
Comfy Witcher logfire edition

Before asking your stupid beginner questions, make sure to read the reddit wiki:

Also, include:
>time spent lifting

And remember that even as internet doctors, we can't help you dose your AI.

If you ask about oral-only cycles, you will be mocked. That shit is stupid.

no source talk thats illegal

prev on Meth Overdose general:

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First for suicide

2nd for coming back from the dead

3rd for forever alone

>Nice. Didn't know you could rename filenames from your phone, also aren't those solar panels hot af or at least warm?

I mean i have it usb'd to my pc atm so ya. No bro they aint give off heat at all but I haven't had to pay electric since I bought this house.

promises were made... pic relate

looks photoshopped, not lewd enough to be my promises

Summer is almost here, boys (and one girl). What are your plans? Are you cutting? Any vacations planned? Gonna live on the beach?

>Implying I don't own a custom ordered fitted Sonic outfit ready to bust out at a moments notice
Listen buddy I know not everyone can afford the finer things in life so I was trying to accommodate you. I can bring out the big guns if you want but you better be able to keep up.

I'm not sure if this is a meme anymore or if I'd actually go to the gym in sonic outfits with a matching buddy.

>Learn to have fun
That's what I'm trying to do, now tell me where to acquire the BDSM headpiece or have your life ended by my katautisma (autism katana)

That's either a framed picture to admire while you shit or another mirror to admire yourself taking a shit. Either way, nice.

Google says summer doesn’t start until June 20th so I’ve still got 1.5 months to finish my cut. Lost 15 lbs in 3 weeks on a 1k deficit. Looking to lose about 20 before summer then run low dose tren for aesthetics and hang out on Malibu beach every day to get mores.

bleh my bad meant to put edited one

You never left me as a mindbroken cumslut and it broke me bro. Now i'm out here getting slammed by 16-20yr olds waiting to get thrown into jail for jailbaitery

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>The beta cuck blurr vs the alpha ski mask
Train all you want your dick remains tiny and you remain short dipshit, mosquito man. You are the at the height of the toilet you shit standing up and you stand on your toes to take a piss. I would lock you in a room and put the key on the top shelf so you cant get out and fuck your girl for 5 hours straight in the next room so you can hear all the hit on the walls and her moans while her ass opens like a flower to me you have never experienced that and never will kid cry all you want but she wants a man with a tuna can thick dick who can stretch her, show me to her and let her have her opinion i will send dick pics to make my score a perfect 10/10 after she judges me with 9

I think she's the one crying. First because you're going to rape her. Then laughing and crying at your micro penis

>desperate beta messages her over several days, no response
>fuck my ass
>invites him over


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sigh, you were already doing that when we met....

Thinking about seeing how my gf feels about letting me fuck other girls. I love her a lot but she can’t match my sex drive.

I don’t want to hurt her and want to spend my life with her but I resent her when I’m horny every couple hours and she can’t keep up. She’ll do it to make me happy but I don’t like it when she does that it’s no fun.


Give me one reason why Deca is not the absolute best steroid ever invented

>no acne
>no hairloss
>no bitch tits at 400mg
>smoother skin
>great for joint health
>great gains even on doses below 400mg

protip: you cant

No.. back then i was anally plowing 18 yr old tinderellas on coke in my car, I have seen upgraded from coke to meth and fucking asses to getting ass fucked tyvm.

>desperate beta messages her over several days, no response

call me a beta cuck all u want m8, but we would take turns missing our drunk tinder messages for months, the fuck my ass night we both just happened to be awake at the same time.

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Its the gyms build in roid dispenser.

