This film is 17 years old now.
Can you remember going to see it in the cinema?
This film is 17 years old now.
Can you remember going to see it in the cinema?
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No because I was 2 when it came out
Yes, for all 3. it's the greatest fantasy trilogy of all time, I doubt it will ever get surpassed.
Yes, but it must have been later in my country because I remember liking it but I would've been too young to appreciate it back then.
FotR is my favorite book and my favorite one of the films. Honestly those first two hundred pages or so of the hobbits chilling, walking around the shire, going through the old forest and so on are just so homely. I don't like the other two as much as they feel like they have more finality too them, whereas FotR is the very beginning.
Also did you really need to post something so disgusting in this thread?
>there are people posting on r9k who were not even born yet when this movie came out
feels weird as heck man, I saw it in the theater
Fellowship is the greatest fantasy novel ever written. I went through a phase of thinking genre fiction was shit and pretending to like Joyce but I re-read Fellowship recently and was reminded of just how amazing it was.
Theateical version of RoTK really suffered from all the great scenes removed and only available in the extended edition.
Extended RoTK is so much better than theatrical
Saw all three EEs in a cinema a couple of years ago. They do all-nighter re-runs of them now and again around Christmas. Good times.
Yes i was 12 and was the turningpoint from my childhood to early teenages.
In less than one month i passed from collecting Pokemon Card Game and playing Hitman to liking early teen pussy and rap/hip hop music.
Fuck, i wanna be 12 again
>mfw they eventually remake it with a "diverse cast"
You know it's going to happen at some point
I did but shat through half of it. The cinima pizza gave me the runs.
no because I thought it looked weird and gay. then I saw it on DVD and liked it so I saw the next two in the movies.
they already did fagwad. glordindel takes frodo to rivendell not the elf-roastie.
>glordindel takes frodo to rivendell not the elf-roastie.
That's pretty minor compared to something like casting Donald Glover as Aragorn.
Never seen any of this midget bullshit.
Never seen any Star Wars movie either, except for the one that came out about 2 years ago cause my friends wanted to see it and i didn't want to stay home on a friday night. Shit was unbearable.
What are you even doing here normie?
yes, i was 14 and saw it with my brother and grandmother lol. she actually liked it. based grandma
>I woulda followed yo ass
>my brutha
>mah kang
>Donald Glover
Isn't he one of those plebbitor "nerdy" niggers? I don't know much about him other than that he made a song that a lot of libtards love.
no but it's portents of things to come. I forgot to mention that the movies are kind of tainted to me now. I can acknowledge them as fine works of cinema but christoper was right, they butchered them.
I disagree. It could have been a lot, lot worse. That said, the BBC's audio dramatization is still the best adaptation.
>not watching extremely popular cliche movies makes you a normie
Yes, actually. I saw all 3 films in the theaters with my dad when they came out. I don't want to do the math but I am 26 now.
Yeah, he's just a media creation that came about to prove black men can be nerdy too after nerdy shit started becoming popular among white normies.
they didn't butcher anything, you're just one of those autismal book fanboys. if you think you can take the books as they are and just directly adapt them you're seriously dumb. they would be VERY boring.
they did completely butcher the hobbit though. there was no need for any of that.
yeah i was 7, went to the theather with my uncle... loved every second of the movie
>tfw they are redoing it again but with a bunch of niggers
Noooooooooooooooooooooo nooooooooooo god nooooooooooooooooooooooo
literally perfect
The real question is, why isn't there another high budget fantasy film? This is literally the only modern one I know of (and its 17 years old!). There always Game of Thrones, but that is too HBO drama with petty character bullshit. Where are my fucking dragons, knights, and wizards goddamn it?!