How do you smoke weed without getting all paranoid and shit?

How do you smoke weed without getting all paranoid and shit?

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You dont
You realize it probably isnt for you and move on to uppers like upper-personality types like you and me

I can do like a ball to my face a day, pop 3 xans, drink a handle, but I take ONE dab and my anxiety gets SO off the fucking charts I either force myself to sleep the high off or sit in the corner trying to force myself to be cool for what seems like an eternity, nursing my beer, or rail some lines til I middle out the high

The ONLY way I can smoke weed is if I hit shake/brick weed I had as a kid, and its GOTTA be a salvia

This new shit is toooooooo much

a salvia... wow
Im drunk... I meant a sativa

I usually pop benzos when I smoke, works gud
probably aint to nice on the brain though
kek'd at salvia being less anxiety inducing then weed

I dont know, Ive been doing it 17 years and that never happened once

I want to know how to do this while being sober damn.

This. The fist time weed just blew me out of the water. As my tolerance built i was no longer fucked up just SUPER fucking """paranoid""". I say """paranoid""" because it wasn't delusional fear, I was just a fucked up person (had my eyebrows raised permanently for 5 years straight cause I thought it made me more attractive). I was smoking weed nearly every day and so much psychological tension caused my sanity to snap. I thought these guys I kind of knew were running a human trafficking ring. I almost got some of my family members together to stop it. I'm so glad I didn't in the end.

smoke less of it

or take that "CBD" shit. i dunno, thats what my pothead friends say

Weed can activate the fight-or-flight mechanism which is already sensitive in anxious individuals. Not a whole lot you can do about it except for trying a low THC, high CBD strain.
Regular weed makes me anxious as fuck, so I mostly stick to alcohol when I want to relax.

I really wonder what taking Xanax is like. It's very difficult to get a prescription for it where I live.

lol, HELL NO, I re-read what I wrote after and was like
>Oops, I gotta change that now before user is autistic enough to mistakenly order some salvia
lol, could've resulted in some funny stories for him later tho
would you be offended if I asked if you were
>A) a femanon?
>B) Histrionic?

>I really wonder what taking Xanax is like
If you have anxiety disorder it is like a vacation away for a while, no joke.

You could smoke low the high cbd but you're also not gonna get very high. Start with indica, if you freak out eat or shower. After awhile it'll go away.

it's like what you expect when you listen to xan rappers talk about it

It makes you extremely complacent over time similar to weed, unless you mix it with alcohol

It feels kinda similar to an opiate high, like a norco but ... more afterglowy and spacey rather than a low low melty feeling

I only do it now to sleep after a bobaine bender or if I've been microdosing shrooms too long

You develop a tolerance to it. Duh. If you smoke a whole blunt by yourself with no tolerance of course you'll freak out, just like if you drink a whole flask of liquor with no tolerance you'll throw up. Tard.

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>haha whoah bro so drunk i dont kno how 2 press backspace haha whoah brrooaoh jhahaaha

Maybe. I don't know enough about it.

Don't. That's it.

>I take an hour to write every post I make on this imageboard, as well as making sure to pass it though at least 4 proofreaders
Fuck off

I already addressed earlier that I noticed it afterward dickwad
I can prove Im drunk nigger
Then what do you mean raised eyebrows? Like figuratively or surgically?

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I physically raised my eyebrows using my facial muscles for 5 years straight. I also used to constantly squint cause I thought it made my eyes more attractive.

what the actual fuck?
how old are you?

22 now. I stopped doing it at 19

The blacks i've smoked with roll $30 blunts of top shelf kush and puff off of it like a cigar without inhaling a lungful, I bring a bong out packed with ice hash and they cough their lungs out puking up spit, bunch of poser retards that like to waste money, they can't keep up with old white hippy stoners that have been dosed with acid 100s+ of times in their life. We don't get any paranoia because we're permafried and you get past that at a certain point.

>If you smoke a whole blunt by yourself with no tolerance of course you'll freak out,

I'm not that stupid, I usually take a bout 3 or 4 hits then lick the blunt out. I use to feel bad about being a light weight, but I realized I saved a ton of money because of it. I'm no fun to smoke with becauze of it though.