>alpha ski mask
Lmao keep up the fan fiction, its the furthest you'll ever get. You honestly believe my girl would want an ugly retard like you?
I thought my face was ugly but you actually hiding yours lmao I'm so sorry.

will not end well

imo its near impossible to 'open' a 'non-open' relationship unless you've both seriously lost interest in each other. works better if you start it as open

and still not working as my whore to get me whorebuxx

how the mighty have fallen

how am I supposed to pimp you out if you're gouging out pits in your skin with your newfound addiction

She will be more busy controlling my rock hard dick in her mouth than thinking about my face if you think she wouldnt let me fuck her you are in denial especially if i wore the mask she would turn into the slut that she is and i know her she has the warmest spit my cock would shoot children like a fountain in her mouth and then you would go and kiss her and ask how her day has been and why she has pain sitting.You do the most boring sex your girl must hate you and looking for someone on the side before she ditches your ass if i were your neighbor you would hear her everynight screaming you are too little for her or any other woman you need to retire yourself your dick is non existant like a mosquito nose she would suck the smegma piss and shit off my dick before she would ever want anything to do with yours

I don’t want an open relationship I’m not a cuck. I just want to hook up with randoma with her consent, going to frame it like I’m doing her a favor because we will still do all the romantic stuff she likes but I’ll take out my degenerate fantasies on other girls.

Shit man, you dutch folks have the fanciest gyms. All we have is an old black man constantly asking if we want to buy some crack.

As opposed to gouging out pits in his skin taking roids?

>going to frame it like I’m doing her a favor
This isn't going to work but you seem convinced on trying it, so have fun.

even a one-sided relationship still applies to that rule

if she does it, she will just slowly resent you and hate herself more and more

unless she didn't want to be with you at this point in the first place

since you didn't begin this way, it's now something she's losing, and she will feel less of herself and less loved because ultimately something changed that made you decide you no longer want a fully closed relationship with her

I've been that girl in the past and I'm in a fully open relationship currently, so I may be projecting a little, but I speak not just from experience but from watching other's experiencing with the same scenario

i had that with a few tinder sluts, its annoying af and i just ghost them

why do dumb niggers like you think shit like this is going to work out.
Even if she says yes the first time, she will come back later in a few weeks and cry about it.
Kill yourself and go back to africa

poor cunt if youre still here with the ai thing I started 2.5g test, its been 8 days so far and I started it with letro 0.625mg ed but then decided to move onto adex which I started doing 1mg eod while halving my letro dose by half everyday which its been 5 days now and my nips were aching like hell just this morning, so then I popped another 0.625mg letro and I feel better now is there a chance 1mg adex eod isnt enough for me?

Now you’re making me feel bad. Well idk what to do now because like I said she can’t keep up and prefers sex 3-4 times a week. She’s does it every day to make me happy but like I said I can tell when she’s doing that and I don’t like it.

>going to frame it like I’m doing her a favor because we will still do all the romantic stuff she likes but I’ll take out my degenerate fantasies on other girls.

>thinking this will work

user... is dating harder or easier when you are mentally challenged?

>how am I supposed to pimp you out if you're gouging out pits in your skin with your newfound addiction

Not remembering that vanity is paramount to me smdh.... U really think i'd be fucking 16 yr olds at 30 if I was getting ugly senpai?

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your features look low test babyface now I get why you go after teens it’s because you look like one at 30


otherwise you are prolly better of cheating on her than pulling that shit off.
Think about it nigger what you are doing and what she'll think about it. There is nothing worse for a girl to not feel wanted. I'll promise you she is going to cry herself into sleep at night "my bf doesnt find me sexy anymore and wants other woman".

Whoa man, I'm not the most knowledgeable on this subject, I was just giving basic advice and giving a sorta guess. I am curtious though, why letro? Why not just asin or adex?

>gives you sex whenever you want
>you are still complaining because “I don’t like it when she’s only doing it to make me happy”

she sounds like a nice girl doing what she can to make you happy how about you appreciate it

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at first it was just convenience because it was the cheapest but now im realizing I might need it, would 1mg adex ed work at this point instead? thanks btw dude

Sure bro that works 100% and just say she's fat also to make sure you're serious

How does she react when you look at woman in her presence? Imagine when you ask if she cares and she is saying she doesn't care, holy fuck that would be some crazy btfo

>U really think i'd be fucking 16 yr olds at 30
no you're a fucking pedophile with your fucking woman faggot hair lmao. That lower third

kill yourself

When I’m bored I look up people I didn’t like in high school and if they work in a customer service related field I call and complain to their manager about them or write fake 1 star yelp reviews.

