Hey guys, I am wondering if it is "normal" to have schizophrenic moments...

Hey guys, I am wondering if it is "normal" to have schizophrenic moments? When my ocd was strong as hell and my anxiety was always high, I had my first episode that means I heard voices in my head getting louder and louder. Some months later I woke up at the middle of the night and then I also had voices in my head for about 10 seconds or something. 4 months ago I had my last "episode" also when I was in bed trying to sleep. Should I be worried? 19 year old here btw.

I also smoked 2 weed 2 months ago and then I "overdosed" myself, had to puke, couldn't move my body, symbols appeared in my head which felt very disgusting, I saw a guy in my room who wasn't real there and he whispered something in my ear.

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unless u smoke 3 weed u should be ok boss

nigger does any of that shit sound normal to you?

unless u smoke 3 weed u should be fine boss

Unless u smoke 3 weed u should be alright boss

sorry folks meant that I smoked weed 2 months ago
no It doesn't but just wanted to know if it is "normal" to have some moments in your life which are schizophrenic. Is there a high chance that I might get schizophrenic? I hope not, shit is crazy

I told my psychologist about my 2 episodes, I am somehow afraid to tell them my other episodes. She said I may have latentic schizophrenia but she told me not to worry about if there were only short moments of an epsiode. Still afraid though, hearing voices is really terrible.

>Overdosed on weed

Underage pls go

I wrote "overdosed", I know you can't die by smoking weed but I took to much weed that is why I saw things which weren't really there

Nope, hearing voices doesn't happen naturally dud. I guess it won't kill you if you can distinguish what's comming from inside out of your head from what's around. But you might want consider consulting psychiatrist. Also weed is not giving you schizophrenia. It might make it show first time then. It would probably show anyways sometime. It's genetic.

Okay thank you, then I have to tell these things to my psychologist

You got laced weed brobot.

Ye, however know that Psychologists and Psychiatrists are different things. Psychologist is person you talk with about your problems like depression and shit and it helps you resolve your personal problems. Psychiatrist (what i meant) is more of a doctor who diagnoses specific disease and if need be prescribes medicine. Nothing wrong with talking to psychologist about it tho. Sorry for if you probably know that but I didn't for some time so i say just in case.

What is laced weed (not op here)

oh she is a pschiatrists she gaves me medication and stuff and we also talk about my problems. and no worries man :) all good,
op here what is laced?

so i checked it and its weed soaked up with some snother drug.

Its normal to hear things when falling asleep and waking up, the other things arent normal though

Yes man because all these conditions are related. I have GAD and have episodes that seem schizophrenic. I also have a lot of OCD symptoms but mate... you are aware of your symptoms, reinforces the fact your nervous system is at fault, not your mind.

That doesnt fucking happen in real life you deluded incel

Okay, its okay my dude. Schiz is a conduit to the greater beyond. "Mental uniquness" is like a different set of keys to reality. Pot amplifies what you already got, good and bad. Take the voices with a grain of salt just like real talk. I've seen the symbles, heard the voices (both from within and outside) my mind, felt the chills, pricks and pokes. Had uplifting messages and, well let's just say damning requests. The world was not/is not what you thought/were taught. Drugs should be used with extreme disression and discrimination toward possible attachment, oppression and possession of "entities/thought forms/spirits/demons". This is a calling so to say. Hear it and resond with the wisdom gained through the texts you know you should read and a disobediance toward evil and illusion of control of the soul with spirit. Love and light, my friend

This is refered to as a hypnogoicmstate. It takes a bit a grit and grounding to weather these types of experiences, my lad. You've just scraped the surface of possible mind altering experiences and quandaries. I suggest you take a break and get you metaphorical bearings straight. Look into Alan Watts, Carl Jung, and Terence McKenna, maybe Timothy Leary. Your brain is still developing. I would advise not to divulge any "crisis" to the doc cause that may land you in the hospital, with diagnosis not applicable to your situation, if you read what I'm writing.

No it's just autism

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Hey, big guy. What's up?
Garnished with some oregano

sounds like it could be psychotic. the sooner these things get treated - professionally - and dont listen to the retards who will tell you psychology and psychiatry is a meme - the better. i dont mean to scare you though. could be related to dreams, the drugs, even the ocd.

Fuck you, boss. Damn your unintentions. This is a visible fight between controll and letting free. Fuck you hard science ****

Hypnagogic Hallucinations which are largely not related to schizo.

See how this uninitiated fool seeks to trap, and maim you? Sincerely mediatate. Wish wosdom and clear mind and heart. Then decide. This os now a battle for your heart, soul and mind. Fight, dammit!

Spout more verbal diarrhea, please fool

dw bro i dont think youre schizophrenic. once it starts theres no stopping that hell, ive heard. when my ocd was high as fuck i had an uncontrollable voice in my head, too. i could even picture his face. but hes been gone for a long time now.
