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how do you know if you are attractive or not?

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people will tell you, if they don't then you aren't

if you have to ask you arent attractive

tfw only my friends and their girlfriends tell me

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make a tinder account

Old women who are strangers have told me I'm attractive also got catcalled by a group of 12 yo girls. Does this count? I'm still a virgin

My manager calls me beautiful in front of customers.

Learn to see things objectively and the determine for yourself

>probably in his 20s
>still a virgin
just accept reality son

When the cashier takes you to the bathroom at the fast food joint you're at and sucks you off

we must go to the same Wendy's
tell Mark I said wassup

whats reality then?

gay people and average girls drools all over me, cuties don't though, but i always caught them looking at me and when i aproach them they're always blushing and smiling, that must mean i'm not ugly at least
i did that with a waitress at the pub i go every wednsday, one of the best blowjobs of my life though

>i did that with a waitress at the pub i go every wednsday, one of the best blowjobs of my life though
Tell the story nigga

Ask /soc/

Does mommy count?

thank god, after I got fit the mires came in thick and fast. face 80%, canifeelyourarms.jpeg 20%

well you take a photo of yourself and you put it on tinder and if you have 500+ cute girls matching you then you're attractive

you are having sex with attractive women frequently or are in a relationship with one

If you're a 12/10 that'll work.

>People telling me I'm attractive all my life
>Had older women in public transport start a conversation with me and tell me I'm a good looking young man
>Have female friends from college telling me how their friends told them I'm really hot
>Had my guy friends tell me their female friends asked about me after meeting me
>Friends want me to be their wingman
>When friends wanna approach a group of girls they wanna send me because "they won't say no to me"
>Treat girls like shit and spend most time teasing them and they still very obviously want me
>Girls wanna feel me up
>Female cashiers always smile at me and I usually get into a flirty conversation with them
>Known as the tall strong handsome guy

I don't even consider myself that attractive, like a 7 at most.
And still I'm a 22 year old virgin with 2 ex girlfriends that couldn't get hard the 5 times he tried having sex. I'm not gay, porn ruined me and I can't stop watching it.

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this is not true
tinder is about having great pictues, aesthetic phaggots can easily look ugly as shit in a bad picture

Girls will let you know if you're attractive.

I got thousands of matches

... in Asia.

this basically
how they treat you, look at you, talk to you, ask you into your shit
either you are aesthetic or not

My only mire was by an old homeless woman who wanted me to kiss her, so I guess it's time to KMS

Ya but if its been that way your entire life you thinks its 'normal'.
Idk, its hard man

a couple of young girls asked me for cigarettes the other day, does that count?

How accurate do you guys think /soc is? Ive been rated about 8/10 there

i know this feel all too well

and it's like porn is so easy to get too

i've been watching porn since i was fucking 3 years old

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it's filled with the losers, not accurate in the slightest

girls gives 0 fucks when it comes down to your look, they will let you know how they feel
i had girls telling me i look good as the first thing when they see me, other are shy but keeps mirin
and when i was ugly, bitches ignore me, it was a more friendly matter, no mirins just friendly smiles and shits

>how do you know if you are attractive or not?

You get paid for letting people take the pictures of you

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if you don't know if you're attractive or not you aren't attractive

no your ugli sorry fren

How do i tell the difference, sometimes Ill get stared at, sometimes Ill catch a glance and they look away other times they tend to actively not look my way

It's as accurate as /amiugly/.

Dunno, but bitches always get wet when I open my mouth. Guess I've got the personality part down.

Is this really true?

No, only if you grow up with other privlidges such as money, and social skills, will you actually 'know'

best posts
they're being nice

Post face

everyone tells me im good looking but i personally dont think im that great. i've been approached by girls several times but usually theyre average, which hurts my confidence. I worked in my mom's office and she told me every woman in the office told her i was hot behind my back (weird i know). I've had sex with somewhere around 30-35 girls while being pretty shy. My male friends all tell me im good looking but it seems like the 8-10/10 girls are never interested. I catch people staring in the gym all the time and girls staring on the train, but i stare at everyone when im bored so i dont want to falsely attribute that to my looks. At my last job on my last day, 2 females i worked with told me at a bar im super hot and they always look at me, hooked up with one of them and she had a boyfriend. I feel like my look is very unique and either girls find me incredibly hot or average. My 9/10 gay friend has tried to fuck me for the last 3 years and i honestly find it so flattering because he could no joke be a model if he wanted to. Any questions?

Dunno user, 2 of them when drunk have tried to fuck me...

Post face

Those 8-10 girls are playing hard to get or have motivation for long term, which they see you as a quick fling by your past actions to woman.

i dont think they would know about my history with women. I was in a frat so there is a huge variety of chicks to go for looks-wise. I've talked to the hot ones a few times but they seemed much more interested in status as a "cool person" than looks.

You are not that hot, at least not 8-10 range. Those guys/girls have the other gender really thrown at them from a young age and they quickly become bored of generic attractiveness.

That he's a faggot projecting his insecurities onto you. We're all gonna make it breh

im not gonna deny it but thanks for the perspective. Still odd to me though, i had two chicks come up to me for a 3 some at one point. I dont get why normal/above average girls find me so hot and the really hot ones dont think that much of me. I figured that they would be desensitized but idk humans are still humans no?

They might like your style / aura. This can elevate you to 8-9 easily

So if you get 499 bots and 1 real female you are attractive?

my hair is too scuffed to be an 8/10+. Im probably a 7.5. I really wish i had a nice hair texture/ style but i have a widows peak and thick ass hair thats hard as fuck to do anything with.