Has a girl ever approached you or hinted?

>Has a girl ever approached you or hinted?
2 times in high school.
4 times during college in the night club this year.

Every situation was ruined by a lack of social skills and social anxiety.

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>>Has a girl ever approached you or hinted?
Only once. But she was fat and asked me about E3 in front of class.

Around 10 in college but they were too afraid to actually talk to me, they were just stalking me at the library.
One even used to go sit on a bench just before the closure of the library, expecting me to make the move on my way out. No need to say I never did anything.
I'm a complete shut-in with no friends, it would have been nothing but disappointment for them. I did highschool homeschooled.

Once in highschool, I told her "I'm not good at relationships haha" and it was uncomfortable as fuck. A year or two later she got into a relationship with a jock so I guess I saved myself some painful memories there.

I kind of feel bad what I did.
7/10 High school girl talks to me randomly every day .I give 1 word reply every day. Didn't know what she wanted from me.
One day she asked me SO HOW'S PUBERTY user HUH? SMILEY FACE.
>You're weird
She never talked to me again
I think I hurt her feelings.

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One in highschool but she was a fucking dwarf, and then a stoner girl when I was 19

Maybe, it's more like they might have had a mild interest in my and like you said ruined by social anxiety. I doubt they were really serious though probably just wanting to shoot the shit but I still look back and imagine narratives of my life with there fems who I had one conversation in the high school library with.

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My HR lady is being pretty flirty
She's kinda cute

a lot of girls have approached me but I kind of shrugged them off.
One girl has been approaching me for a while so she became my gf

Yes but she was paid to do it

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Did you mean your HRT lady?

Hinted 1 time in college, but she was a mentally-ill fat roastie.

1 time in a psych ward. She was a cunt that doxxed me after I rejected her.

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>Around 10
What are you doing here, failed normies?

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I too have fucked up.

I dated four girls in HS. The memories of the first two have healed.

The third become a whore and it's my fault because I made her play with her titties to entertain me. She's had over twenty partners and does drugs now and I really fucking feel guilty. It almost makes me cry.

My fourth got really close to me and then I opened the relationship so I could cyberfuck more women. She became a cyberwhore for my slut fetish and eventually began to make me uncomfortable, so I closed the relationship, and then cheated. After she broke up with me, I lashed out at her previous partners other than myself from the phase where our relationship was open. I feel really horrible about the fact I did any of this. Afterward, she unblocked me a couple times and we talked lewd, but I never got enough out of it and I made her feel uncomfortable. I regret everything.

Since then, I've flunked with every girl by being panicked, a nervous wreck, you name it. One girl was into me, but I didn't work up the nerve to ask her out until the day she deactivated her account on a dating site. You know why? She accepted another man. Her inbox was full of suitors and I made the final cut but I was too fucking nervous to realize it.

Since then, I fail at even pretending to be a girl on the internet. I'm regularly blocked and kicked out of online groups where I try to meet people just for being so obviously inadequate. I even got rejected from one job for not having any IRL friends.

>Tfw I thought whining on Jow Forums would calm me down but now I feel even worse

Yea loads.
Closest to having sex was a girl from work who asked me to help with her accounting for school. When we got to her house her parents were gone. After a while she asked did I want to see her room. Went up and she cleaned off her make up and sat on her bed. She started talking about her parents having sex and being able to hear it through the wall.
I just stood there awkwardly and went back downstairs after a while. She had a bf and I asked her did he know I was there and she said yea but she kept ignoring his texts.
I don't really know why I didn't sleep with her, guess I'm just a faggot.

A few times, but I was too autistic or apathetic to do anything about it.

>Girl looks at me
>Look at girl
>Look away
>Girl looks at me
>Look at girl
>Look away
>Repeat 5 more times

I think I'm going crazy, it's just a coincidence, nobody actually likes me, I have no friends. Walk away.
It's just a conspiracy.

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>so many people itt have been approached by a girl (female)
just get out already jesus fuck this is becoming unbearable

Having someone approach you and actually getting anywhere are two completely different things dummy.

>even having as much as a CHANCE at getting laid or even a relationship
yeah buddy, this is definitely the wrong board for you and all the other "robots" here

Being an attractive autist doesn't make my life any better than yours. I don't even have a single friend.

>tfw there's no women I even like
I rarely even meet women IRL.

not since I was like 12 years old.