Have gotten at least 2 fires that I know of.

mast did you go on with 1.5g test? how much ai were you taking?

idk what to tell you senpai, that's just the cold, hard truth

if she suddenly said she wants to fuck guys with bigger dicks and yours isn't satisfying her, wouldn't you feel a little inadequate?


who said you were allowed to do this

hey dude why not just let your hair flow down instead?

OK /fraud/fags, serious question time before you all start your usual bitching.

On my second cycle of Test E, 600mg per week. Put on decent size the first cycle, decent size this cycle. Currently about 10 weeks into a 15 week cycle.

I was going to to Tren this time around - saw no reason other than "the sides man!" but if you're going to do it one day anyway, might as well face the possible sides sooner rather than later. I'm sensible, and if Tren didn't agree with me, I'd just fuck it off. Annoying, but thems the breaks.

Thing is though, just before I started this cycle, I got a new job, my dream job, and didn't want to risk Tren sides. I take very well to Test (I have to use hardly any AI), so imagine it wouldn't be anything nasty on Tren, but even poor sleep could fuck things up, especially while I'm still on probation.

So from various advice about my steroid use in general, I've decided to just blast and cruise from now on. Was naturally low-test before I started, but bloodwork after cycle 1 and PCT showed my natural test had been "bumped" back into the normal range. My GP said it's rare, but does happen. Thing is though, I've also read B&C is often healthier than PCT if you're going to keep on cycling, so that's the plan.

So my questions -

1. How long should I cruise for before hitting the Tren? I'd like to do it this summer ideally. I've heard around 10 weeks on a cruise dose is fine?

2. How should I approach it? I'm on 600mg p/w Test now. After week 15 should I just drop straight down to 150-200mg Test, leave it for 10 weeks, then hit the Test and Tren?

3. Thoughts on the cycle? I'm just going for Tren E as the lab I use makes dosing it easy. 300mg Test E, 200mg Tren E p/w. That's 1ml of each compound, so nice and simple.

That's a fucking beta move, fucking snitch

No 1,1g max. Sides were really killing. Constant depressed also in some kind of fight and flight mode constantly . I can't explain was really weird feeling.

controlling e2 was really hard. Was taking 0.5 eod. Probably had to take 1 eod

How do people into the witcher? From what little I've played it seems like some cringey animu incel faggotry, but everybody says the games are amazing. Is it worth sticking it out, or is the dialogue just gonna be edgy and unrealistic the whole time? Do you guys just ignore that aspect of the game, or do you actually like it? It was a huge buzzkill for me.

Like I said, not an expert at this. Probably the worst trip to ask for advice, yadda yadda. From what I know though, isn't letro basically like an estrogen nuke, usually used for when you're trying to treat gyno? If your issues started up when you started taking the letro then obviously that has something to do with it. Personally what i'd do now is stop taking letro and adex and see if your symptoms go away. After that, drop the letro and start with .5 adex eod and adjust according to either bloodwork or bloat/nip feel.

But that's just me. Once again, might wanna get a second opinion on this.

>who said you were allowed to do this
Cmon girl, u know damn well that having long hair can be the hassliest hassle ever if it aint all braided up nice. Also female friends don't give me option.

>kill yourself

I mean.. i'm making half assed attempts.

angles baby remember, i cater to the 16-18 yr old bracket when sending snaps.

>hey dude why not just let your hair flow down instead?
Wind sucks
hair tangles
overall uncomfy unless u weigh it down with product
Instead I could have it braided up nice and out of my face and swim in the compliments from drunk girls when i work security at the bar.

