What do we do about the Gymcel problem?

What do we do about the Gymcel problem?

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Why is my photo on there
Fuck off

Jow Forums group pic

this you?

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What's wrong with the asian dude?

his ugly face you fucking weeb

Post body


This guy slapps your girlfriends ass. what do you do

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He... already looks like he's sorry about it. Maybe it was a nervous tick and he's embarrassed and scared I'll hit him?

I have one in my gym
Built like an absolute unit, 6'3, but has the worst face (bad chin, shitty eyes, bad nose, thin hair). I honestly felt bad even though he mogged me in physique

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Wtf is up with that guy in top left? Who is it?


His dorky fish face with glasses dont match his body

kys jose

Capital punishment for roidceling. Gym is fine for oldcels trying to improve or maintain health.

They have been injecting weird chemicals into their bodies their entire life, the death serum that prison has won't effect them in the slightest

Bring back the chair Tbh

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>putting candito and chestbrah there
Fuck you

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low bf% and minor gyno looks hilarious.

>shaming people for improving themselves

Wanna know how people can tell that you're a virgin user?

which one>

Little dick guys must love deep throating you.

Lol @ nick wright

Blaha isn’t a gymcel or ugly, he’s a sexy looking guy, he has a wife and kids.. his problem is that he’s kinda insane and he thinks his dad bod looks good.. also golden one looks a lot better now with facial hair, not good but just averageish

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Only five or six of these guys are likely incels and the thought that the guy above bottom right is an incel is just evidence of your autism

Almost all exclusively, anyway