You're wearing normal clothes (Jeans, T-Shirt, Hoodie, sneakers)

You're wearing normal clothes (Jeans, T-Shirt, Hoodie, sneakers)

You're going to get dropped of one of the places in the picture and have to survice for 3 weeks. All of the places are abandoned, you won't find anyone else in those 3 weeks.

Top left: Sand desert, Libya

Top right: Tropical island, Thailand

Bottom left: Jungle, Australia

Bottom right: Forest, Siberia

Pick one of the places and 3 of the listed items and explain why.

Attached: PickOnelul2.png (1125x652, 1023K)

any location with trees

10 meters of rope, a backpack for the rope while I travel, flashlight so I can find a good tree if it gets dark

Top right, tropical so lots of life, not too hot, not too cold, probably no fucking nasty spiders and shit.

Id take the machete, fishing rod and backpack. Just make a little shelter with big palm leaves and have a comfy time on the beach.

This except Id take the water over the backpack. Those plastic bottles are going to come in handy

Honestly, I couldn't survive in any of those places, so...
>Siberia (because trees)
>10 meters rope
>Swiss army knife
>energy bars

>use the knife to cut some rope for a noose
>eat the energy bars as a pre-suicide snack.
>hang myself before a bear or something can kill me

tropical island. 5L water. matches and saucepan.
if i can find a soruce of freshwater i could boil it in the saucepan and drink it. Maybe catch fish in the water. outlook: bad

6 Minutes. I was expecting this to be the first answer lol.

can you make fire by rubbing sticks? How are you going to cook the fish you catch?

Australia is the only sane option. Siberia and Libya and its over in 3 days. Thailand limits you to an island too small for water sources outside of rainfall.

Australia (outside of the desert regions) has a very temperate climate, it also has water and people to find. I could probably go 2 weeks without food based on my current bf% and fasting experience.

Island. Matches, fishing rod, saucepan.
Can make fires to boil water, so no need for water bottles. Fishing rod will let me catch shit if I can dig up some worms (was gonna choose machete in this spot but it's unnecessary) and the saucepan can boil water or hold food/liquids.
Everything else I'd need could be done by hand.

>if i can find a soruce of freshwater i could boil it in the saucepan and drink it. Maybe catch fish in the water. outlook: bad

Yeah, you have to go with the island IF it has a fresh water source. But that's a big IF.

I go with the matches, the water, and the knife, and try my luck in the Australian jungle. More chance of finding a fresh water source before my water runs out.

Use the knife to sharpen a branch into a spear. Start a fire and use it to harden the spear point. Then hope to hell I can find a stream where I can do some spear fishing for just enough food to last three weeks. It's a long shot, but it's better than the other choices.

You might be able to make it for three weeks by using one of the empty water bottles as a cooking container to make ant or grub soup, if you can't catch any fish.

Just gimme the rope and I'm good to go

>Bottom left: forest land
I can tap it for green mana
>5 litres of water
It might be tough to find water
>Large backpack
Useful for storing things
>10 meters of rope
Can be woven into useful items and is far long enough to solve all of my problems.

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Boiling salt water doesn't make it drinkable

did you miss fpbp

Australia, definitely. Getting killed by a horde of venomous spiders is still better than dying of thirst or cold in any of the other options.
The most versatile options seem to be rope, machete and saucepan. Carrying the rope will be a pain in the ass, though.

>Boiling salt water doesn't make it drinkable

I think that user was saying he would boil any fresh water he found. He's probably worried about parasites.

water, energy bars, small tent, on the island

and praying for survival

machete, rod, pan. spend the first few days setting up shelter, water purification, fire, bait for fish, etc, then the rest of the 3 weeks fishing and hanging out on the beach and enjoying life.
every other answer is retarded, you'll either die to the environment or fuck yourself over by falling for the water/energy bar bait.

I was hoping for serious answers so I held myself back :p

>I could probably go 2 weeks without food based on my current bf% and fasting experience.

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imagine being this retarded. holy shit

>You might be able to make it for three weeks by using one of the empty water bottles as a cooking container to make ant or grub soup, if you can't catch any fish.

MMmmmmmmmm delicious grubs

It does if you catch the steam in a contraption made of liter bottles

>every other answer is retarded

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Fuck off.

for boiling riverwater and cooking shit.
>fishing rod
earthworms are everywhere therefore unlimited fish
for obvious reasons.

unli Food -check, unli water -check, fire --check and keked

Can use the bottles to distill more water and also start a fire using the sun.
best tool all around
>small tent
I'd rather not die from biters in my sleep


Could be a fresh source of water and possibly wild animals. Plenty of fish and wood for shelter

Venomous animals and humid climate, probably little water

Probably would pick if not dangerous animals like wolves

That being said I'd pick the island. I would bring the machete to cut down small trees and possibly for defence, a saucepan for cooking food and boiling water and a large backpack.