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I better see a fucking hair bun on that pretty little head of yours in 5... 4... 3...

R y a grill or a trap?

damn ight thanks heard you hit 120kg mustve been insane

angles don’t change your facial bones and lips

your face is 100% low test no wonder you like getting pegged

>2. How should I approach it?

Tren is closer to being a drug experience than a roid desu... you have no fucking clue how you will be on it emotionally.

>I take very well to Test (I have to use hardly any AI), so imagine it wouldn't be anything nasty on Tren

Could not be more unrelated honestly.

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You went mute after i put my dick in your mouth? Maybe throatfucking your girl is the unmute ahhhaha

Damn i can fuck you in the ass if you are so addicted to it, you dont even have to wear a wig or a mask you are set i will bareback you

I've never played it but I've played enough games and watched enough anime to know that 99.9% of the time what the mainstream majority likes is, unironically, unedgily, complete shit

that it appeals to such a large demographic generally (with exceptions) means it is not particularly vested in making any one aspect of it extremely good, making it mediocre at best

such is the failings of life. it is also why if you look up 'recommendations based on liking xyz game/show/whatever', you will just get rehashed comments on whatever is more popular, because these people literally know nothing else and spread their blessing of shit taste like the most potent of cancerous aids

it's really great if you're trying to sell cancerous aids, but horrible if you're looking for an end product that is not cancerous aids

how much lean mass did you put on with your first cycle?

I am a george foreman, to be precise

I can fucking choke you to death with those braids while fucking you in the ass

fucking pussy

I wish

Are you really the guy in the picture? Or that is also part of this stale troll

Nigger i know not all people like witcher but what you just said is absolute fucking horse shit.
The game is far far far from anime or faggotry, how the fuck did you come up with this bullshit.
And Geralt is the most badass fucking charackter in the universe KILL YOURSELF holy shit.

The game is fucking cold and brutal most of the time, but it has absolutely genius fucking charackters with an absolute amazing fucking world.

Witcher is a long ass game with a very deep story and world. It takes time to learn to love it. You dont play it for 2 hours and go "WOW BEST GAME EVER" even though i did in my case.

Its like with TV shows, you dont watch one episode and fall in love with the show. No, the more you watch the better it gets, same for Witcher.

But you already have a toxic and retarded mindset so you dont even deserve to touch this master piece dumb nigger.

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How the greats have fallen,tell me how to reach you in social media and i will prove my identity and dick size faggot and show them both to your girl

up your AI


It doesnt fuckign matter what game it is and how good it is, EVERYONE TRASHES AND CALLS IT GARBAGE AND A FAILURE.

And witcher 3 is by far the only game where the majority of the gaming community actually AGREES that its an awsome fucking game. CD Projekt Red is THE most popular and beloved game company FOR THAT GAME ALONE look it up. They literally went to 1# in the entire fucking industry simply because the world loved that single game.

Yeah that's always the feeling I got from the series. Just hoping I'm wrong I guess. I tried liking it. It just seemed too generic and way too edgy. I kept feeling like I was missing something that everybody else way seeing.

Most people would recommend waiting longer than 10 weeks in between cycles, but I wouldn't. So do what you want.

In fact, I'd advise you just throw tren ace on now in your last five weeks. It's cheap and why not? Tren E takes longer to leave your system, btw, so it'd be more of a bitch to "fuck it off" if you don't react well.

Tren sides are overrated as fuck. Then again, I always run my tren higher than my test and pin everyday which is supposed to help with the sides. I only get weird dreams, sweatier at the gym, and sometimes catch myself in stupid ass arguments but nothing crazy.

>I better see a fucking hair bun on that pretty little head of yours in 5... 4... 3...

And if you don't ;^)

thinking i like anything about what i do sexually XD

Only if you become a qt girl and massage my scalp afterwards while we do your hair regiment together.

