Stoners are the worst druggies followed closely by alcoholics

Stoners are the worst druggies followed closely by alcoholics.

You people deserve to die, enjoy your brainfog you disgusting faggots.

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Smoking weed has enabled me to make a lot of friends of BOTH genders, stay bitter straight edge

you're still a loser though

pego porgo

Enjoy dying a pathetic and early death faggot.

fucking loser

>You people deserve to die,

Why should you be the one who decides who deserves to live or die?


>that boomer that think "drugs r ebil"

>mfw droopy eyed weirdo stoners think they deserve to live
>mfw they'd be the first to die when society collapses due to their reduced iq and weak bodies


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>tfw alckie

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that may be so, but atleast ill be a loser with friends
Your more likely to die first, loneliness will take you out, if it doesnt you know youll do it yourself

Yeah get psychosis you fucking faggot

you deserve misery

>emotionally weak stoner who can't go a day without getting high thinks I'm going to kill myself

Just admit it, stoner, if I took all of your weed for a month you'd be a dribbling mess and you know it. You're a fucking loser user

I can go days without smoking, weeks actually, just because I enjoy smoking in my spare time doesnt mean im addicted

>all your weed
I never have more than a gram at a time, so take it all you want I dont care, I can do without it
Youre already a dribbling mess and all it took was 18+ years of being a bitter incel

You're just proving my point that stoners are emotionally weak losers. The reason I put alcoholics higher than you is because they know that what they're doing is unhealthy.

The disgusting stoner can't admit that his hobby is unhealthy and he comes up with excuses saying it's good for you, it isn't, among various other things.

You're pathetic, enjoy mercury poisoning and go back to twitter for using the word incel

I don't smoke weed because the effects are not enjoyable and are overwhelmed by negative effects, so I don't see the appeal when normies talk about weed. However, the straight-edge fags on Jow Forums piss me off even more than weedfags because their information is usually straight up wrong, and they usually have no right to call anyone degenerate.

People that do drugs are losers

Just like not everyone that drinks is an alcoholic, not everyone that smokes weed is a stoner.

Can you really be addicted to weed?

>Buttblasted smokesucker says hr can wuit for 2 weeks
>just because I use everday and dont quit doesnt mean im not addicted LOL
Why are all potheads absolute retards Too many lost braincels like Rogan I suppose.

I know smoking is unhealthy, Im not a retard
I didnt say it wasnt unhealthy because you didnt use that as an argument, Im just deflecting what you say whilst you agressively grab at straws
But I noticed what ive said you havent disagreed with:3 come on user lets smoke and chill, Ill suck your dick so you arent a bitter incel and you can brag about having a qt stoner gf

I think you need to chill, bro

just about anyone that starts smoking weed becomes an obnoxious addict. if you somehow adopt a culture revolving around a drug, you are addicted.

I'm not a loser because I do drugs, I was always a loser. I do drugs because I'm a loser and having an acid trip or something is just another way of spending my time like going on Jow Forums or watching anime is.

I'm not arguing, I'm just letting you know that you're an out of shape, unhealthy loser who would be better off dead

and you will die early because of all the mercury in your blood.

Youre right I lost about 20 brain cells from trying to translate what you said
I use it everyday because Im bored, if I had to stop Id be able to, I dont feel any different when I havent smoked in ages, I dont get panicky, I just dont care

Yes, but only if you are a moron w/o a life.

Youre trying to argue, im in shape because I work out everyday, Im a vegetarian, so my body is probably a lot healthier in regards to fat content, and again, my friends would care if I died, but would yours, if you have any?

> He typed, from his bedroom in his parents house. His bed still occupying the same physical space where his crib once was.

Acid is so much better than pot. All my friends that drop acid have a life, and are gainfully employed in the arts. Cannot say the same about stoners.

yeah bro psychosis from weed okay mate you sure showed them

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kek so you're a skinny faggot with literally no muscle who thinks he's healthy. Now that's fucking pathetic, humans are supposed to eat meat cuck

Why so much hate, bro? Is there something you want to talk about? Why hating such specific demographics?

You are right real men use LSD, shrooms, DMT, and ayahuasca not weed. Prove me wrong about this user. People who trip are not losers they have a much more powerful brain that the OP.

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Get laced with meth you fucking nigger

>tfw both a stoner and alcoholic

Trying to stop with the alcohol though

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yeah mate calling me a nigger
you sure showed me

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It p was a psychedelic trip and not because of weed that you decided to become a vegetarian. Anyone who is part of the over 140 IQ crowd- -mostly spergs uses psychedelics instead of weed to grow their super powerful brain and become a God.

