Can you beat up your dad?

Can you beat up your dad?

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No, it's why i started lifting.

Reminder that if you don't lift to outdo your dad you will never make it.

i can beat up your dad

His shoulders tore, i'd hate to break him

Yeah, he's recently recovering from chemo and struggled walking upstairs. Better now but his dad strength is gone.

My dad got really drunk one night and called me telling me he was gonna murder my dog while I was out with friends.

I rushed home, grabbed my dog and all my shit, and holed my self in my room hoping he wouldn't realize I was there.

At some point I blacked out and blacked back into a jail cell. Apparently cops pulled up to my house and I was on top of my dad pushing him into the pavement. Turns out he had a broken leg too.

To this day I am curious wtf I actually did to him cause every fight I've been in I have either got me face wailed on or ended up choking the other guy out. But yeah don't threaten my fuckin dog bro

>Me - 6'/178lbs
>Dad - 5'/145lbs

I think I'd beat him

My dad is 50 years older than me

Probably not

100% yes

I don't want to try, I love my dad.

You and your dad sound like very stable people

Yes, that’s the problem. I wish I had a father I could look up to more

He was a third degree black belt in his prime and a few years ago he showed me a spinning back fist that was so quick his hat spun off his head and across the room
He's 56, skinnyfat and I'm considerably more muscular but I wouldn't want to unless I absolutely had to

Both of you worthless degenerates should commit suicide

He is 73 and smoked 2 cigars a day

Without a doubt
He’s 10lbs lighter, does mostly just jogging and has frozen shoulder

Yes, he's weak and old and he's very sick
>mfw see this thread just as I wake up from terrible dream of dying in an accident with my father passing out while driving.
fucking great


He also wrestled in his youth and still rides his Harley but I think I can take him

My dad is a green beret who literally strangled men to death with piano wire. I'm bigger but he'd fuck me up bad.

i dont know my dad

he's dead, so no

Yes, he's a manlet

I dont like to think about that sort of thing user

50/50 chance. Depends on the day

surprise him with a brick to the back of his head.
works almost every time

>At some point I blacked out and blacked back into a jail cell
Anyone who tells you they blacked out and beat the shit out of someone then magically regained consciousness in a jail cell is full of shit.

Probably never.He was working 25 years as a construction worker,has fucking massive arms .He would simply fuck me up

you sound like you're your father's son.

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No my dad was like 15% bodyfat at 215 and did fighting lot's well he couldn't beat my dad 10 years ago because he's

Ya, he's ripped skelly and I'm skinnyfat and we often wrestle for keks

My dad was in the military but never lifted weights seriously, I will never understand how this lanky skinny man has forarms as large as my calves and claims to have never really done anything but calestenics

I'm not 21 anymore, I'm wouldn't think of something so asinine.

I offered out my dad when i was 16, he backed down. He would have kicked the shit out of me.

>Used to arm wrestle chad dad when I was a kid
>Couldn't beat him for shit
>Fucking 8.5 inches wrist on my dad
>Stopped when I was 15 and didn't care
>Late teens and I developed enough to beat him
>Dad developes tumor at the back of his head, doctor didn't cure it fast enough
>Tumor is gone, but some neurological problems remain
>Dad is not as quick thinking as he used to be and has problem concentrating his strenght and shit
>Can't chop woods or hammer a nail, not because is week, but because he can't literally focus enough
>Will never have a fair arm wrestling match with my dad

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He's farm strong with 35+ years of manual labor under his belt. I'm a hungry skellington.

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My dad is almost 70.
But how much of a piece of shit you must be to wanting to beat up your own father?

Also he was 12 years in the military, he may come over as the nicest dude you can imagine, but he's still someone you don't want to fuck with.

Because he beat me when i was a child?

>could throw my dad around before I started lifting
well, I guess I'm never making it

> Tfw Baki will never beat his dad Hanma Yujiro.

Then cut contacts.

you should take care of your dad when he gets old, not try to beat him

maybe the way he treats you as a kid turns around when you get older.

My dad can bench 320 lbs and is taller than me so no.

OP here, its just a question of if you can, not would. I wouldn't hit my dad under most circumstances

My dad died of a brain tumor within 18 months of diagnosis. Be extremely thankful he made it.

Dad would definitely strain something trying to fight me. He may put up a fight but I could fuck him up.

It's easy to beat up a corpse.


I would destroy that pussy.
Why he thought martial arts was a good idea for me, I'll never know.
One good kick to the knee and it's over for him. I don't even have to fight as dirty as I normally would.

No I love my dad

But you would think about not thinking about it when prompted. You're fucking retarded. Virtue-signaling fuckass. You should make a trip. It'd go well with your inability to recognize social cues.

>Me - 6'/178lbs
typical fit poster

My dad's main hobby is bike riding, the man is in his 50s but has the endurance or a mid 20s athlete and legs like tree trunks from a lifetime of riding bikes. He would wait for me to get tired and then slap the shit out of me, it would be McGregor vs Mayweather all over again. I hope that when I am his age I am half as fit as he is.

>5'5 130
>5'7 165

He is 73, so yes. I wouldn't though.

