My friend is one of you and he is selfish

>Have friend since we are both 9.
>He is pretty cool and has a fun personality.
>Grow older.
>He ends up becoming a short guy which makes him unattractive to anyone.
>See him become increasingly cynical and bitter as girls keep rejecting him.
>Gets upset when people tell him he isn't owed sex and claims he just wants a relationship.
>Remains a dateless virgin short loser but my friend group includes him because he is funny and has a wonderful personality.
>Now were both 27.
>Gay male friend says he wants to try a real relationship. Asks me if I know any single guys.
>Bitter friend immediately comes to mind.
>Figure this is perfect because they both get what they want a relationship.
>Mention I know a short guy who might be interested but hes also a virgin.
>He says height isn't a big deal to him and asks for pictures. Doesn't seem to care at all about the virgin part.
>Show him pictures and he calls him cute.
>Give him contact info of bitter friend.
>Short asshole shows up next day demanding to know why I give a gay guy his contact info.
>Is really angry.
>Tell him I find him someone that wants a relationship with him and he should be happy and grateful I am helping him.
>Calls me a bitch and tells me to go fuck myself.
>Has blocked me on everything for over a month.
>Moved somewhere else not sure where.
>Friends all say he cut contact with them and call him a loser for not getting with gay friend.
>We know he posts here.
Travis if you read this you are a selfish asshole for not getting into a relationship with someone who wants to be with you. Everyone agrees there was no reason to abandon everything after all we have been through together.

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nice thread OP
great post

So this is phase 2, it appears?

After you saturated the board in faggetry you're now going to start pretending that it's normal, accepted, maybe even expected that a social outcast should become a faggot?

It's amazing the lengths you people are going to to to try and make this a part of society.

Stop with the homophobic slurs. For your information, I am a woman. Bigots like you and Travis need to grow up. There is nothing wrong with being in a same-sex relationship.

straight male here.
gays are great cock suckers.
go for it if the opportunity arises

>op is upset that their friend who is straight won't get into a gay relationship
am I reading this correctly?

there is if you're not gay


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Your friend was absolutely in the right. What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you want to give your friend AIDS? It's bad enough that you associate with faggots, but then you want to bring your best friend closer with one. I would have just straight up killed you.

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>There is nothing wrong with being in a same-sex relationship
Even if that's true, HE ISN'T GAY YOU IDIOT
>straight male here.
>gets cock sucked by other men

Why does it matter who he gets into a relationship with? He should take what he can get he is 27 and still a virgin who has never been on a date. He can't afford to be picky at this point. He is being a selfish asshole screwing over my other friend who would like to date him.

Tell Travis that.

Yes? He has no right to be picky whether he dates a man or woman at this point. Beggars can't be choosers.

You're a bigot.

Fuck off Nazi.

There is no real gay/straight. Just people.

>There is no real gay/straight. Just people.
Okay then date people of both genders
Date a man, break up with him and then date a woman

>Okay then date people of both genders
I already date both. I don't have to ask out people because men ask me out already.

this thread is seriously fucked up. how did liberalism reach this point?

No you fuck off, you degenerate. How exactly would you take it if one of your friends unironically set you up with a faggot? How would you take that? If your answer is anything other than to break the faggot's face for being a faggot and disowning your friends, then you are a failed man and should be given the same treatment as dogs who walk around in circles.

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That pic made me laugh more than it should have, originally of course

As a woman, I would date a "gay" male if he wanted to. In other words fuck off nazi.

this is bait and it will get a hundred replies
fuck off

Being picky and your sexuality is different. Are you serious? You can't force him to be gay. He sounds like he went overboard but still, if he doesn't want to talk to you that's also his choice

ree ree roastie

nice bait though
2 out of ten

>I already date both.

People like you will be hung on telephone poles with no remorse for betraying your race when the time comes.

Just a friendly reminder that your days are numbered.

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You are right. Looking back now I see how immature he is. He clearly can't handle a relationship with someone who wants to be with him. Should have realized that when he said he wanted to be in an exclusive relationship with someone. People don't do that anymore. Everything is open relationships now. Immature people can't handle relationships. He deserves to be alone.

>dude isn't happy
>assume that he is gay

is this a joke?

>homos always complain about straights forcing their sexuality on them
>they then turn around and say that if you won't go against your sexuality you're a nazi

Fourth Reich when?

What the hell is a "roastie"?

I never said I was bisexual. I have been in a relationship with 4 women.

You don't even know what race I am. Fuck off Nazi.

You sound like a fucking faggot

Fuck off pussy

Go suck your gay friends cock

>dated both men and women
>not bisexual
Then what are you?

yeah, fuck off Travis

Nazis dress better than fags

nice bait mate, die or get off my board

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Oh, it's not an insult. Their words will not sound so sweet in their mouths when they are gargling on their last breath under a black sun.