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I did preface my post by saying I've never played Witcher

Holy fuck bud. Calm down.

And you're not making much of a case for the game based on popularity. That doesn't mean much.

if you're going to backtalk me like that you can enjoy your inadequate, underage assfuckings that make you want to an hero all alone ... what a waste

>thinking i like anything about what i do sexually XD


b..but.. i don't know how to bun it up without it falling down :( please forgive me

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im in my late 20s and im about ready to kill someone else or myself because i havent been laid in a week.

is going on cycle going to push me over the edge?

You should probably just kill yourself. We don't need anymore toxic men walking around.

i agree dying from steroid use would be a nice outcome for my life


Ill be huge in a few months and force you to piss on your sister while i ass rape your mother you dirty nigger.
back to africa

hopeless. this is exactly why you need to become my little whore, as you have absolutely no idea what to do with yourself in my absence

I know we can sometimes look like Jow Forumsincel when r9k drags their fatasses in, but in reality we are not the same thing

god you are fucking pathetic

Damn that skull and facial features. I am mirin hard

Thick eyebrows close to the eyes are so fucking important in terms of facial aesthetics

You will never make it with fucking thin look blond eye brows, it's a death sentence. If you look like the last one, it's over

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I miss having a thicc fit girl who would practice bjj on me.

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yeah but at least im not begging 17 year old tinder girls to assfuck me

thanks poor will dig more and also go with that

please dress me up in cute little panties and stockings and bully my penis already, I have been lost while you were gone.

I have train all life to be your broken toy ;;

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and yet i still find you pathetic, perhaps you should reflect on that and as to what level you are actually on m8.

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i tend not to concern myself with the opinions of people who abuse methamphetamine and are on the receiving end of sexual abuse by literal children.


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u cant just go around ruling out everyone's opinion u don't like cuz of irrelevant things like drug abuse and sexually manifested sadness bro.

keep talking like that and i will yank your pigtails and fuck your ass. trust me when i say it won't feel good.

that's quite some sweet talk from someone who can't even provide me with a non-braided selfie

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senpai plz.. bully me when im tied up, not like this

i'd fucking manhandle u retard, i work security and probably have far more experience with grappling than u

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Why are we always fighting among ourselves?

because i came off roids and didn't do pct just to punish myself and revel in my unhappiness

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It is an improvement, I'm appeased for now. But next time I expect no hesitation of what I ask from you, lest I wipe the make up from your face that I will force you to so carefully apply

have you ever seen a group of monkeys get in a shit flinging fight? well...

>bragging about working security at 30 years old

pigtailed paul blart lookin ass bitch

High estro males with confidence and image issues all lumped together, nobody saw it coming.

Trying to get a job as a mailman

Great cardio walking down all those streets delivering mail AND an excellent tan

If we weren’t insecure we wouldn’t be damaging our long term health for vanity purposes m8

careful, if you're too efficient at your job you risk being fired. better just throw out a handful of letters and a couple packages at the start of every day, just to be safe

I never have to work a day in my life, there is literally nothing you have on me except for the addiction and kinks i give myself, and i'm pretty sure /fraud/ is a no kinkshame zone m8.

I work security purely for fun and show up when I want at random.

i'll be a good little imooto! I won't even complain when u bring me outside dressed up!

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Well shiver me timbers. Might wanna check those links bud.

>trustfund baby
>ironically works as a security guard
>life handed to him on a silver platter
>still a depressed weirdo that abuses trailertrash tier drugs and gets his anus stretched out by 17 year old girls

i don't even have the heart to continue berating you.

I don't fight with people ;-;

>trustfund baby

I retarded my way into wealth on my own tyvm.

I bet you are afraid to have a girl put a finger up your ass too u pussy.

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You'll have to ask nicely for that

Say it with me, now

"Kudasai, O-nee-chan"

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My gfs boss has a crush on her but he’s a 4/10 nonthreatening friendzoned dweeb. Should I still be concerned?