Why is it so rare for really smart people (IQ 130+) to make a serious effort to be Jow Forums?

Why is it so rare for really smart people (IQ 130+) to make a serious effort to be Jow Forums?

It's obvious why people with really low IQs (

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Dumb People need an outlet for their primitive biological instincts, High IQ People work towards real life goals and do cardio every now and then for the brain gains, they have No need to workout to get muscles when they just can hire some meathead if they somehow feel the need to do so.

Your post is so fucking dumb
The majority of people who lift are sub 115 IQ

Post data.

the people on a strict diet and routine are 110+ average atleast

I'm no wasting effort on something that's self evident.
The majority of people are sub 115 IQ and I can sure as hell tell you from experience that people who lift aren't smarter than the average.

You're just telling yourself that to convince yourself you're smart.

>follow a eating plan
>follow a workout plan
Wow, you really need a high IQ for these things. I will say the bigger the guy, the smaller the IQ seems to be. If hes roiding you can bet he's desperate.

>It's obvious why people with really low IQs (

Where did you get this information? Seems like just a bait thread.

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I would argue they do.

I would argue high IQ tend to be fairly healthy people.

But they have zero interest in having bulging muscles. That's not a high IQ goal. Plus people with high IQ are not loaded with test.

I had my IQ tested and scored 127 and have been fit all my life and eat very well. But I’ll be the first to tell you the majority of people who lift and are “fit” are fucking idiots.

My brother is a natural genius, 160+ IQ got a full ride to Stanford but turned it down to work on a million dollar startup company in Silicon Valley.. the dude eats and drinks whatever the fucks he wants. I asked him one day and he just shrugs his shoulders and says “i don’t know” and I asked him if he knew how much sugar was in one of his drinks and he said “uh no” and I said “over 120 grams” and he goes “damn.” And took another sip.

I think it can be summed down to this: Jow Forums people are smart about being fit but stupid as fuck in book smarts, and book smart people are smart in books but dumb as fuck about health and fitness. Not many people can be both healthy in body AND mind.

I study math, and there's quite a lot of fit professors and Ph.D. students. I can only remember one obese professor.

Becuase some people can’t afford that lifestyle OP, ever considered that?

Hey, I'm not fit.

Stop thinking in anecdotes. Overall, smarter people are fitter and healthier. Perhaps they are also less vain and thus don’t pursue bodybuilding. There are also less smart people. Confirmation bias from seeing aesthetic dumb cunts like zyzz I guess.

Does your brother by chance work at the start up called “Nintendo”?

Because of parents of high IQ """"""""""genius"""""""""" kids usually push them into even more studying. If the kid is weaker than his peers this can get so bad that the parents pull the "knowledge is power" bullshit on him which usually ends in the arrogant autistic teenager disaster.
Thank god my high school roommates were into working out, I almost turned out the same.

If only 2% of the population has an IQ greater than 30%, it would be dumb to expect anymore then 2% of lifters to have that intelligence quota.

Because high sentience people know that gymceling is cope

Now imagine how stupid you look when you make a thread insisting that getting fit is some sort of intellectual gauntlet. Getting fit is easy, only you consider it a mental challenge.

117 chcking in


What're you talking about? There's always a line at the telekinesis rack at the MENSA gym.

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My IQ is somwhere above 130, I've got a Masters in Biochemistry with a specialisation in Membrane-Proteins and Enzyme Immobilisation. Also my lifts are all trash, so I guess OP is right

not rare at all since 2010

> registered titan

they understand the effort/ time is not worth the reward and theyve found a way to get a gf or money/ whatever they desire without spending 1/4 of their waking life in the gym

>found a way to get a gf
You've got the wrong idea of high IQ people

You must lift a lot then.

i would have thought the main reason is that just because you have a high iq, doesn't mean you necessarily have a lot of knowledge about something that you're not interested in.

also lifting heavy weights 3-4 times a week probably isn't that great for your joints in the long run, so maybe some of them are thinking about when they're old. i'm not a very smart guy though, i don't know