OP is mad because he realizes he is a loser but is too much of a pussy to even try fixing his brain by using powerful psychedelic substances. Mother ayahuasca is calling out to the OP but the OP is too much of a scared little pussy to answer the call.

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No I lift a lot, Im a lot more buffer than most males, probably buffest ITT
Humans are also supposed to have loving relationships :>
No I just wanted to be a vegetarian

>Post the same picture twice
You have a point or are you just a faggot. Dump your folder virgin

I can guarantee I have more muscle than you user, prove that you're not a skinny vegan faggot.

Boi that wasn't even the same picture are you blind

Are their any other people who are addicted to hardcore psychedelics? Or am I the only retard autist here who has managed to become addicted to dimethlytryptamine, shrooms, and acid.

Brazilian tea? Would not recommend. We call it Holy Daime tea here. Very intense experience but also very uncomfortable. Not for the faint of heart.

But the OP needs ayahuasca because his brain is not working right and it is the only thin that could scare the retardation out of the OP and make it so he even had a remote chance in hell to get laid.

Girls do not like nor do they want to fuck straight-edged anti-pot faggots.


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I'm getting drunk right now. Stay mad straight edge it's all you have in life.

Where's the muscular definition?

You didn't answer my question, asshole.

Why should you, out of the billions of people living on this planet, be the sole arbiter of life and death? Why should you be the one who gets to set the standards everyone else has to live up to on pain of death?

Do you have any idea how unbelievably arrogant you are? Get off your high horse, you narcissistic piece of shit.

I got addicted to that tea because I am bored and autistic.

Probably also because I am fucking insane and feel apathy about everything.

That tea is the only thing that gets rid of my apathy and motivates me to do shit such as looking for employment and pussy.

Substance abusers are always in a conflict with themselves. The abuse is a way to cope with the feelings of impotence that are only magnified by their inability to control their addiction.
It's a vicious circle.

Looks like youre ready to compete in the special olympics with all the other retards

Wheres the rest of your argument? You know I have more quality of life than you could ever dream even though youre straight edge
I am

Why do you assume everyone using x is a substance abuse. You ever heard of moderation?

>mfw some incel on r9k who doesn't even have the social skills to get someone to buy him weed thinks he's anything besides weak in every facet

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I never once said that I was straight edge, just that I hate stoners.

My quality of life is probably significantly higher than yours though since I don't smoke harmful chemicals and I eat a lot more protein than you do.

Although since you're a woman your life is probably tutorial mode, so maybe you're actually right. Still, get off r9k

>completely missing the point
>using the word incel

go back to twitter lmfao

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You know why you use drugs.

Alcoholics are WAY worse than stoners. Stoners are still terrible but at least they don't kill people with their cars all the time.

Height? You know smaller things tend to look larger with the same mass.



>tutorial mode
Wah wah you have it easier because youre a woman
No user, I have it easier because I actually grab life by its nuts instead of being a bitter fag who makes posts hating on peoples personal choices, do everyone a favour and go back to education, do something with your life

The thing is, I literally am better than you.

Considering you're a stoner your iq is probably below average and your brainfog prevents you from seeing the bigger picture in life like a facile retard. You're also a vegetarian so I know for a fact that I'm stronger than you.

I am superior to you in every single way and this upsets you. KEK

I am not an addict dawg because you cannot get addicted to psychedelics and I only use the psychedelics. I am also a v insane v bored sperg who loves escaping from my shitty life by going on many trips.

Women in the west live life on easy mode, you cant disprove this

get the fuck off of this board roastie

>you cannot get addicted to psychedelics
Yes you can.

Yeah I agree, I just can't for the life of me understand weed. Everytime I've smoke it I feel nauseous, anxious, or both, the body load is unpleasant, and it makes me feel retarded.

I drink at family gatherings and to do dumb shit with friends. Do you have any friends user? Would probably fix your problem of being a narsasistic moon with a superiority complex.

Im 5 foot 4
Nope, Im smart, I always look at the small details before looking at the big pictures, vegetarian has nothing to do with strength, you sit on r9k all day, whereas I work out
Youre the type of guy to call himself superior in high school and constantly put others down when he reeks of body odour, yet you wonder why Stacy and chad dont like you
Living in the West is on easy mode youre right, unless you dont live in the West we face the same problems and have the same resources to overcome them.