I don't need a fishing rod, but it would be nice. Instead I can make a spear out of a stick and hunt crabs or any fish that I find. The backpack would be very useful for obvious reasons and the saucepan would help me get fresh water and cooked food.

Water, matches, fishing rod
Tropical island.
I have 2 days to establish a water source. Make a hut, fish and look for coconuts and other edible stuff.

>Nice climate, so don't have to worry about keeping yourself warm/cool
>Pretty rainy, so could set up rain collector
>Won't be any major predators on an island that small
>Could get fish, and plants for food

>also start a fire using the sun
explain lol

>having access to infinite food and water is retarded
holy shit dude

You didn't choose a location. Siberia picked by default:

You have died from exposure.

Basically use the bottles like a magnifying glass

Water, water everywhere... go on, give it a drink

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drink the water anyways, cry all the salt out


5 litres of water so I don't die the first week if I don't find water.
Large backpack to carry the water and other things I may find.
10 energy bars + any food I can find should keep me alive for 3 weeks.

The jungle should have the most comfortable temperature and there is lots of vegetation you could eat.

Desert and Snow are obviously the worst environments due to little resources and shitty temps. Jungle is full of poisonous shit and infection, leaving my tropical paradise where I can pull a Tom hanks and eat fish and jerk off into the sunset

tent (you can use the poles for finishing, and the plastic for collecting rain water)

anyone who says otherwise is a retard

>thinks the tropical paradise is less poisonous/dangerous than the jungle
Okay, buddy. Do you know where your handler is?

You didn't choose a land! Siberia has been chosen by default:

You have died from exposure.

user you're being silly. Everybody knows the jungle is 5x more poisonous than the island. and there's nowhere to hide either

I'm surprised I was the first to say that as well. Maybe everyone on this board is secretly some sort of survival expert.

>tent (you can use the poles for finishing, and the plastic for collecting rain water)

OK, this is a good idea dude. OUTSTANDING.

Not really, where are you gonna get fishing line for the poles? Unless you use them as a spear

They're usually held together by some form of rope. I don't know how long it is if you remove it, but it may work ask a fishing line

Island, machete, fishing rod, water

Energy bars, water and machete.
>eat energy bars
>wash down with water
>sudoku myself with machete

It is less dangerous because there won't be any large predators on the tropical island, but there will be in the jungle.

I'm not sure why the Siberian forest or desert are even listed as options. At least with the jungle and island there's a tradeoff between how much food is likely to be available and the risks of jungle wildlife, but the other two are extremely harsh environments for someone in street clothes and there's no upside to taking them because there's no rewards in either.

Austrailia, I suppose.
The Lord will provide.

Matches, saucepan and tent.

Australia because i live here and know the environment, it's also not that harsh.

Matches and saucepan because i need water and i couldn't light a fire by primitive means probably and couldn't survive on only 5 litres but i could keep a fire going indefinitely if i manage to start it and with a saucepan i get access to clean enough water.

Most likely i could survive without food for that long, the tent is so i don't have to put up with the fucking ants, ticks, mosquitoes, leeches, etc that would make the three weeks miserable even if i didn't manage to catch some disease.

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The island, water, energy bars, sauce pan.

I know how to make stone tools, I have made flint knives before. I can use the stone tools to make a shelter and find ways of getting food.

I can use the water and food to have enough calories while I build my shelter and figure out another food and water source.

I meant the part where he uses the plastic tent as a rain trap.

I was considering trying to do something that with the hoodie OP specified. But the plastic would work much better. You could literally set it up to funnel into the water bottles.

I agree with the desert part, but the _snowy_ forest has the easiest water source of all 4 options.

Queensland rainforest
The desert will lead to heatstroke or dehydration fast even with all that water
The island will give me sunburns though I have camped on tropical islands and been stranded on an island so this would be my number 2
In siberia I would freeze to death. If it was the summer in Siberia I would go there.
The queensland rainforest has plenty of food and fishing would be easier in a river or lake there than in the ocean if there is no reef near the shore.

No point to hydrating if you can't stay warm. The cold is such an omnipresent and difficult threat in the forest that it invalidates any benefits the place might have.

Oh yeah the items
Water, fishing rod, and the pocket knife

Sauce pan, Machete and fishing rod. Top right.

