Understanding Women & Normals

I got so ill that I took the day off. So here I am!

In this thread, I propose to discuss women and why you don't understand them, or don't want to. I am aware that your ideas on women are fairly crazy. They usually are projections of your own selves. Example: you only want a good-looking woman with sexy attributes, therefore, you hate women for being all about physical attributes, when they aren't, but you are.

Ask a woman anything.

Attached: woman.gif (400x400, 17K)

Its a .gif but it isnt animated. Why are women always so set on disappointing me?

Are you aware of the generalisation you're making right now

I was thinking the same thing, minus the woman part. Why make a gif that isn't animated? Fun fact: it was probably a man who made that unmoving gif. I just took it off the Internet.

Yes. I'm generalising. It's a generalisation. We are both aware of what that is and how to approach it, I presume.

Here comes this dude.Again.Drop dead already,bro.

>Jow Forums filled with women and normalfags
>hidden chan or infinity chan or even r/redpill filled with shitty memes and mgtow/mra garbage
where is there left to to?

>Here comes this dude.Again.Drop dead already,bro.
>mfw my space bar suddenly dies mid sentence

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>where is there left to to?
I don't know, elementary school?

tits or gtfo, originally of course, of course.

Attached: titsorgtfo.png (1254x261, 100K)

I'll shift all my theoretical hatred towards men then, thanks for clarifying

Not interested.


nowhere man. 2008 and 2011 Jow Forums is long gone. women and normies ruin everything

You can prove woman can be altruistic and nice once and for all by providing tits tho

>Example: you only want a good-looking woman with sexy attributes, therefore, you hate women for being all about physical attributes, when they aren't, but you are.
No. Fuck off.

Grow as a person and learn to have fun anywhere you go regardless of what people populate the place?

Let me get this straight: the instant a woman participates to your board, it's ruined? Then you'll whine about women not wanting you? Am I missing something? Why post here at all if you don't to interact with a woman?

>man logic

How would that be altruistic? It'd make you pine for my breasts, which would be cruel, if anything.

Devastating argument.

Reddit is just a few clicks away.Thank you.Do not come again.

It's the guy with the faulty space bar. Kek. Might as well get a trip at this point.

it's an imageboard where the community socializes. pretty dumb to say regardless of the people that populate it when that's the main point is, to interact with like minded people

Daily reminder that women act on hypergamy (they seek to date up for resources) and men act on dominance (are willing to date down for control).
Evolution has carefully crafted our gender dynamics so that the human potential of females is naturally lower than that of males. Look at the average woman and then look at the average man. The average man has 10% more brain matter and far more muscle mass than the estrogen fueled female.
As a side effect of sexual dymorphism, women in history were effectively a resource used for making babies, changing hands as new warlords wiped out their families, or a higher quality male shows himself in the local village.
It's no coincidence that when France was invaded during WWII, the French women started fucking the nazis.

Attached: 6-least-attractive-27-least-attractive-how-men-rate-women-9684934.png (500x750, 28K)

gr8 b8 m8. we totally believe you're a woman

So far, not one of you has been able to interact with me normally.

I hope you notice.

>the instant a woman participates to your board, it's ruined
yes. when they become active members of the board

Fun fact I would have more fun there even tho I despise everything it stands for than you have here

I stand defeated
Everyone can be like minded if you stop being an edgy fag for a second and actually engage with people

That study showed that looks weren't very important for women.

Men have more brain matter on average because men are larger on average. Brain size does not correlate directly with potential.

As to French women fucking Nazis, it was rather isolated an event, and when it happened, survival was the main reason. What to say of all the soldiers who raped "enemy" women, then?

I challenge you to explain why. Also, does this mean you believe that I am a woman, then?

You are expecting things to be that way so you see everything through a lens, read your silly thread again

>Calling in sick to post on 4 chan.

Wew lass

Nah.Enjoy your attention whoring

How to get gf pls ty

Whatever I expect doesn't bind you to a particuliar reaction. Nobody opted to engage me, nobody addressed me directly with regard to the chosen topics. It reminds me of socially retarded goofballs who try to be badasses but can't look at me in the eye when trying their one liners. I'm embarrassed by proxi.

>you hate women for being all about physical attributes, when they aren't

Of course not, they like money and status too.