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I never assumed he was gay. He wanted a relationship with someone who wanted to be with him. I offered him. He got upset. Turns out he was lying about wanting to be in one.

I never said I was "homosexual". He might actually be a Nazi though that explains a lot about why he got so mad.

Never. Fuck off Nazi.

weak bait. sageru beam!

imagine being so thirsty for (You)'s you construct elaborated stories about being a woman and unironically getting your straight virgin friend a gay date on a neptunian astral projection mindscreen

niggers aren't really human
also, fuck off, you whore-bitch

Stop with the homophobic bullshit.

A human.

No, they don't. I bursted out laughing.

That picture reminds me of Travis. You and him should date.

no. fuck off nazi

I don't take "Nazi" seriously either, but I think even normies would see a problem with this
This bait is amazing
>straight guy takes offense to you setting him up with a man when he's said he wishes to date a WOMAN
>it's obviously because he's a nazi

If I was your short friend, I would have slit your fucking throat.

Why no fourth reich? Dont you want to wear a cool uniform?

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Well, it's quite obvious. One doesn't have to be a wizard to notice you act and sound like a petulant white neoliberal bitch who lives in a gated community. Blacks and other racial groupings don't visit this site often, and even less often to complain about the tolerance level of faggots. Which effectively places you lower on the social scale than them. Making you a race traitor.

>He might actually be a Nazi though that explains a lot about why he got so mad
Maybe I am
Listen you fucker, you screwhead, here is a man who stood up against the faggotry

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Rudolf Hess did nothing wrong

Attached: rudolf-hess-H9TBN0.jpg (913x1390, 160K)

There's nothing wrong with being gay, but if your friend isn't gay then you shouldn't force it on him. Being lonely for 27 years doesn't turn you gay.

OP is almost certainly a Jew.

Stay delusional.

How do I report for racism?

I really take offense to your post.

Yes, it is 2018 and we live in California. If he can't accept being in a relationship with someone because of their gender that would make him a Nazi like Drumpf.

Why because I tried to help him by offering him exactly what he wanted?

Fuck off Nazi.

I am Jewish you fucktard.

Yes, he did you fucking Nazi.

He chooses to be a bigot and being alone instead of being in a loving relationship like he claimed he wanted.

what the fuck is wrong with you?
i'm gay and to be set up to fail with a straight guy would be the worst thing ever. have you considered that maybe you're in the wrong here? ditching you completely was an overreaction but still, what you did was a dick move

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Goebbels was CHAD though
except when he cheated on his wife that was kinda gay

Attached: Bundesarchiv_Bild_146-1978-086-03,_Joseph_Goebbels_mit_Familie.jpg (800x597, 60K)

So what?

What the fuck is wrong with YOU? I tried helping him but he outright lied and said he wanted a relationship when he didn't.

Fuck off Nazi.

Wait, when did Goebbels cheat on his wife?

Goebbles is love, Goebbles is life

this thread is mind-blowing


You can't choose to be gay. Not being gay doesn't make you a bigot or mean that you hate gay people. If you aren't attracted to guys you can't force attraction.

This entire fanfic just to try and persuade the straight guys in here to go gay
The people behind this kind of stuff really put a lot of effort into this plan, but I see right through you

so let me get this straight
he said
"I want a relationship, doesn't matter if it's with a man or a woman"
he probably took it as you playing some sick joke on him because he hadn't had a relationship yet

I can type caps all too. FUCK OFF NAZI.

You can choose to be a bigot or a human. He chooses to be a bigot. Attraction shouldn't play a role at the start. It will happen naturally between any two human beings who care for one another.

this entire thread is jewish trickery trying to turn more males gay

What a guy he was. Shame he was coerced into admitting a crime he didn't do and didn't have the chance to recant.

His sacrifice will not be in vain.

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Rommel our lord and savior

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>Yes, it is 2018 and we live in California. If he can't accept being in a relationship with someone because of their gender that would make him a Nazi like Drumpf.
Okay, I had a laugh
>Wait, when did Goebbels cheat on his wife?
"Goebbels was involved in planning the staging of the 1936 Summer Olympics, held in Berlin. It was around this time that he met and started having an affair with the actress Lida Baarova, whom he continued to see until 1938"
He was married to Magda in 1931
Based user

Attached: goebbels laugh.gif (396x216, 1.04M)

Regardless of whether OP is actually a Jew or if it's just bait, can we make this a National Socialist thread? Drop those comfy pictures of the Reich.

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Fanfic of what? What could this possibly be a fanfiction of? This is about being a decent human being and being grateful for things and abandoning your selfish ways

No, he said.

