Or even a sex robot? I've got no problem with prostitution, porn, masturbation, or even being a virgin until I'm 102. But when it comes to using foreign objects for stimulation it just seems weird to me.
Would anyone else feel really self-conscious about owning and using a sex doll?
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Depends how realistic the feet are
As a cyborg who's both had sex with multiple partners, and also owned a fleshlight out of sexual frustration and months/years of being single I wouldn't go as far as to get a sex doll.
what's good about sex is the fact that the person is real and warm and responds to your moves and has unique fetishes and whatever else. As realistic and as high tech as a thing of silicone space-age rubber built on a titanium skeleton might be, it's still just a thing. If I slap its ass and grab its titties it'll still just stand or lay there as a dead thing.
a fleshlight or one of those japanese egg things is good enough, you just stick you dick in with some lube and warm it up one way or another and it just feels great on your dick. there's no pretense of it being like a real girl or whatever it's just something better than your hand.
My worry would be how to get rid of it if I didn't like it
The trick is to not give a damn.
Food for thought - a woman could be considered a "foreign object for stimulation" in many cases.
You could sell it, maybe?
by whom and in which cases?
I mean besides raging incels
I could see them being heavily stigmatized. I would say the more sophisticated they become, the more mainstream society will hate them.
... by dudes and in cases where women are foreign objects for stimulation. Such as in the case of prostitution or a tinder hookup.
I know guys who've been with lots of women who hate them more than I do. I don't get it, personally. If they bother you then why bother with them?
maybe look up "object" in the dictionary first
I would actually suggest you do that before making any further replies if your hangup is your own glib understanding of the word "object".
>a material thing that can be seen and touched.
You've got the mental capacity of a female. You realize this.
It's the only chance I have to put my dick inside a vagina before I die so I don't care what other people think.
I have a onahole so not really. Once you get one you kind of realize how not big of a deal it is.
If you had room mates or parents that would be another story, but living alone there's literally no reason to be insecure about it.
Perhaps English is your second or even third language.
"object" as in "a foreign object for stimulation" is not the same thing as "the object of one's desire". I know it's confusing that sometimes the same word can have several meanings. That is a homograph.
only if the neighbours are watching
gotta hide your shame
but seriously I could not afford one of these.
>"foreign object for stimulation"
but that requires you to view women as 'objects' and not 'people'
Ok you've definitely got brain problems.
So when people talk about 'women as objects' or 'objectification of women', what do you suppose they're talking about, cupcake? They're all just a bunch of foreigners who don't know how to speak English?
wanna know how I know you're a roastie?
uh sweetie cupcake lmao you're the retard here look at what you posted
OF COURSE when people talk about the objectification of women they talk about women being treated like material things. Not the secondary definition that you autistically circled and pointed to in MS paint.
but that doesn't make it an object the way a sex doll is an object.
The sex doll cannot be a human or a person no matter how badly the typical autist rk9 poster wants it
just like women are still people no mater how much you want to objectivity them .
because I get laid, am in a happy loving relationship and I'm better than you in every conceivable way?
Yeah, I know.
What's your point exactly? We all know that sexual objectification is a thing
So this is definitely a female. I'm not making a wild assumption. Which means arguing on the side of common sense is absolutely pointless.
>women are still people
they are
have fun being a loser
>posting frogs
>saying "roastie" as your only argument
cool common sense you've got there funnelcake
You think I'm the only person in this thread, you dope? I never once used the word 'roastie'. I never use it all, in fact. Go back to being a dummy.
>but seriously I could not afford one of these
That's a good point, nobody ever mentioned the price. I could never afford one either, let alone a self-aware robot. I'd rather spend that extra revenue on games or something.
I would buy one if I lived alone, but how tf am I supposed to hide a sex aide from my gf when it's bigger than she is?
oh no oh shit I guess you win you really cornered me on that one haha
>needing a sex doll when you have a girlfriend
Damn, are those bitches good for anything??
i would only get one if it could be modeled to look exactly like my ex