>come home from work
>lay in bed
>fap to xvideos and ended up being interracial porn
>type on r9k
>day almost over and need to prepare for bed but I probably won't sleep well
>constant negative thoughts and depression
>feel constant pull to do something else with life, a sharp painful throbbing wound telling me you should be somewhere else and know it's all so bad
>but need to wake up and go to work
>started crying lately
>25 and no gf and live with mom
>think about sui every day
>have to hide misery and fail to a lot
Come home from work
ask your mom to fuck you. start watching mommy porn (to get rid of interracial porn) . your mom is now your gf and you live with your gf not your mom. you have a gf. i solves all your problems , it's that easy
fuck you r9k just fuck you
save up for a motorcycle and a leather jacket, then leave and dont come back for 6 months, you will have a lot figured out by the end of your journey.
t. has done this instead of suicided
what did you figure out?
How to buy a motorcycle and leather jacket.
are you even user?
>tfw 28 and about to go back to wagecucking after being fired from my last job
>still live with Mom making min wage with no future or prospects with zero friends
I feel your pain OP it wasnt supposed to be like this but the world is fucked
What living means, what its all about, how to be the master of your destiny, that every moment you waste working just to sustain yourself in a comfort zone like mommys basement or even your own apartement is a second you will regret,
this current comfort is illusionary and iddle, it leads you nowhere, (((they))) will not make you part of their club if you work long and hard enough, it's not gonna happen, youre a slave right now and you yourself are the only thing that's keeping you in shackles (and maybe your mom needs financial help or something i dont know, you didnt give details. )
If you keep living like this you will have an heroed and never actually lived.
Itd be better for you to quit your Job and hang out with some punks under a bridge than for you to keep going as is. Be on the move, fucking see things, the time for rest and retirement is when youre old and senile and have offspring in about 10 different countries like a proper man does.
that's sad I really hope you find a better life user take care
The trips have spoken . Watch incest porn until your mindset thinks it's normal to have sex with your mum
you have to work to retire though, your whole post does little more than feed the anxiety I agree with it though
also being a proper man is very hard fora basement dweller who was stunted in every way, maybe you're just trying to blackpill us though
Wanna play vidya with me to take your mind off it? Have some philosophical discussions over tf2? Lol
i can't afford a gaming rig and am too scared to spend money on anything big, but I'm just in chaos mentally.
find jesus christ brobot
Fpbp orinni
>philosophical discussion
>not raving about the jews and the normie brigade
Leave scum
Lmao t. bum boy. You're typing this from the public library aren't you, homeless cuck
literally a toaster can play tf2 and it's free. Play as medic and become a healslut
Would involve buying a mic, fag
>0.00% content
I feel your pain user. Just started the wagie life.
Live with parents during the summer cause I hate my life at uni
Parents pushed me to get a job. Only day 2 and I'm back to singing to myself
>I want to shoot myself in the face
>I wanna die, I wanna die, I wanna die
It's all been busy work, people training me trying to find stuff for me to do. Feelslike a waste
Then I think about it and realize I'm going at least 100 grand in debt to get a slightly better job after uni that I probably won't like, all for the sake of being an "adult", which makes me contemplate giving up.
I've been debating writing a book but 99.999% chance that it won't prevent this future.
The dude in this thread that said buy a motorcycle and ride, I don't know how that will help, I really dont
Was pretty much the same but went to the doctors, told them about my depression and got fluoxetine. It was the crutch i needed to get my life back on track.
I just don't know how to break the cycle. Even when I had no job, I just sat in my room on the computer. Now that I have a job, I do the same in my time off.
I'd like friends or a girlfriend but in my whole life I got no experience doing that. I don't know how. I'd like to have a creative hobby but all I've ever done is consume games or videos. It's like, all the advice you get just assumes you already know HOW to fix your life, and that you're just a little lazy or just a little shy, and that getting a shave and starting a jogging routine will cure you.
I know suicide is the most logical choice but I'm too scared to do that.
can't you just type? fucking entitled 23 year old boomers.
Fuck you, what is secret to neetdom
How the fuck am I supposed to live as a neet? My parents don't have money like yours do.
My depression is very bad right now. I feel like any day now I am going to break down and not be able to go to work. My depression is winning and I think I will kill myself soon.
Might try another antidepressant. I mean, what's the fucking harm. I am already miserable. I've tried 2 SSRI and felt nothing. WHAT COULD GO WRONG!
try lexapro, it was immensely helpful to me.
Everyone memes about suicide, but very few do it because its very hard to follow through with. You get this odd subconcious vibe inside you that fights it, maybe its the ego or id... but its very strong.
You owe it to yourself to try everything you can, when u get to that moment of having a gun in your mouth, your going to get very angry, angry at those who wronged you, angry that you let it happen to you, angry that you did not try harder, angry that you allowed yourself to act a certain way to please others...
so before you get to that point, start trying everything you can. Music is shit, its brainwashing and you should delete it from your life, listen to lectures and interviews, study how the mind and brain works... and go get a script for lexapro.
i appreciate your comment user. I am actually on GENERIC lexapro. Been on 10mg mostly for 5 years and it never has done anything, old kept on it out of dumb hope then out of fear of possible withdrawals. I am now taking 5mg every other day. Hoping to quit soon.
Idk how different generic is though, it's all I've tried...
ALso, why is music bad? Please explain. I cant enjoy music anyways
Stop no fap. Fapping is good. Porn is bad so it should be no porn not no fap.
because it does nothing for you, you cant use the lyrics in your life for anything... its just a temp mood changer.
but if u listen to lectures or debates, you can take that with you and apply it to your life, its practical. You need to understand why you feel the way you, why you think the way you do, why u give certain things power... or people.
also nofap is the truth and read up on the stoics.