Not "to". I run my own office, I take a sick leave whenever I want to. Can't pester my patients with coughing for 70% of the session, and risking them getting infected.



>Everyone can be like minded if you stop being an edgy fag for a second and actually engage with people
the point was to engage with like minded people. if your like minded people were edgy fags then so be it but that's the whole point

Why would the people who dont have issues with women try to engage oyu honestly on that question when the whole idea is laughable to them? You specifically adress the retards and act surprised when the retards are the only one engaging you head on

>Not "to". I run my own office, I take a sick leave whenever I want to. Can't pester my patients with coughing for 70% of the session, and risking them getting infected.

So how many males do you service?

>Devastating argument.
It's not meant to be an argument. Just an emotional expression which nicely sums up what I think about all of this "you have high standards but women don't" bullshit.

the more women there are in a community the more mainstream it is, which kicks out the original niche group.
I don't really care if you actually are a woman or not, what I care about is you posting that you ARE a woman, which further makes the board more mainstream

>So how many males do you service?
About 30.


wow. you must have your hands full.

Who cares if it's mainstream or not? That's such teenage-tier thinking... "I listen to this type of music, you don't, so I dislike you!" Grow up, please.

I just told you making something mainstream kicks out the original niche group.

>Attention whoring dude on r9k replies with lel to normie words.Like a true male 4 channer.
Retards here really think you are woman.

>men have more brain matter on average because men are larger on average
Looks like the IQ stats disagree. To add to this, even men and women with the same BMI show these kinds of differences.

>it was a rather isolated event,... survival was the main reason
Of course survival would be the main reason, but the point is that they would rather fuck than fight back, which makes sense biologically speaking. And this kind of behavior is "isolated"? Can you point to the major historical events where females fought back against their country's invaders without biologically superior men taking the front lines?

Attached: men-women-iq-statistics-graph-copy.jpg (427x385, 46K)

how do I know you're not just one of the hundreds of thousands of shitposters pretending to be a woman to fish for (You)s?

>third day off in a row
Yeah ok ya mentally ill tranny this larp is getting stale
Any successful careerperson who comes to r9k when sick and bored is really just incredibly pathetic

user look at your own stat

I'll bite, I think I understand them quite well, and want nothing to do with them.

>Can you point to the major historical events where females fought back against their country's invaders without biologically superior men taking the front lines?
nope. even though weapons eliminate the need for physical strength to win a war, women would still rather be dominated by the alphas than fight back and protect their own people. you truly are disgusting creatures with no morals, virtues or souls.

Because they're pansies who fear novelty, new people, and cannot sustain newcomers, when they should shape said newcomers to the standard, so that the original movement doesn't lose traction.

No respect.

>Retards here really think you are woman.
And I am, so who's the retard now, retard?

Autists also have very high IQ's sometimes, it doesn't mean much. IQ tests only measure a specific kind of intelligence. Some of the best chess players, for instance, don't have insane IQ's. Either way, what's the argument here?

>but the point is that they would rather fuck than fight back, which makes sense biologically speaking.
Same old "biological" fallacy. It's just you abusing false equivalence. Reducing people to gene-carrying faggots on legs. It's worth nothing and is a gross simplification of everything.

As to historical events where women fought or died rather than to be captured, there are tons. Try Masada for starters.

If you think survival always prevails in biology and human behaviour, you'd be surprised.

You don't, and I wouldn't want it any other way.

Will you come and post in every thread? If you're so sure, move on and begone.

Then you don't understand us.

>Reducing people to gene-carrying faggots on legs
way to out yourself as a male Jow Forums addict lmao

>when they should shape said newcomers to the standard, so that the original movement doesn't lose traction
on that we can agree. like these kind of threads of "girl here" that shouldn't get any type of replies besides "tits or gtfo", yet here we are. I blame moot for nuking old /b/ since they were basically the gate keepers of newfags. it's all been downhill from there

Dont you think saying "you only dont like us cause you dont understand us" is quite circular?

What's the most common thing you find your woman patients to be afraid of?

Is there female Jow Forums addicts?

>IQ differences across demographics are a social construct
>nono wait, brain difference is a social construct
>ACTUALLY biology is a social construct
im done with this bait

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How do I learn to not hate myself and feel worthy of being happy?