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Roiders are < 90

>I think it can be summed down to this: Jow Forums people are smart about being fit but stupid as fuck in book smarts, and book smart people are smart in books but dumb as fuck about health and fitness. Not many people can be both healthy in body AND mind.
A good portion of the Jow Forums community that actually lifts are moderately successful young adults working white collar jobs. We may not be super genius tier but were definitely book smart.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand diet and planning. The details are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of nutrition and sports science most of the gains will go over a typical person's head. There’s also the necessary outlook and mindset, which is deftly woven into the life-style - modern lifting draws heavily from Mark Rippetoe literature, for instance. Jow Forums understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depth of a proper squat, to realise that it's not just a lift- it says something deep about your dedication. As a consequence people who dislike heavy squats truly ARE dyels- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, compounds which themself are enough to build abs. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as they try to figure out the technique which unfolds itself during a properly executed clean and jerk. What fools.. how I pity them

Doesn't sound like he doesn't understand how to be fit. Sounds like he doesn't give a fuck

If it's true that smarter people are less prone to getting fit I'd think it's a difference caused by having different values. I imagine smart people grow up noticing they are smarter than other kids; they're almost guaranteed to do better at school unless their environment and home situation is terrible. So they start valuing intellectual ability in themselves over other things. They don't care if they're less fit or worse looking than others. In their minds their educated knowledge and mental ability is what separates them from what they see as the inferior masses (whether fit or not).
There's also the idea that trying to become fit signals that you value it. Vice versa, not trying to become fit signals you don't value it. Everyone wants to feel superior to other people and one way to do that is to simply deny what anyone else thinks is valuable by defining your own values to be different. Perhaps smart people are additionally resistant to the idea of becoming fit because to do so would feel like admitting that the being smart isn't the most important thing.

But are people in the highest quarter of the IQ spectrum less inclined to become fit? I don't think it's at all obvious that this is true. People with an IQ above 115 are only 15% of the population. Those with an IQ of >125 are only 5%, >135 are the 1%. Maybe the observation of very noticeably smart people being rare in the gym is because they are rare in general. It could very well be possible that smarter people are more inclined to get fit but since they are rare enough, their relatively larger density in the gym isn't enough to outweigh their base rarity in the entire population so it'd still seem like they are rare in the gym.

>intelligence is book smarts

the question is why he doesn't give a fuck, not whether he doesn't have the "smarts" for it.

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>in the gym.
Stopped reading there

Well you read more than 3/4 of that wall of text, good job.

>Source for that buddy

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Smarter people work on jobs that occupy all their time and do the minimal effort to be fit, some cardio and good diet, this american myth that smart people are wimps and that gym bros are all cave mans is one of the reason the world laughts at your kind.

It's because to them training your body is a meaningless effort.
Just think about some meaningless stuff to you, it means exactly the same to them.

>he needs proof to know that gym goers aren't a smarter demographic than the average

Fuck up american scum.

The least obese professions are doctors, professors and scientists. Runners, tennis players, yogis, cyclists and even lifters have higher than average incomes (some correlation to IQ there.) Hell, runners have a higher average income than golfers. Your premise is wrong from the ground-up.

Additionally, exercise at all stages of life is shown to improve cognition, and obesity is shown to inhibit it. Being fit helps you get that high IQ in the first place.

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Because dumb people are more primitive so they value muscles more

Not that you can't be smart and also fit

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Low testosterone and high iq are correlated. Most men with high iqs are practically female. They spent their entire lives getting beaten up by men with higher testosterone levels and have grown to fear the gym and anything masculine. That's why when they get their phd's they join the jews in deconstructing masculinity and whiteness. For the jews it's a hatred of while people. For the betas it's a hatred of alphas. They may try to p90x or some other meme in their living rooms, but even if those workouts were any good, they'd still look dyel because of their low T.

>Jeff bezos

I make shit up: the post

Not true

High test in womb is correlated with higher IQ, to much and you go overboard and get autism

I'm a fattie and i must delude myself i have high iq.


