Be total sperglord

>be total sperglord
>at the gym
>about ready to leave
>think i'll try a pick up line on a black qt
>fifteen minutes of courage building
>go over to her
>'can you help me out with something?'
>'i lost my phone number, could I have yours?'
>mfw she thinks i mean it literally
>have to pretend im being serious about not knowing my number
>she gives me her number so i can call it and write my number down
>mfw i have to pretend not to know my own fucking phone number
>walk over to the water fountain and run it on my face
>leave the gym

I feel more confident desu but I dropped my spaghetti all over the place

Attached: DcYVfiIWsAEC9he.jpg (249x249, 20K)

>'i lost my phone number, could I have yours?'
>mfw she thinks i mean it literally
>have to pretend im being serious about not knowing my number
>she gives me her number so i can call it and write my number down

you do know niggers are not intelligent, right? Jow Forums was not lying to you, it was not a joke

>generalizing a whole race of people over one girl's action.

>makes remark on other people's intelligence.

accurate and quick pattern recognition is a sign of intelligence you dumbass, it's literally part of what an IQ test measures.

Anyways, you are stupid for assuming that my only experience with niggers is this one girl in this one story. How do you know I haven't lived in >50% nigger areas? Hung out with tons of groups of niggers? Lived in 99% nigger countries?

You sure jump to conclusions a lot, that's a sure sign of a total dumbass

This is absolutely hilarious please call her and tell her the story later I would die of cute overload if I knew a guy did that for me

I considered that, but I only have so much spaghetti and I can't run out

kill yourself

I've been friends with some pretty smart black and half black people over the years. The smartest guy at my IT firm is pitch black.

>black qt
That's an odd way to say "filthy nigger ape" you race traitor faggot

> look I knew this one smart black guy that means the pattern doesn't exist!!!
so marry a nigger then, I don't care what you do.
go die dunning krugerite

Niggers aren't triangles. You're a retard who is somehow not aware of how dumb he is.

she was obviously just fucking with him you idiot

Go back to Jow Forums.

Shoo shoo Jow Forumstards. I didn't make this thread for it to get ruined by you faggots

just do it man, you really can’t go much further down. shoot her a text tomorrow once you’ve recovered

my last score was 135, I am not dumb. You are just a race denialist proselyting your religion and shaming nonbelievers

>promising thread derailed by retard racebaiters

why do i keep coming here?

If you wanted to get her attention you should have shown her over to the gym mirrors. Blacks cant recognize themselves and it makes them revert to their violent apelike state that they work to hide when around many whites

Stopped reading right there.

>leave the gym
stopped reading there

Blacks literally aren't human

Laughed my ass off. Yesterday I got a swimmer's number after telling her I was embarrassed that she was out lapping me so easily. I asked her for tips over coffee so I could improve and not continue 'prolong drowning.' She laughed hard at the last part.

I only know two great pickup lines that work on niggers and I learned both from lived
>is there anything in this car I should know about?
>why are you sitting in that car alone with that man you dont know the name of
Both end up with the negress in the back of your car, gauranteed

Attached: redditt.png (1050x741, 159K)

Easily could have been saved by you laughing it off and saying
>"I thought you were cute, that was my attempt at a pickup line. Wanna hangout with me sometime?"

Shit is only awkward if you make it awkward. You can play almost anything that doesn't go according to plan off with enough practice.

>"I thought you were cute, that was my attempt at a pickup line. Wanna hangout with me sometime?"
Doing fucking what? Blacks like doing drugs, violent crime, voting for Democrats and living in squalor. Everyone needs to stop pretending like this would have worked out for OP

>Meanwhile Asians and whites performing at above average are being pushed aside for blacks who are performing just at average.

There is tons of research that show blacks tend to be lower on the scale than other races on average. Don't get mad at user. Use that energy to help your brethren out.



Bump for a quality thread. And I'm not racist like the other guys here but I've never found a black woman attractive.

Congrats on getting a number from a girl that will never, ever respond

I remember what it was like to be 16