Why don't you just get a poor girlfriend?
Why don't you just get a poor girlfriend?
>I can't get any girlfriend
Just settle for one that's poor.
>r9k found out about my secret waifu
>they're making threads about her now
>she even made a curious cat
I guess it was a bad idea to keep posting her on that perfect girl threads
>implying their own wealth in any way influences the amount of money they want from me
It was not. She will be glad you made her famous.
A poor girl propably wants to date a NEET even less than a rich girl.
how do i give this girl some american beta bux??
But I'm not very rich myself.
I literally can't get any girlfriend. At all.
Men don't want to suck the money outta their partners' wallets like your fellow thots do.
b-but then a lot of people will try to talk to her and she will never talk to me again
Because they usually come with other problems due to their poor lifestyle choices in general.
Even starving women in sub-Sarahan Africa would reject me after taking one look at my face.
Don't do this
My dad did just this and now I'm alive
You're American, that means you're richer than most Eastern European girls.
But I'm Eastern European myself god fucking damnit.
Hahahaha, pidar
That post and the image in my head made me laugh.
Why do you think that is the case?
actually she follows me so i kind of know her (using the term loosely) and she doesn't like to be posted here, although she seems to have made some friends with a few Jow Forums folk (not e celebs, just random people i know)
Yep youre retarded. She was my secret waifu too and you fucked it all up. What did you gain from posting her in every single perfect girl thread in the last few weeks? Are a few (you)'s worth it now?
Pro tip: They arent
Post her Instagram. I can have her right?
i'm sorry, i fucked up, i'm going to find a new secret waifu, and i hope you find a new one too... from now on i'll be posting only well known girls
Because most poor girls in America are either obese, addicted to drugs, black, Mexican, mean or just plain gross.
how do i give this girl my beta bux? i like her better
Because they can still leave me for someone better if they are attractive.
I'm only eligible for girls that are poor and ugly.
>secret waifu gets exposed
>kelly is too busy riding her bf to upload new pics
Life is suffering. Atleast it seems like we both have god-tier taste in e-girls though.
Does she bite?
kelly? she has a bf now, you really want to pay her your cuck bux?
>Does she bite
I wish
i have $tandards
well maybe less now
Any feet pics of her? There must be some.
>Another white girl with black hair and wears make up to look anime
She'll fit right in with the rest I'm sure.
Can you source me on her? She looks like a 10/10
>wears makeup to look anime
makeup doesn't instantly make you look anime though
why? just because your money will be used to buy condoms for her bf?
Where's your altruism user
Maybe someone ITT could have a few in his collection
who is this semen demon, that i dream of creamin?
Stop posting this crackwhore looking slut
ill buy some condoms for them. extra small.
Omg she can do this too
Also nice dubs
>who is this semen demon, that i dream of creamin?
I had a poor gf (yeah yeah normie I know) and goddamn, she was always resentful of me and other people growing up in wealthier families and would try to make you feel bad about it. And she felt like she was entitled to me spending money on her all the time because she was broke and would try to make me feel guilty about it if I didn't want to. But the thing is, it wasn't just her parents fault she didn't have any money. She couldn't hold down a job or finish school. She got fired for getting into drama and shit with coworkers multiple times while I was dating her. I dunno if all poor gf's are like this but if they are stay away.
I want to fuck her in the ass, these Slav girls always love anal
Poor women dont want poor men.
i dont. u fag
Even poor ones only want Chad. It's not about the money. You can be the poorest sorry ass nigger, but you will fuck top tier pussy both rich and poor.
sry i'll only settle for a sugar momma
Oh boy, time to get snacks
You're the exception, fembot
who is this creampie senpai?
Slav girls belong to slav men
>South slavs
Yeah, you can have all of them. Ew.
what a jizzional delight
Too late fag already found her insta and asking her some very Chad-esque questions. I'll have her drenched in no time.
why does cum look so good on pale grills?
nice try kbgrevolver
who is this cot squeezer