Post pic or your bullshitting. Your probably a beta with twig arms who is playing tough guy on Jow Forums

You do not even need social skills to get weed. Anybody who wants weed can go on the dark net and get it.

I usually use the dark net for mdma, dmt, ibogaine, ayahuasca,shrooms and lsd but if you want weed I am sure you could get good quality weed off the dark net.

But since psychedelics kick weeds arse why even bother with weed, just go for the big boy psychedelics and prove you are not a pussy.

Psychedelics offer no positive reinforcement as shown in lab tests. Obviously you can get addicted to anything but that's not a reason to not do psychedelics specifically, since if you want to avoid anything addictive you'd have to avoid food, videogames, porn, etc.

This, weed is for normies that don't know how to use the darknet to get LSD, shrooms, MDMA and DMT

It's the way you're using them that is making them addictive.

You are right. I get my lazy normie friends who want dark net weed to pay me so I can get free psychedelics off my retarded friends who do not know how to darknet.

You're not smart because your brain has been fried, you're a vegetarian so your protein intake is limited and that means you're weak

And yes, I do work out and I eat a shit load of meat. Of course a womans best insult is to call me an incel or something. Just goes to show your subhuman world view

Eating meat doesn't make you smart. I've known plenty of dumb rednecks who eat barbecue every meal. I've also met many smart vegetarians. What you eat doesn't make you smart. Please try again.

qt, but yeah im easily bigger than you, I was hoping you weren't 6ft+. I got 15.5" inch (roughly 39cm) biceps, not that impressive but you only asked for more muscle.

I use them the same way I would use an oculus rift vr headset to escape from life. Dmt is as visual as a fully immersive vr experience.

The human brain naturally makes dmt so dmt cannot be dangerous.

Dmt is a a neurotransmitter that is made in the human brain so please tell me how a neurotransmitter can make somebody stupid; it cannot make someone dumb because it is a gift from God to help people accelerate their mental and spiritual development.

stay lunatic, skelly

>The human brain naturally makes dmt so dmt cannot be dangerous.
Bullshit. The reason drugs work is because they mimic neurotransmitters.

>The human brain naturally makes dmt so dmt cannot be dangerous
Brainlet detected.

Lol found the incel

Dmt does not need to mimic a neurotransmitter dawg because it is a neurotransmitter that is released when people are born and when they die. The pineal gland makes it, and releases it at major life changing events. If you do not want to wait you can freebase it. But since it is a neurotransmitter it is a natural part of your brain and not a drug.

I could kick your weak ass with ease. What the hell are you talking about buffest in this thread.

Lol found the vegan redditor

Give it a rest kiddo

It's the same effect, stupid. It binds to a receptor and causes a reaction.

Baited like the brainlets they are.

Weed faggots are pathetic fucking trash.
And they proove it every single time.

Hahaha look at this weak fucking weed slut.
Fucking holarious.

My brain isnt fried though, youre grasping at straws again, I still eat protein I just dont eat meat, again, strength doesnt equate to protein, protein grows and repairs muscles, it doesnt contribute to how strong the muscles are
But Im not using incel as insult, its a description, im incel yet I havent become bitter and retarded like you
im not crazy he he :3 stay boring n bitter retard
R9k is filled with fatties and skinnies, barely any muscle, if youre fat the only advantage you ever have is weight
lets have a look at you then, unless youre a fatty, lanklet or just pure disgusting:3
Every girl is a slut oh noooo im the first incel slut!

I smoke every day, start at 10am when I get to work, don't stop till 2am when I go to bed.

My brain fog isn't too bad, definitely there, and I hate not being able to smoke.

I do LSD on a monthly basis, and drink on weekends.

Yeah, I am an addict, but I fail to see how i affect your life at all. I pay my taxes faggot, go fuck your bodypillow.

Pic related

Me cheering after a wrestling like sport competition in my country

Sorry, 4 chan did not take it the first time.

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I did believe you user the pic wasnt necessary, but nice

>implying alcohol and weed is worse than any hard narcotic

new low OP, new low

Sorry. I would have liked to only cut out the face but I dont have the tools on myphone for that.

Just colour over it silly

i mean, amphetamines are harmless if you use them well and they make you productive.

No, I was on 9gag about 5 years ago and saw a guy having his drawn over face removed and exposed.
Im not risking it on this side at all.

Heres the other arm.

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