My dad is a faggot I kicked his ass yesterday at breakfast

i fuck all yall dads

lol i mean i fuck all yall dads up

lol i mean i fuck all yall dads up the anus

No chance i could, construction worker since he's 13 and used to wrestle in his youth

I've been lifting for six years, my dad is a 400 pound paraplegic who's never gone to the gym, and he's still stronger than me. Fuck all this onions in the water.

Yeah pretty easy when he necked himself when I was six because of his alcoholism and throat cancer

Unironically this.

Maybe. He's overweight and old, but pretty quick for a fat guy and has huge forearms. It'd come down to who got first hit.

sitting here reading this thread and jacking my dick like a madman

Uh... probably not. He's worked two jobs for most of my life and one of them is pretty physical. So just his forearms are twice as big as mine. I can always outrun him though.

>Uh... probably not.
What's with the attitude? The question wasn't posed to you personally.

That's not attitude. Just acknowledging it's slightly embarrassing to come on a lifting forum and admit I couldn't beat up a 64 year old man with thirty years of ditch digging experience.

Top Kek

Not sure about beating him up but I did beat him at arm wrestling with a lot of effort a few days ago, though he's 50


its complicated my father right now is 46 a casual smoker and has a potbelly but he used be in the SSG and fought in the Kargil War so he might have the training and muscle relaxes in him to kill me

yes cos he's dead

high estrogen detected

ive actually had to beat up my dad when i was 16/17 dont remember anymore exactly, because he was always a drunkard and then kept harassing my mother / me / my brother, so this one day he got into my room drunken and i beat the shit out of him, after that he never dared to say anything again



Yes. My dad was abusive growing up so when I was in my early 20's I put him in a rear naked until he nearly passed out to establish my dominance. He doesn't try physical shit with me anymore but he still tries pussy girl shit like calling me and leaving me harassing voicemails.

Given that my dad is recovering from a stroke, congestive heart failure and cancer while having fibromyalgia, yes.

Yes but he is so pathetic a little child could beat him up. Grandma took pride in telling me stories about how he wouldn't fight back to people physically attacking him.

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Yeah. Before he went to prison he was 5'9" 200 and ripped to shit. But now he's pushing 70, 50 pounds lighter and looking frail.

Its kind of sad.

quit drinking dude. AA or private therapy. my life is infinitely better now. godspeed.


Tfw my dad is the hardest person I know and I would never fuck with him.
He was a pro cyclist and got really into swimming. He still swims 3 miles a day at his age, and cycles on the weekends. His job is just manual labor and married a woman who made lots of money (my mom.)
One time some kids who had vandalized our house came and ding dong ditched my house and tried to escape on long boards. My dad walked outside as they were trying to push away, reached down and pulled the board from underneath one of them with one hand, sending the kid flat on his face. I still can’t believe it, but my dad set the longboard down and slammed his foot down so hard that the longboard fucking shattered. A fucking longboard. I guess it was because his legs were so strong from biking, but god damn.
I love my dad.

Haha, cancer already beat up my dad! Nice try though!

Jesus, we said beat up your dad, not kill him

He's had Parkinson's disease for 20 years and can't even walk up the stairs. He's also extremely cognitively impaired after all this time.

I could totally beat him up. I may walk down into my basement into his handicap accessible apartment we built for him and do it right now.


Nope he does manual work (for 35 years)
He is 92 kg and 187 cm
And I'm skinny fat 181 cm 80 kg
He would crush me

Have you ever tried to do nothing but calestenics?

Hello me

>Can you beat up your dad?
He's physically stronger than me, but he has artificial knees now. That means he can't run and isn't as agile. I could move around him until he gets tired, like Orberon vs The Mountain in Game of Thrones. But i have to watch out that he doesn't get me with his hands.
A direct fight isn't my style anyway. I would just stab him in his sleep, if i really wanted to kill him.

Yeah I could easily fuck him up but he's my dad and I still love him even though he gets under my skin sometimes.

As long as I don't catch a hook or straight from him I could but I'm way smaller and probably couldn't knock him out.

Yes, but why would I want to? sure my dad made some big mistakes, but you know what if I were in his shoes I would’ve made the same mistakes. I know he’s a good man who got dealt a poor hand and did his best to provide for our family, and I respect him for all he did well and learnt from all he did poorly.

>forgive your father

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Yeah. I can beat up most dads.

now yes.

go back 10 years no.

he was a boxer so its not suprising

No I like my dad and my dad likes me.

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Idk i havent seen him in a while.
When i was 13 i drop kicked him running full speed because i saw him insulting mom. He was hospitalized with broken ribs for while from broken ribs and internal bleeding lmao. I felt like a badass then i realized i alienated him forever. Kinda miss that fucker.

Absolutely, Since I was like 20 years old.

He’s 5’8, doesn’t lift shit.
I’m 6’3 beyond 1/2/3/4 and took karate as a teenager

However, no need to beat up my dad tough.

No, I respect him way too much.

In his prime no because he roided his brains out. And now no because he's dead.
>tfw never got the chance to fight him

You can’t beat old man strength.