Why the fuck do normalfags love to pretend they give a shit?

Why the fuck do normalfags love to pretend they give a shit?

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makes em feel better

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It makes them feel good about themselves.
Simple as that.

Don't kill yourself ya bitch

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Makes them feel better about themselves

They watch too many movies

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Its the only way they rationalize the fact that they ostracize low-value males and drive them to school shootings or suicide

Because suicide is bad for the economy.

some of them do care, that being said i'm still pulling the plug when i feel like it

Whoever that person is just wants attention

>PLEASE retweet this
Fuck off jesus

They like to pretend theyre good people.

That being said they'll retweet this then still isolate the obviously depressed kid the next day.

Literally this. It's the only reason anyone cares.

>Every day is misery
>Haven't been happy in years
>No friends
>Honestly, nobody would notice if I died, outside of family
Why shouldn't I kill myself? After mummy dies, I'm out.

Because if we die they won't have anyone to look down upon to feel better about themselves with

>tfw got the suicide talk from parents again today
>tfw it's become a monthly occurrence

Why would a generic retweet ever change a made a mind? Or even an unmade mind? Wouldn't that just solidify your decision? Everything is so distant and impersonal.

its virtue signalling retard

errrgghhhh I hate normies

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Fucking idiot normies thinking that a message saying "pls no kill self" will make a depressive feel any better.

If anything this place makes me "feel better". I'm not comparing myself to anyone. It's just that misery loves company. I love you fucking cunts I hope you kill yourselves, come kill me while you're at it.

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Love you too, lad
Originally of course

>we care
>if you see this on your Twitter, retweet it. You could save a life.

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Wow Im not going to kill myself now :)

Retarded and for virtue points, thats a given.

The ones that mean it with a shred of honesty only do because a high status person ended themself. Think of literally every person that suicided that made the news for suicide awareness: celebs, chads, any woman. Suicide prevention and most help has stemmed from wanting to lose less people that entertain or make us horny and not the incel loser bullied for things out of their control.

They care for the same reason the government cares - single white males are the most at-risk demographic for suicide. You have the potential to be productive, to be a wageslave and betabux your life away for society; many already do. You're a vital component of the food chain and they don't want you opting out.

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it's pretty easy over a twitter connection

terrifying in person

this post makes me very upset

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>149k people just pushed the button to virtue signal
>less than 0.5% of them made an original comment

Literally just virtue signalling. Nothing more than that. Normies are fed by movies and media that it's the appropriate thing to do, to show empathy for strangers. But in reality, none of them care or give a fuck about you. It's like when people gasp and cry when they hear about the suicides of little girls on the news. I really dont get it.

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>"Don't kill yourself, please."

And do what? Continue suffering for the rest of my life? Most normalfaggots probably wish a majority of people on this board were dead anyways.

So many of you are whinning about the guy "virtue signaling" by posting= on Twitter. Us "Normie's" do it out of good will. If enough people like and share, it could save a life.

>Us "Normie's" do it out of good will
Well you can shove that right up your ass my man
>If enough people like and share, it could save a life
You know damn well this is 150% bullshit. You just want to look good for your scum friends and get likes on your post. Shouting suicide is bad! In to a void isn't helping anyone you disconnected self righteous piece of shit

Retards like you are the reason why we can't tell people to kys on the internet any longer. Not even in a stalking harassing way but just offhand tell someone to kys because they said something stupid.

Internet words are the most powerless shit but normies think its matters because your ape brains get dopamine from them

This is a really bad way of preventing it usually. If you're truly suicidal you can easily rationalise how the people in life you care about will be better off without you. It's better to get people to start doing some planning for the next day or two. When you force people to think ahead, suicide becomes a lot harder to go through with.

Normies doing it to virtue signal is pretty gay though.

>literally capitalizing on suicide to get retweets
this shit makes me want to kms even more desu

Dont do it because think of all the faggot normies that you never or briefly exchanged with use you to virtue signal and say how you were a really nice/sweet/gentle person. Dont let your death give vain people their daily feelgood brain chemicals.

Not even virtue signalling would cause someone to lie like that

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Youre just doing it for the clout because its socially accepted and rewarded for virtue signaling like that. Fuck off normalfag scum youre see through.

its virtue-signalling and guilt tripping all in one.

Why? I'm a dumbass

Immigrants will replace you and probably have if you're just self-loathing inside your room all day

telling someone that they "totally care" is fucking worthless. Everyone says they care but rarely do they ever mean it. If they cared, they would actually do something more than just be all "we care"

If you want to kill yourself and actually have the means to... do it. You won't regret it.

(normal) people are naturally uncomfortable by some ending it, they spend all their days fearing death and then some justs waltzes off cliffs

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I wish people would say that to me. The one time I brought up wanting to kill myself I got told by multiple people to stop attentionwhoring.

Because of loss of productivity and medical costs.