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Thats why they cant do bong rips....
but yeah, my buddy who was born and raised in the town trailer park has a CRAZY ass dad who said almost the same thing you just did.
Once you get past the point of greening out, you just stay high

wow, am I just old or is that the average age here now?

weed is a tuning mechanism that helps slow down my anxiety

Be sure you don't have any caffeine in your system when you get high. I remember back in high school I would have the most horrific panic attacks when I smoked weed and realized it was because the weed was just amplifying the caffeine induced anxiety that I had from drinking 3 cans of Monster a day. Just don't smoke weed if you've had any caffeine in the past few hours.

I only got real anxiety when I was getting higher and higher on psychedelics starting out and didn't know how to let it go

That's completely unacceptable, when you're smoking with other people you need to just take the hits and accept the anxiety. Anxiety means absolutely nothing, it's just a feeling that passes with time. Period. I hit the LSD, the cocaine, the taima, or the opioids as much as anybody else. I only ever worry about moderating the crystal x, the benzodiazepines, and the 'hol. Nothing bad can happen to you from smoking taima, other than you getting tired and falling asleep. Or throwing up if you haven't been eating.

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>that 30 year old boomer still on r9k

In fact, anxiety just means you're high as hell. You should be enjoying it.

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not quite 30 but yeah...
also 30 is still millennial.
from what I understand robots have been using it as a pejorative for ANYONE over a certain age... but why?
nobody harbors an extreme hatred for baby boomers than I

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Yea they spend their money on overpriced medical weed and they cant even take a proper bonghit and just roll everything up, it's wasteful, mexicans do the same thing, all the whites I know just pack little snaps and smoke one hit at a time and hold it in.

true... sometimes you can bring up the fact that youre "freaking out" to your friends and parlay that into a hilarious roasting session that removes you from the anxious zone

Nope, I don't even acknowledge it, unless I have a thought so weird it's worth vocalizing. It's all just part of the high, just like the euphoria and the hunger. It's part of the high with LSD and DMT too.

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>That's completely unacceptable, when you're smoking with other people you need to just take the hits and accept the anxiety.

Yeah but its too uncomfortable, and those others guys seem way more addicted to weed than me, and I think its because I always bitch out before going too far out.

with DMT I just let come what may... primarily because the first time I strained so hard and fought the high so much that I came out of it into a migraine

nah, he's just of a different pothead paradigm, dont let him guilt you into having to accept the same etiquette.
Some people just arent weed people

Ill smonk married iguanas from time to time but Ill take a g of coke any day over any amount of weed

Anyone would take a gram of coke over some taima, what the fuck? It's a better drug, hellooooo? More valuable too. Cocaine is one of the best drugs in the world, it should be prescribed for depression.

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>Should be prescribed for depression

That's the wonderful thing about weed, its not a perfect drug that gives you ultimate bliss, I think the anxiety balances out the fun and pleasure it brings and keeps me from going full stoner. A quarter of mid (25$) can last me a whole week because I smoke about 1/7th of a blunt every hour.

Try different strains, if you get paranoid on one smoke a cigarette or drink alcohol.

i just stick to smoking weed but i'd definitely do a small line of good cocaine every morning if it were 90% pure and 10-20 a gram like it is in small towns in rural peru. It's a useful drug like caffeine when it's relatively pure and you don't over do it, it just costs way too much money for what it is and it's full of chemicals. Cocaine should be legal and people should be able to buy vials of 99% pure cocaine in legal pharmacies.

Agreed, with cocaine I never have a problem with that wave of fatigue that comes 5 hours later, just a gradual return to sobriety. Plus it makes you feel good mentally, and that shouldn't be a reason to criminalize it, it's a benefit. The Jews want to keep it illegal because there's no penalty for people in positions of power to use it, and they lord it over us like it's some secret life hack only they have access to. I could really use a few lines right now just to take the edge off.

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for fucking real, Ive been off of work for over a month (permits, typical construction issues) and on my last little bit of allotted savings but Im feeling like spending some serious bucks on an 8 right now
dont even bring up the kikes rn bro, Im about to pop a blood vessel

I can't even get any cocaine without jumping through hoops to get bitcoin and waiting like 2 weeks for it to arrive. Let all my connections fizzle out. Less drugs available = more violence. America's made its choice. Fuckin' gonna kill someone one of these days, just wait.

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>The Jews want to keep it illegal
well they like the idea of letting cartels bring in shitty cocaine full of cattle de-wormer and other weird cuts found in illegal coke, it kills off certain types as a form of population control and they make their money one way or another off the illegal drug trade so they really don't care either way.

yeah, thats a little over the top, but I agree with the sentiment
The War on drugs is the most retarded thing ever.... kinda what made me move right wing