People who advocate for normalizing the act of fucking children should be castrated...

People who advocate for normalizing the act of fucking children should be castrated, beaten within a few inches of death, have a BBC dildo shoved up their ass using superglue as lube, and then be dragged behind a fucking truck until they cease to breathe.

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Umm this is a pedophile friendly board sweetie thanks

What's the problem with pedophilia? Most pedophiles would never actually act out on their urges with real children, and even the ones that do can be capable of a healthy, consenting relationship, unlike the "statutory rape" bullshit that the media tries to convince people of.

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Oh no! Did I violate your safespace?

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originally original oregiami

I unironically support all the shit like pedophilia, zoophilia, necrophilia, etc.
Not beacuse I like them but beacuse I don't think it's fair that certain mental illness such as homos or trans are supported and encouraged while others such as pedophilia are treated like they're worse than satan.

I wish for all that normalization of fetishes to stop but since it won't stop I want to see it go all the fucking way for my own amusement of seeing normalfags' faces when they realise they brought the destruction of modern society upon themselves.

And before you point it out, yes I am aware of how edgy I am right now.

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I think I found the reason why pedophiles love single mothers so much...

Dolphins do it, and so should we. Sex shouldn't be a secret, forbidden thing, but something beautiful which brings us all together, no matter our age.

Consent-related sex:
>Two homosexuals/trans fucking each other
Non-consent related sex:
>Fucking animals
>Fucking children
>Fucking dead people

Brings the whole family together.

Why are anti-pedos so violent? They're always talking about torturing and murdering people. OP should get some counseling.

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Now, user, surely you are not implying that minors exist on the same level of self-determination as animals, or even corpses? You realise that would constitute a basically invalid statement, right?

>children can't consent
you must have been a really stupid child

kids dont kbow what the fuck they want. ask for a new toy, get them it and thren theyre ungrateful . Bitch

Most adults don't know what they want.

It looks like the pedos win this round of debate. With any luck, we'll see a more sexually inclusive future for all, and a happier more peaceful world for it.



Thing is all females are cognitively inferior regardless of their age and shouldn't be making any important decisions by themselves

Yeah raping animal sure is much, much worse than killing and eating its meat all right.

To expand on this point a little more: it's not that we should be treating little girls more like adult women, it's that we should be treating pretty much all females more like little girls

This. Also, dead people don't suffer, therefore their consent is irrelevant.

I get annoyed at 'consent' being considered the main factor of whether or not a sex act is moral, it seems kind of like a red herring - my instincts tell me that the "morality" of an act, if there even is such a thing, is more related to the results of the act, not the nature of the act itself. Besides, its a stretch to call sex with a dead person non consensual and if youve ever seen animal porn you would know that the male animals universally do not seem to mind and id bet most female ones dont give a shit either if theyre not being physically hurt. As for kids, if u want a society where girls learn to be whores until they are old enough that it's acceptable to have an open, serious relationship, thats your choice

All i know is nobody asked my opinion if i wanted a foreskin so clearly nobody really gives a shit about age anyway and very young girls have exhibited more interest in me sexually than older girls ever did.

If two people consented to stab each other in the throat, would said consent validate such bullshit idea? If we all consented to throw ourselves in a fucking river, would it make it valid? Consent, as a concept, isn't a sufficent condition for an act to be valid. Faggots can't literally be logical in any shape or form.