1) Attention:
1a) Obvious "retweet if you care", guilttripping those who do not retweet.
1b) Buying into the anti-suicide trend to ride its popularity.
1c) Content is otherwise empty.
2) Virtue signalling.
2a) They themselves think they are helping society.
2b) Those who retweet think they are helping society.
2c) All who see the tweet will think better of the tweet's OP for caring about suicide.

it's always for retweets. no one cares until some celebrity kills themselves and then suddenly everyone is an mental health advocate. at least this shit is being called out now
t. twitter drone

>willingly going on twitter

Isnt is all just thots and gays?

>be me
>going to my favorite hangout spot
>its a old highway bridge that is now longer used
>theres a parked car full of girls
>go on the other end sit there and drink my soda
>as the car leaves it goes towards me
>a blond haired girl leans out and asks in concerned voice "you okay?"
>they speed of before i can say anything else
>I wonder why i asked my then realize its cause im sitting on the edge

Damn.... I felt that . original

>be me
>decide to an hero
>oh what's this, a tweet saying i shouldn't kill myself
>that settles it! my life is now worth living!

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It's all self serving

I gotta say, the idea of normies using my suicide to get "likes" and pats on tue back on social media does kinda make me want to an hero a little less
So I guess it's working in an unintended way

Same reason as to why rich people support mass immigration, because it is so distant from them, they will never have to deal with the problem(s) and they look like a saint for spouting it.
I'm sure there is a word for this lunacy

I wonder if he thinks finally committing to suicide is purely an impulse that just randomly appears?

This. The only reason you exist is to keep society's wheel turning so the chads, stacies, normies, basically anyone except you can benefit from it.

This is how the world sees you. As a workhorse, destined only to plow the fields until you drop dead. And the world doesn't give even a single molecule-sized fuck about whether or not you're happy with this. Now get back to work, slaves.

Society as a whole is a machine with incalculable pieces and when a piece decides it's obsolete before society does that means money is potentially being lost obviously you don't see protests about senior suicides or the terminally ill It's always campaigns well funded and well advertised in your face aimed at pieces who will make money rather then those who won't or can't.

They don't care if you die or live but you not making them profit hurts them so them stopping you from hurting yourself while they pump you full of pills to "fix" any "chemical imbalances" is their way of saying we care now get back to work or else.

Some do. Others just want to look virtuous.

Much like you and your ilk.

I was depressed for 20 some years, trust me, you need all the support you can get to sustain you through the hard times, as small as that solace may be.

I ask myself the same question, we are just living in torture and misery. We are always alone. I hate normies.

>Society as a whole is a machine

Some would say the machine is broken, but the horrible truth is that it's working, and doing exactly what it was built to do.

dont do it, duude

They're loaded with dopamine, anything they do feels good especially virtual signalling, you wonder how humanity had existed for so long how they didn't all kill themselves, it's because normal people feel pretty good

If they really gave a shit about us, they would legalize prostitution so we have something to work for besides mere survival.

You live to work, you work to live.

That is the role society has assigned you.

Sex is a privilege reserved for the higher classes. It's not for the grunts at the bottom of the food chain.

The sooner you stop struggling against the status quo and accept your place as a slave, the better.

the only reaction to my suicide attempts that made me think was when I was hanging myself in hospital (trying to do suspension hanging from a door lock) and the guy just tutted at me like I was doing something retarded, and took me to the med room and gave me my meds.
it made me realise that what I was doing is actually retarded instead of the usual overly sympathetic fake responses

oh yeah, that random stranger online I'll never know totally just brought me out of my downward spiral with their superficial bullshit. people like these deserve to lose family to suicide.

>Sex is a privilege reserved for the higher classes. It's not for the grunts at the bottom of the food chain.

That's hilariously wrong. Don't fill their heads with poison and dog shit.

It's better than filling your heads with false hope, no?

You must accept your place in the social hierarchy. And that place is at the very bottom. Be happy with whatever scraps your masters let you have.

I just like and retweet dumb memes.

Don't kill yourself, please.

If you're suffering from depression and are looking for a sign to not go through with ending your life, this is it. This is the.. wait. Are you an incel? Nevermind. We don't care.

If you see this on your Twitter, retweet it. You could end an incel's life.

Obviously they want to reach out to the suicidal normalfags.
Nobody is pretending to give a shit about us.

hey there fren! before you go, have you ever considered dragging some random strangers with you? I mean, sure you may not have anything against them, but think user, your body count will be YOUR mark on history, long after worms have decomposed you to dirt your killing spree will be well remembered! So what do you say user? Why not go out and stab some random strangers? :^)

>we care - normalfags

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>some crybaby 14 year old retweets it and says ''omg now am not suicide thx to you...''
>original poster spends the rest of his days thinking he saved a life, bringing this up everytime the topic comes to mental illness/suicide

It is called "virtue signaling"
By pretending to care, they want to be seen as a better person than they actualy are.