God I am so jealous of first world females in a way. They really do have it easy...

God I am so jealous of first world females in a way. They really do have it easy. All they have to do is be a girl and life can be handed to her. She doesn't even have to be beautiful. She can be ugly as hell and still get her life on easy mode.worst case scenario she lives life on normal mode. And she doesn't even have to do womanly things now ethier. All she'd have to do is be a living fuck doll and life is set. Ide do anything to be a pretty girl for just one day. Just to live the life of a modern princess for a second.god could you imagine being able to just look a way and have things handed to you because of the way you were born? That's gotta be what heaven is like. Sure there are downsides but the pros outweigh the cons in such a way that the cons may as well not even exist. Literally what the fuck.

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like just move/? hahaha

Are you genuinely fucking 14? Seriously tel me your age. That's now how it is at all, AT ALL retard.

god I wanna cum on jenette's feet

If you don't realise this is how it is,well that's your problem.

That's exactly how it is retard

>check your female privilege
This should be a thing

There has never been a better time to be female and a worse time to be a low status male

Sup reiko. Working hard as ever I see

>be some roastie whos only use is for fucking without literally any distinguishable feature or talent from the plethora of other roasties
Yea nah thanks, ill just keep being me

Nigger I'll take my metal bat and break your limbs. I'm not talking about transitioning. I'm talking about being an actual female. Contrary to popular belief,transexuals are actually very much looked down upon in the real world. Only place that is good to be transexual is maybe California and Thailand.

yes women are so pure and beautiful, it sucks to be a nasty man

literal easy mode for them desu

that's exactly what it's like tho

i agree being a chick isn't as ideal as being chad but it's a lot better than being most men.

oy vey, who is behind this post

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Yes they do have it on "easy mode". But in exchange, it is almost impossible for women to be leaders. Im glad to be male because I get to lead people around.

>all these buttblasted incels
Women are inferior and second class citizens. This is a fact. If you consider yourself below women then you are truly a garbage tier human being.

>Stating 2: the obvious boogaloo .

>having the influence to lead people
Leave and never come back

Yeeah. It's so easy to be facially abused or fisted up in your ass at least once a week. So as to get a boyfriend and not to drop out of society. Piece of cake.

>Ide do anything to be a pretty girl for just one day.
I think you'd run away in horror having someone's dick stuck in your throat so deep that you vomit or have someone fisting your ass so that you bleed for days. :)

[Citation needed]
This post is fucking original, okay...

>Women are inferior and second class citizens.
being a second class citizen means you can be a NEET with no negative social repercussions whatsoever? sign me up

>If you consider yourself below women then you are truly a garbage tier human being.
it isnt about what you consider yourself, its how society considers you. and as a male you are definitely considered below a woman by society

>Implying it has to get that depraved
A good looking woman who knows her value doesn't have to do strange shit like that to get by. Only the ugly and stupid ones have too.

The voice of reason, followed by a choir ignorants replying to him.

No, that is not what life is like. Do you even know any women?

You are misconcluding. As the good looking ones go for the best of males, the Chads, they have to do similar things. No wonder so many women turn into lesbians these days. Lesbian sex is fun and easy. Also, homosexuals are not being socially ostracized in modern society anymore, so they can have lots of friends to put up images of to their social media page to get following and to get a job. It's a lot easier to be lesbian these days as a straight female.

Now off. I am SO TIRED of continuously having to explain things that are totally obvious to people around here.

>lesbian these days THAN a straight female.

Do you not ever go outside? Every retail business, especially food service and cashiering is full of girls wagecucking.

>I have not gone outside in over a year but know exactly how society works

i dont agree apart from the fact that most females have extremely little personality and get away with that

Life for women is life on easy mode, but why would you want that?

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>this is what angry virgins actually believe