Boil water, catch fish and build stuff.
Make a Pump drill to make easy fire. Make a bonfire and heat some sea shells. Mix with sand and water to make cement. Make a cement base at the beach and then chop off logs to make a sideless shelter.

You can build a fire and warm up the water

>Jeans, T-Shirt, Hoodie, sneakers
>normal clothes

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nice and subtle
id do that too

Island; with water, machete, tent.

Abundance of life, wood and water. Could probably find a river to drink from

Harvesting wood, hunting and (desperate) self-defence form forest life
Protection from Australian spiders and shit
For starting fires. Could try to start a forest fire to clear a huge area of trees and evil australian wildlife and just put my tent in the space left covered in ash.

machete, water, rope
Doesnt matter where I go as everything else can be bushcrafted and the bottle will come in handy for storing/carrying water back to camp.

Have fun dying from the cold and hunger in Siberia and dying of thirst and hunger in Libya

What fucking camp?

You can actually collect water from the trees

Trees always store a shit load of water so all you'd need to do is cut into it with a knife and then bottle the water as it pours out

You can boil seawater easily enough if you can make a fire or leave it in the sun for long enough.

Use two plastic containers with lids, the seawater will evaporate, condense on the lid, and drip into the second container making purified water.

It takes a long time tough, don't know how much you can make in a day...

All these basement dwellers thinking they have any idea how to survive. Armchair Grylls.

Energy bars, water, fishing rod, australia. The rest can be simply created using the surroundings.

>never been in the woods the post

fire can be made with soft and hard wood, food can be cooked on rocks.
shelter can be made of mud/dirt/clay or even fucking tree branches
food collected via fishing using the bottle or with traps, hunting via snares.

water boiled in clay pots

all of this can be made with a machete and rope, he'll even rope can be made by weaving the right plant fiber.

yea, you gota set up a base camp to live at retard.

>food can be cooked on rocks
What food? Are you going to catch arctic animals? No. Snares are unreliable and you'll probably die.
>fishing in a forest
>fishing in the desert
>clay pots
Yeah good luck making one of those

>in a desert

You do know there are lakes and rivers in a forest you stupid fuck

Good job responding to ONE of my points. The pick looks fairly lakeless and riverless to me.


The time wasn't specified, only the location. That pic looks very wintery to me.

Not him but in the picture you can see ravines and slopes and there will be water there

Do you know how easy it is to make a clay pot or kiln? Yes faggot you can cook food on rocks its like you have to be fucking trolling I didn't even read the post you responded to fuck

Machete, water, fishing rod, on the island. Matches are tempting but I think I could get a fire going with the machete and a decent stone. Once i get the hang of making fire this'll be a dope vacation

water is everywhere when you go to cold regions because of the permafrost.

You didn't even read my post. Read it again and understand WHY he's talking about water, it's for fishing. Are you going to fish in permafrost?

Have fun starting fire with coral and clam shells you cuck


You can just rub sticks together

Forgetting all the biting flies and bugs, no pan to boil any water in its like you want to die

We've already been over this. Not seeing lakes or rivers.

Permafrost leads to bodies of water because the water can't drain deep into the ground you idiot.

And I can clap my hands and shit golden eggs, do you know how hard it is to do? Experts have problems with this at times go on faggot go out in your back yard or w/e rub sticks together and crap out a fire

How would you get water?

Saucepan, energy bars, matches. In the forest.

>get branches
>start a fire
>put energy bars in saucepan
>melt and stir
>leave to cool
>offer pieces of my forest cake to friendly woodland creatures in exchange for help escaping the woods
Get on my level

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Man you are dumb as fuck

What water am I gonna boil? Sea water? That won't remove the salt. I'm bringing water to ration out until I can collect rainwater.

You're just an actual fucking retard.

I'm fat enough to fast my way thought it, as long there is a way I can get water I'll be fine.

Saucepan, matches, water

>get branches
>start a fire
>boil water
>use saucepan to launch boiling water at monkeys in the trees
>when they fall I grab them
>threaten it's family to give me food or I break it's neck
>get food

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Someone's a little booty tickled.

why not just eat the monkey?

You're surrounded by water dingus!

Alright, so assuming hurricanes/tsunamis aren't going to happen, ill take the island
Gimmie the matches, the fishing rod, and the saucepan.
I can boil seawater to drink, and I can catch fish from the ocean to eat.
Build a shelter out of palm leaves, sit back, and relax on the beach of three weeks

I don't want gross monkey diseases like AIDS. Besides I don't have a knife to skin or gut the monkey with.

don't need anything else