How much time off do you need for full muscle repair??

How much time off do you need for full muscle repair??

Let's say I absolutely shred my arms every Monday and am sore as shit, can barely move the next day.

Am I able to lift just as hard on WEDNESDAY after a rest day, or am I not allowing enough recovery time?

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48 hours is enough time

No you are not. It varies based on how strong your muscles are, your nutrition, protein, and sleep. When your only a little sore is when you should be good.

I'd like to hop on with a question of my own. Yesterday I was doing dips and must've went too low, I felt a pain near my shoulder blade. It has persisted for about 24 hours now. It makes my neck hurt to turn quickly but it's not so debilitating i cant function. Doctor or rest will be enough?

Does it hurt when you turn or move your head?

I've been hitting each muscle group 3x a week for 1 year.

Last month I skipped working out for 8 days (holiday)

When I exercised again, it felt like all my weights we 50% lighter. I could lift them with ease, almost like I had double the strength.

I could be wrong, but I think I was over-training and completely fucking my nervous system up.

Now I have a lot more rest days.

Yes it does, maybe 4/10 sharp pain when I turn or move neck

Not every time I turn, to be specific, just certain positions

So what's the magic formula? One workout per muscle group each week? How are people in the gym more than 3 days a week then?

That’s what I thought too. I work a weird schedule and get into the gym maybe twice a week, so I kill myself whenever I do go. But I have a friend that insists I need to workout 3 to 4 times a week. Go on a split he says! (Unpopular opinion ahead) I’m of the opinion that when you start doing things like going more than 3 times a week or doing splits you’ve sorta left the “well adjusted normal guy who goes to the gym” thing. And entered the “what the hell is going wrong with your life” end of the pool.

>when you start doing things like going more than 3 times a week or doing splits you’ve sorta left the “well adjusted normal guy who goes to the gym” thing. And entered the “what the hell is going wrong with your life” end of the pool.

What if I just REALLY like to lift? If I had to choose between being aesthetic and being able to lift heavy and have fun at the gym, the gym wins every time.

So exercising more then 3 times a week is bad/socially unacceptable? Do you even lift? Do you have real friends?

Well, again. Theres a difference in opinion. I wouldn’t say I dislike lifting, but I just do the big main lifts and get out. I don’t bring my cellphone in, I don’t take 10 minutes between sets, etc.

Maybe your a bit younger than me? Maybe you can lift heavy on a Friday evening and hit it again on Monday morning at 100%. I can’t.

If you're natty, it's really probably not enough rest time. If your diet isn't perfect and you have a busy life, you're probably not sleeping enough or well enough. Remember many posters here are in school or college and do relatively fuck all during the day. If you work a long job or get minimal sleep, it'll take longer to recover.

Damn it. I’m sorry. I regret saying that. Now I’ve derailed the thread because my comment maybe hit too close to home for some people.

Look, I’m just like OP, just wanting input on recovery time, and schedules.

No time off, you don't want to grow bitch-made muscle fiber right?
You want that hard iron muscle like a real man that labors everyday.

>well adjusted normal guy who goes to the gym

What kind of self-defeating psychopath puts little limits on themselves like this? Lol, if you have a goal and want to reach it, you can easily make time for the gym while still working full time and having a social life.

I don’t know if theirs much construction going on in your community or maybe you never find yourself at a gas station or grocery store around 5-6PM. But most laborers are horrible looking burned out wreaks. Most tend to not live past their mid 50’s.

Or were you being funny?

Why do you want to live past 60?


Okay. Well, just like the last guy, I suppose you are one of the lucky or intelligent ones. People who have achieved a perfect balance of work, family, children, hobbies, and getting 8+ hours of sleep a night.

Please tell us how you do it!

Also, psychopaths don’t put limits on themselves. A psychopath or more commonly a sociopath would do everything to achieve their goal. Even if it meant neglecting or breaking everything in the lives personal or professionally, even the law.

This guys asking the right questions.

The reality is that it changes from person to person. Some people can recover faster than others.
>Muh 48 hour muscle hypertrophy from people who have worked out less than a year.

I lift mon-wed-fri and run tue-thurs.
Weekends are my off days, but I still generally go for a casual walk on those days too just to feel like I did something with my day.

Somebody give me input. My plan is just rest for 1 or 2 more days and see if it gets better and if not go to doctor

Don't lift until the pain is gone
I actually dont do dips because I hurt myself often with them

Probably no need to go to the doc if your movement isn't actually impaired unless the pain doesn't lessen or subside over time. In the meantime, don't do any lifts that strain it.

Except he's not. There are no set formulas. If he eats like shit he still wont be fully recovered enough to go at the same high intensity with his babby weights. There are too many factors that can only be solved by a full analysis of how he felt during the workout and post workout of his brosplit

Appreciate the input, I will rest for a couple days and see how it goes.

Bout tree fiddy.