OK /fraud/fags, serious question time before you all start your usual bitching.
On my second cycle of Test E, 600mg per week. Put on decent size the first cycle, decent size this cycle. Currently about 10 weeks into a 15 week cycle.
I was going to to Tren this time around - saw no reason other than "the sides man!" but if you're going to do it one day anyway, might as well face the possible sides sooner rather than later. I'm sensible, and if Tren didn't agree with me, I'd just fuck it off. Annoying, but thems the breaks.
Thing is though, just before I started this cycle, I got a new job, my dream job, and didn't want to risk Tren sides. I take very well to Test (I have to use hardly any AI), so imagine it wouldn't be anything nasty on Tren, but even poor sleep could fuck things up, especially while I'm still on probation.
So from various advice about my steroid use in general, I've decided to just blast and cruise from now on. Was naturally low-test before I started, but bloodwork after cycle 1 and PCT showed my natural test had been "bumped" back into the normal range. My GP said it's rare, but does happen. Thing is though, I've also read B&C is often healthier than PCT if you're going to keep on cycling, so that's the plan.
So my questions -
1. How long should I cruise for before hitting the Tren? I'd like to do it this summer ideally. I've heard around 10 weeks on a cruise dose is fine?
2. How should I approach it? I'm on 600mg p/w Test now. After week 15 should I just drop straight down to 150-200mg Test, leave it for 10 weeks, then hit the Test and Tren?
3. Thoughts on the cycle? I'm just going for Tren E as the lab I use makes dosing it easy. 300mg Test E, 200mg Tren E p/w. That's 1ml of each compound, so nice and simple.