So if I was to think "Correctly" about them, then I'd want to spend time with them?

That sounds a bit egotistical

>women would still rather be dominated by the alphas than fight back
That's ridiculous. This is based on a meme and blatantly ignores history books.

>maymays > history books
>man logic!

And then you have the nerve to whine about women. Kek.

You'll have to explain how that works... I don't see how that'd "out" me as a man.

I don't see why you can't just discuss normally.

That's not what I am saying, however. That's not why you don't like us. You don't like us because you need us.

There's not one single thing. Some come up often: ending up alone, homeless, being attacked, molested, raped, etc. I think "men" would be the most frequent cause of fear in women, especially amongst patients who suffered at the hands of men. A good part of my female patients see me to handle trauma due to such attacks.

Why say you and put everyone here in the same category? You seem pretty set in your way of perceiving everyone here

Nice reading comprehension.

>IQ selects a certain type of intelligence

You're an imbecile.

No surprise there. Go away, this thread is for smarter anons.

Pic related.

If you were functional, regardless of your opinion on women, you would, yes. Love is one of the best things in a human existence. It is irrational to want to avoid that.

I don't see how that is egotistical, unless you're a fool. I say the exact same thing about men, to women. It's not about me, it's about everyone. Being in a good relationship is worth everything.

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> Tries to prove that women don't act like cunts
> Proves that women act like cunts
Thank you "Elizabeth".

>Why say you and put everyone here in the same category?
It's a generalisation.

>You seem pretty set in your way of perceiving everyone here
I just generalise. I know everyone is different, I address the trend.

With my GF, she was sexually assaulted repeatedly by males. She turned to women for partners for a long time, until me.

However, she's been out for a coffee with one of the males that assaulted her, as a way of coming to terms with it. I'm supportive of her doing what she needs to do, but I'm not sure how I feel about that one in particular.

What are your thoughts on that? any experience with your female patients doing that, and how effective it was for them?

Isnt that what you are critizising in the OP?

As in every thread, you act like a cunt, get a reaction, and don't see the connection. It's genuinely hilarious. I always respond in kind, whether you were polite or rude. I hope that one day you'll connect the dots, but maybe that's more than you can do.

I consider myself very functional, both professionally and socially. I think you have to understand that people have different priorities, and what may be the best thing in human existence for one, may be what someone else wants to avoid.

It depends on the nature of the assault. I usually advise to sue, to come to terms with it. Unless there is some very specific context to this, I don't see how casually grabbing a cup of Joe with one's rapist will help.

Generalising? No. Generalisations are useful and not dangerous for as long as you treat them as such, and not as absolutes.

I think many anons here really believe all women are the same and match their mentally ill conceptions of how women "function", as if they were machines led by biology with no depths or complexities.

Trust me, love is the best for everyone.

Fair point, have fun trying to drink the sea

No problem, I'm a thirsty woman.

botrage in 3 2 1

All women are sluts. I knew it.

Keksus maximus.

Slow day on Jow Forums.

I have 20 open threads and still dont get my fix dead hours indeed

I don't think 'Love' made me lose 110lbs, stop playing video games, graduate with honours into a post-grad subject I want to pursue, start studying for professional certifications, and into a job in my field.

I suspect if I pursued Love, I wouldn't have achieved any of that. In fact there's a very real possibility I'd either be complacent in a relationship, or unable to pursue the things I want to pursue.

stop larping no one's buying it you fucking neckbeard

Do girls like it when they get stared at

>graduate with honours into a post-grad subject I want to pursue, start studying for professional certifications, and into a job in my field.
You wouldn't say love of the subject helps with all this?

I don't see why you act like love and profession have to be mutually exclusive. Work during the day, come home for love. It makes going to work and coming back so much better.

Does it matter? None of the points discussed here require you to be sure, so just get a move on and argue away, faggot.

No. Nobody does.

This is an incorrect data representation. Analysis shows theres no difference between the IQ of men and women on aggregate. The difference was that men tend to stack up on either end, where women tend to stack up in the middle. Almost the same distribution as average salary.

>You wouldn't say love of the subject helps with all this?
Exactly, not with women, you see, different priorities.

