

not enough androgen receptors down there, sorry mr. intercellular water retention guy!

OP wishes he had an ass like Bradley martyn

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>sets of 20-30
I thought that 7-9 was the usual range for optimal hypertrophy?

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Someone only strong enough to press 35s

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Jävla Bert.

t. Guy who can only incline press 35
Kek ur small bud

Do my legs look smol

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all of you looks small

A front pic like that is the least flattering angle unless you are pulling up those shorts.

nah they look pretty average for your build. Wouldn't warrant a second glance anyway.

>shorts below knee
end ur life friendo

Thank you
Can't tell if bait
>Unironically giving a shit about what people wear

Never said I did. I was only implying your question was retarded and obvious, which is true.

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take that damn necklace off. This isnt 2002

Calves look good.

he squats 5 plates

bro wtf i have those same shorts and my legs look big af in them
DYEL mode

>he doesn't wear extra long basketball shorts at the gym

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Yesterday you said today!

homosex begone

Legs look small cuz you have a fitting shirt but shorts for an obese
Get properly fitting shorts
Also get a shirt that's not so damn loud

>what are calves
im just going to assume this is bait

do my legs look smol

Attached: legs.jpg (382x529, 58K)

youre fat as fuck
otherwise youd get closer to that mirror and show us your ass, faggot

fake natty

>fat as fuck
>nearly have striations in quads

u wat m8

Barrelchested spaghettiarms


clearly you are/were malnourished/overnourished look at that Ricketts-tier tibia

>not wearing running shorts for maximum comfy

how skinny are your legs to feel the need on getting this defensive and attempt to shit on the angle of my leg lul

i hate these type of shorts
it screams you don't know shit about fashion
just wear these instead and it wiwll actally show your legs

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Yesterday was push day.

Strangely kingdom hearts
Stop wearing shoes that are too big

Lol no, are you dumb
Thank you
Does loud mean tight? This shirt is old
I don't care much for arms
I just want to be strong
Man you guys are retarded

Lol what
They're perfectly sized, if anything they're a little tight

and your shirt is too small. the more I look at this the more I laugh. you'll never make it with those aesthetics.

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this is the internet buddy
back to 9gag with ye

Loud means there's a lot going on
If someone has to stand there and study your shirt to see what it all means, then it's doing too much.

Its just a dude standing over a barbell?

Jesus. Go to /fa/ and aware yourself on fashion faux pas

above the knee shorts looks like you're desperately trying to look like you're from a european country and makes you look like an autistic retard

congrats... you're both retarded

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>people talking about his size and fashion

Or just be tall. All all shorts are above knee.


what if I'm actually from a european country

I know you read on reddit that Jow Forums is a scarry place full of racists but you're trying too hard to fit in here sweetie

Fucking faggot, nothing more a fit man needs to know about fashion than well fitting plain t shirts and jeans

>calling someone a sandnigger is reddit