Why is there so little adventures to be had nowadays...

Why is there so little adventures to be had nowadays? I remember being told stories about kids that threw apples at the church clock in the middle of the night to get the white stone from the other kid who in turn would do some dare to get the stone back.

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my life became orders of magnitude less interesting once i finished high school
these little "adventures" are childish and pathetic to be had once you're older

Globalization and the internet. Why have childlike adventures of wonder when there is a zillion petabytes of rule 34 Pokemon porn? If you want modern adventure you gotta get a unique job like a policeman or oil rigger to have adventure in the current year

Regulation, reterritorialisation. All human experience bisected into images, codes. Persistent presence of global connection at all times. Entire Humanity judgement, pocket neurosis.

Oh, you can still have crazy adventures. Go and build a boat and sail the oceans, nobody is stopping you. There are literal pirates still out there doing crazy stuff. Or join brigades fighting whoever in some desolate places. There is always a war going on somewhere. Or just go out and start walking and don't stop, you will have very interesting adventures to rival any video game while looking for food, warmth, and safety.

Much easier to sit in your air conditioned room though and shitpost.

Go hang out with your nephew or something. I'll go out biking with my younger cousin and life just happens around us. This gen really likes their mobile phones for taking pictures or whatever. We'll pull out Pokemon go and run into other people still playing the game or bike down to the river and fuck around with shit we find. We once found an old closed off mine and he warned to explore it so bad, obviously I'm older and it's a terrible idea but had I been younger I would have been a bad influence kek

I use youtube to live vicariously through bisexual teenagers.


I wish we had mines around here, the only one that ever existed on this island is flooded since long ago. I have been working on an RC cable controlled crawler to explore a bit of it, but i can't get the sealings right, and cooling is a huge issue as well. So far tracks work the best as long as it is weighted down on the "seafloor".

Then we have this old stonecrusher, i have done some looking around it, found some abandoned houses above it a hill upwards and some concrete shit. I wish i could take a look inside it aside from the cemented and flooded "door" that you can find from the ramp at the seaside. The fence above it makes so that you can't see the bottom of it unless you have a drone.

Attached: stenkross.jpg (1200x675, 100K)

Shit like this is still happens, but you need to leave the house for it to happen.

That panel is an except from a gay comic, isn't it?

You don't need any adventures, they are just a waste of time. You just need to work hard to be happy.

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Nah, it's an Overwatch one. He delivers pizza to Tracer and co and they're naked and having an orgy or some shit and pull him into it too.

nice try wagie

>>>>>>>>>>>hard work

So it IS a gay comic

pretty sure that's from a swedish tv show

True adventure stopped once the New World was thoroughly explored and colonized. After that we've just been living in a world where everything interesting is already known by someone else.

Nothing really appealing to do or discover. It's all the same. Fantasy is the strongest form of escapism and we have more than enough material to form our own little bubbles. At least that's how it is for me.

>pretty sure that's from a swedish tv show
Post it

Try all the psychedelic research chemicals on the internet.

Last Sunday I took acid and explored around the woods while I tripped

youre right man, the lack of adventure is seriously depressing.
is ruining real happiness

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