Be me, mom gave me some money

>be me, mom gave me some money
>take car to fazolis
>order meatballs and meat sauce with a large drink
>cashier is total qt, and is flirting with me
>lowers the price of my meal
>"make sure to check your receipt so everything is right"
>check back of it while lm standing there
>its her number and "text me asap"
>think its like a hostage situation since l dont see anyone in the store but us and the cook
>she is blushing
>go sit down "okay Ill bring your food to you sir"
>text her while sitting down
>pic related
>cant even eat so nervous
>go to bathroom
>do as she wrote
>she comes in and doesnt say anything until she is openning the stall
>"well arent you a good boy, thanks for coming. Youre so freakin cute! I had to say something" she says and then winks
>she brought a dish towel for her knees
>gets down and starts undoing my belt and pants
>sit up a little and its awkward since lm so hard
>she starts teasing with kisses and her tongue and eventually its deep in her mouth
>dont wanna grab her hair because that seems rude
>she puts my hand on her head anyway and I start to move her head farther down
>been on no fap for 4 months
>end up nutting pretty quickly
>she fucking swallows it all down
>blushes, winks at me, gets up and leaves the stall
>dont know if it was a good blowjob or not
>clean myself up and gtfo without even eating
>she texts me one last time
>scared to go back to my favorite resturant because new cocksucking girl got hired

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is this real


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I hate it when autists are Chads. It's wasted on them.

Yeah. I live in Lexington, Kentucky but my mom's car's plates say Louisville. So I guess she thinks I live out of town. But Im really just down the street. Im terrified of going back there and dont know if I should text back

There's no way this is real.

And if it is...nice OP

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>be autist
>see guy get a blowjob ordering meatballs on Jow Forums
>go to italian place close to closing time
>see fat girl behind counter
>go up to counter "Hey, uh cutie. uhh got m' meatballs?"
>"ugh you want meatballs"
>"and your number please"
>obvious disney autist wink
>fat girl looks at me with a disdain for life "no"
>run out crying
>reee to mcdonalds for nugggies as I cry in my beige 1996 acura rdx

Now think about how many other dudes she's probably done this with

>Fazoli girl
>spaghetti dude

You should just come back to town every few weeks.

doesnt matter had sex


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If she does this regularly you might be at risk of THE GONORRHEA

All truecels should report this post to Fazoli's management so the slut cashier gets fired. That's what I'm doing.

Op here. I go to this fazolis all the time. It was the first time ld seen her. Either she changed shifts or had been hired in the last week. Ill go to the little clinic tho

get checked, she's probably been with 50 other guys at that point.

did you catch some kind of std?

>be fazolis roastie
>see obvious incel walk in
>decide I'll give him an STD in retaliation for his misogyny
Seems plausible desu.

All these new idiots thinking this is real lmaooooo

Why couldnt it be real?

SPAGHETTI DUDE ? Lmao. you're all fucking retarded.

I'm just being precautions.
I don't want to risk anyone getting an STD from a whore.

Just take the sex where you can get it you flaming autistic ball of cheetos

>"well arent you a good boy"

This is my fetish

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7/10 user, simple but make me chuckle

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>is this real

it was up until this point
>been on no fap for 4 months

Op where the FUCK is this fazolis. I wanna get SUCC'D

enjoy your brand new one-of-a-kind case of herpes

nice op, now try and stick ur weenie in her panini

Next time, bring the food with you into the bathroom.

>still replying to this obvious bait

>disney autist wink

kek I can see it so clearly