It all boils down to time allocation and returns on investment, for me work doesn't stop at 5:30, I'm catching up on studying, working out, or engaging in my hobbies. All of which I've decided to be more beneficial to me, as a person, than trying a relationship.

The only way I see a relationship possibility working, if she's OK with me being gone 12-15 hours a day, and 'Maybe' having time on weekends. Which frankly, there's 100's of other guys who would happily devote more of their time to a relationship, and ultimately she would be better off.

>Exactly, not with women, you see, different priorities.
One need not take time from the other.

>It all boils down to time allocation and returns on investment,
Despite the autism of this, it still doesn't work, as a partner would greatly help with your career.

>The only way I see a relationship possibility working, if she's OK with me being gone 12-15 hours a day, and 'Maybe' having time on weekends.
If she loves you and believes in you two as a team, she generally will be OK. I was OK with my love being away from me for 2 whole years.

>Which frankly, there's 100's of other guys who would happily devote more of their time to a relationship, and ultimately she would be better off.
Rationalisation, a robot's best friend.

Love is overrated and people don't need others. The only reason people surround themselves with other's is to compensate for a missing aspect be it by support or a distraction from their own shadow. But it is impossible to live without flaws so friends can easily fill the void. Any benefits relationships had are gone such as, romance is fulfilled by stories, lust has many opinions, and boredom is completed by hobbies. Any sane person should fear relationships due to the broken court system favoring women's false rape and devorse settlements.

>Love is overrated and people don't need others.
A small fraction with a very distinct mental disorder indeed doesn't need others, but most of us do. Love is not overrated. The way you talk about it lets me know you don't know what you speak of, simply.

The rest is a silly rationalisation. Human beings are meant to be in relationships.Relationships aren't there to compensate for anything, they're not plasters for wounds. The interaction within a relationship is the stuff of life.

You see life as fundamentally flawed, and you see the positive in life as just bandaids for it. An ultimately cynical and dumb point of view.

>Any sane person should fear relationships due to the broken court system favoring women's false rape and devorse settlements.

Utter insanity. It boggles the mind that you are serious about this. If you think the court system is the first thing to fear about relationships, you must be an idiot. It's as easy as not getting married, champ.

You are a sad and mentally ill person.

user do you get off on this? You are no nicer than the people you claim to dislike, only difference is that you namefag and claim to be female on top of it

I hope some day you guys will get it: I respond in kind. If you use an aggressive tone, I will respond aggressively; if you are respectful, so will I be.

It's that simple.

You get what you give. I think it's important to realise your own control and influence on the nature of human interactions.

You may have a point with the average person needs love but love does not put food on the table. I myself am bias due to having limited emotions so I will never know what is so great about "love" but I can still feel joy and boredom. Other people drain me by forcing excessive drama about love, break ups, cheating and ect. It seems to me most people feel more pain then good over an entire relationship. Also calling a person sad and pathetic is going against your point of "love can fix anything"

Maybe you would be responding in kind if you werent awful at reading tone and assumed everyone is being hostile?

I'm not convinced. Though, If I find that unicorn I'll let you know. I wouldn't hold your breath.

Besides, what i'm doing is working exceptionally well currently.

>You may have a point with the average person needs love but love does not put food on the table.
Arguable. For many housewives, it does. The other thing is, why be alive if you have no love in your life? What's the point of food on the table if there is no reason to live? You sound like a fakely down to earth person who's really in denial. Focusing on menial matters to ignore what is truly wrong in your life.

>I myself am bias due to having limited emotions
Like colours to the blind.

Heart matters can be devastating, yes. The worst things that happened to me were always heart-related.

>Also calling a person sad and pathetic is going against your point of "love can fix anything"
You distort a lot. I don't think I said "pathetic", I said sad and mentally ill. I didn't say "love can fix everything" either, I said love was important, possibly the most important. If you are a psychopath, in the clinical definition of the term, then, indeed, "love" cannot make you feel things you can't feel. I never argued otherwise.

In some cases, I respond aggressively to horrendous opinions. This does not require the tone to be aggressive.

How do i stop being autistic? I'll have a job in retail, kind of, where i just stay and wait for customers to come and sometimes talk to them. It's boring as fuck and i hate it.

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