"I just want a relationship with someone who wants me back and I don't care about having sex with them."

Fuck off Nazis.

>"It will happen naturally between any two human beings who care for one another."
this thread is 98% lonely gay guys larping as nazis

I want to FUCK you, little Jew.
I want to pump you full of my NAZI SEED.

Attached: the more you notice.jpg (710x532, 94K)

G-d is going to punish you Nazis. This shit isn't funny. The Nazis killed millions of people. Stop taking this shit as a joke.

This. Pic related, comfy smile from Hess

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Oh shit yeah, now that you remind me I do remember that. It was a Czech girl, wasn't it? Netflix did a movie on their affair.

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if only hitler finished the race

>G-d is going to punish you Nazis.
Reminder you kikes KILLED God's son, so if anything God will punish YOU

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See? Nazis like bunnies. They cant be that bad

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excellent idea. fashwave is the new trend though

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Larping as a Nazi isn't a joke. It is not funny. It is just cringeworthy and horrifying that people would make light of pretending to be the people who committed the Holocaust the worst thing that ever happened in the history of humanity.

I don't fuck Nazis.

The thing is you guys need to step your game up at this point. I don't know if you got a discord secret club but you should all gather and try to put more layers into your plans
We've gotten really tired by now of the same trick that has turned cheap at this point. If you want males to start taking female hormones or if you're a desperate gay with delusions of turning every men in the world a homo, you need to go beyond what your one hundred iq points brain is limiting you. Think about your next course of action with patience next time cause anybody who hasn't gotten here today is immune to this

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What if he's rich and hot?

seems like you don't visit this site very often
although, your formatting makes it seem like you do
bait/10 IGN

>I dont fuck Nazis

So you would turn down this turbo chad right here?

Attached: reinhard-heydrich-2.jpg (791x1000, 87K)

Hitler loved his dog too!
Were those Nazis REALLY that bad?

Attached: hitler and blondi.gif (316x234, 488K)

Oh, that was nothing. The real oven you should be worried about is the oven in hell you will be greeted with, like all Jewish satanists. You will see.

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>There is no real gay/straight. Just people.
i am a fag and i can tell you that this is simply wrong, your sexuality is a fundamental part of your being and personality and it is decided before you're even born, you can't just pick and choose what to like
also >reddit spacing
you have to go back you double nigger

Gas yourself. You seriously ruined that poor guy by trying to force him into being gay and now are all offended that people are calling you out on it.

me too on the first part
OP what's your reddit username

>There are 25 posters in this thread
>There are 25 people this fucking stupid

>I don't fuck Nazis.

You're a woman.
You don't "fuck" anything.
You get fucked.
And you can be fucked whether you want it to happen or not.

Good idea, user.

Fashwave is dead. Long live fashwave.

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8/10, its pretty believable.

OP is a woman?
seems like she just wanted to turn her friend into another gay guy she can virtue signal off of like all women do

Im just here for the Nazi shitposting

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>fashwave is dead.
>long live fashwave.


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Holy FUCK, look at that chin and facial structure.

Fuck you. I hope you and Travis and all the Amalek's pay for what you did. G-d will make sure you are wiped from the face of the Earth.

What the fuck do female hormones have anything to do with getting into a relationship?

I don't care I want to see Nazis die.

I post on sexy beautiful men quite often. I don't post on this board.

Yes, I would rather see him die.

The only good thing Hitler ever did was kill a bunch of you descendants of Amalek.

G-d will punish you Amalek bitch.

You can always pick who you choose to fall in love with.

He would have been happy. Instead, he chooses to be an unhappy bigot.

Oh so now you are threatening to rape me? I am sure the FBI will be interested in you Nazis.

0/10 fuck off

Sexist loser. No wonder no one will have sex with you.

My point exactly. How could OP turn him down?

posting the picture of a shirtless chad that has nothing related to the story was a big mistake if you wanted people to believe you're not trying to convert them

This is the only chad, there is no other.

Attached: 0EB7D7FA00000578-3782555-The_face_of_evil_Reinhard_Heydrich_who_died_in_1942_after_an_att-m-26_14734 (634x853, 98K)

>"Sexist loser. No wonder no one will have sex with you."
for the last time:
i'm gay. the hundreds of fucking grindr messages i get might disagree with you.
"sexist" has no power over me because women are of no use to me.
go back to rebbit nigger

I got it from sexy beautiful men. The best board on this site. He also reminds me of my gay friend.

I don't use reddit you Nazi.

What do you think of Elliot Rodger you think he's a hero I think he's a hero praise to Elliot may all the toasties die

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A sexist loser who thinks he is owed sex and would probably turn down a relationship offer from someone just like Travis did.