I'm in second year of college and like 6 girls are hint me but i'm too autistic to take seriously, or they are ugly and fat. With the cute girls I'm too insecure to talk to her.

Yes. When we were in college my then-GF-now-wife asked me out.

Are you still a virgin? I guess we are doomed. The same happens to me, I just can't talk, hard to see what I could improve from here.

I don't know i felt well in loneliness but at the same time i wanna stay with her. The girl that actually i like I mean. She talk to me and actually we have eye contact but I'm good looking so I don't know that this is all in my mind or it's something real. Also, I don't know that she have bf, this would destroy me and I don't wanna suffer this again.
And yes, I'm virgin and never kisses a girl. Also, one time a drunken girl kiss me but I don't know how to react and I said to her that I have a gf and after this I'm gone to my house.

This is to you user

Did you know that when you're having trouble sleeping it's because someone else is dreaming and your awake self has a role in it.

Really makes your almonds tumble dry.

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Was approached 3 times (2 hints) by the same girl.
She was a shy emo girl, pic related is what her style was. Me always liking her I estaticly said yes.

After highschool we moved into an apartment. We lived together for 2 years and considered proposing but never did.

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I dont sleep and I only know 3 people through small talk
>Gas station girl
>store guy

All three of those people are dreaming of having high impact sexual violence with you stealing your wakefulness and you never being able to sleep.

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Highly doubt it.
Considering the gas station girl is concerned for my health, store guy is a NEET, and my neighbor is a drug addict.

You are capable of being sociable, that's a good start, did you ever think about asking her to go for a coffee someday? You could do that and take the opportunity to get her number.
If she wants to know why, just joke about it, tell her you won't ask her for her hand.
I mean, once you can talk, things are much easier.
Personally, I'm a complete shut-in, I talk to no one, I can only attract girls by my looks and my halo of solitude, I don't have your abilities, please don't waste them.

>No. Never.

You faggots have no excuse that you lot have ended up khv. You had the opportunity presented to you on multiple occasions and you blew it.
Now contrast that with someone like me whom everyone avoids like the plague, took the shot and is turned down, you lot are privileged. At least I have the satisfaction of saying I put myself out there and tried my best.
You disgust me.

Hey man, I'm just larping to dull the pain.

No Bully.

I'm really bad at quick time events.
When someone asks me for directions I forget the difference between left and right.

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This girl at school was acting odd
>starts talking to me
>be awkward
>starts literally following me around after school
>run away
>climb into the roof of bus stop
>she finds me
>call her fat
>tell her to go away
>she stays and talks
>later school votes us cutest couple
>she keeps staring at me
>she wiggles eyebrows
>friend starts pushing her in my direction
> she starts to ask me out
>I interrupt with a NO
>she leaves
>5 min later her friends are consoling her
I start to wonder wether she liked me?

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>You could do that and take the opportunity to get her number.
I already have it. I asked her for a few questions about a work article and talk with her and with a few people in class after the exams but she is always around me, the other day she touches my arm and I felt more and more confused. She is in my class from the college, and she is very nice with other guy. I mean, I don't wanna fuck up this. I don't wanna be rejected again.

Cant remember

>really bad at quick time events
Me too user. I was practising driving today and when my instructor is telling me to turn right or left I blank and it's embarassing as fuck.

I think lots of us are just too slow to process the situations happening around us. This goes to show why we miss so many opportunities with women as well.

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one girl used to tease me a lot, then stopped because I didnt react to it in any way

If you don't take back the lead, you won't fuck up but he will fuck her, it's as simple as that.
Show her what you really want because it will feel pretty bad when she will kiss that other guy in front of you all day long.
You don't want her as a friend, if she rejects you, you lose nothing.

>You don't want her as a friend, if she rejects you, you lose nothing.
I lost her.

Same with me except it ends with her having a look of disgust and fast walking away.

>I lost her.
You can't lose what you never had.

>Has a girl ever approached you or hinted?
nope,they always avoided me like ebola

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>Has a girl ever approached you or hinted?
When I was in 7th grade, there was a girl who made a point of acting "weird" (Idk if it was flirting or what, but "weird" is the only way I can describe it. I still don't know what flirting actually is) around me, and one time called me cute or something. My stupid ass complained to a teacher about it.

Some of my friends jokingly called her my girlfriend.

Yes, once. She's older than me and we've been together 4 months.

You win. I would said that I will do my best but I will do better than that because I know I can. Thanks user for this conversation.