Ok now THIS is just making shit up

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anecdotal evidence isn't inherently unreliable you walking dunning kruger

If you actually went to the gym it would also be your anecdotal evidence

I'm a mensa member and also met my boyfried through mensa(hurr durr, socially awkward, but whatever, we work)

I've actually experienced this interesting phenomenon several times where very intelligent people pick up those semi-intellectual pursuits when they do not have enough to do to keep their brain occupied. Exercise and nutrition is a very typical topic and both two of my (mensa) friends(one only got into it a little after I did, one has been since I've known him) and I started out with a very logical and technical approach, really doing lots of research.

Personally, I have the problem that I just work too quickly through everything I do and I went from my weekly martial arts classes to "really into fitness" during my last year of highschool during which I mainly spent my classes doing online courses and studying university math for fun. I was honestly bored most of the time, so it was great to have something with a physical component that could kill more time.

On the other hand, my boyfriend found a different way to deal with boredom at a similar point in his life and focused his spare energy on "funny ways to make money". He's not into fitness, but still takes care of himself and is in decent shape, though.

So in the end, fitness is really a decent possible hobby for a very intelligent person, but not a main goal in life.

125 here checking in
>mfw I'm 5 points short of my dad

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146 manlet here with decent lifts. Ik that ime, lifting is highly rewarding and at the end of the day, that's why I do it. It's not because I should for health benefits, although that's true; it's because I really enjoy being strong, trying to get stronger, and looking a certain way. I think that's probably why most people exercise - they enjoy it. Conversely, I think that while high IQ folks may actually be overrepresented based on the actual small percentage of the population they comprise, the majority that don't probably a) don't enjoy it, and/or b) have never tried it. Both of those factors are probably attributable to high IQ people finding stimulation in a variety of other ways, and not seeing the value in "picking stuff up and putting it down hurr durr waste of time."

>146cm manlet
Oh dear, oh dear...

That shit happened in the valley all the time after Facebook launched. Don't think they're smart with their money yet


tits gtfo etc

>TFW IQ of 114.9999999999999999 reportin'

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Never gonna make it, I'm sorry bro

People with IQs of 130 plus are rare to begin with.
Their self esteem doesn't depend on appearance.
Cardio is more important than gains?

t. autistic genius with an IQ of 142 who is trying to build muscles to look more apelike.

This is so true just look at Stephen Hawking. If he spent as much time working out and researching nutrition instead of looking into black holes he would still be alive today.

You're right actually. Everytime I've seen him he's trundling along on an invalidity scooter even though he's far from obese.

Also high-iq Jow Forums person. The last sentence describes my own perspective accurately as well. If anything, I rely on a fitness-conscious foundation to improve the efficacy of my other pursuits. Healthy body healthy mind kind of thing...

spent his entire life trying to prove a mathematical fraud.

[citation needed]

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>depression because surrounded by retards

Most people are sub 115 IQ. Like 90% or something.





I was tested high IQ as a child, idk if I'm still smart but I lift because physical activity helps me focus, plus if I don't lift I stay up at night thinking of things I need to do, then I end up getting out of bed to go do them, and my sleep gets ruined.

Are minorities really people though?

>I have no source

Lol zyzz was the dux (highest scoring) student at his highschool,

Really smart people are Jow Forums. Anyone else high IQ but unhealthy has played too much vidya or tsbletop and thinks life is like point-buy systems.

It's that you need more calories to feed your brain, so it takes way more fuel to stay heavy. My IQ is 130 and I have a lot of trouble putting on weight but I can bench more than I weigh and deadlift 160 (don't laugh I'm getting back into lifting)

White collars fitness ie higher IQs are cardio cucks and do take on more costly things like golf.
Blue collar fitness is weights, it's affordable and often translates into labor.

IQ has nothing to do with whether or not people choose to get Jow Forums but they tend to fall into careers that take a lot of time that blocks out many convenient times of the day to workout and prep proper meals.

Speak for yourself buddy my iq is big brain level.

Yeah if he was so smart why didn't he figure out how to not die?

>also lifting heavy weights 3-4 times a week probably isn't that great for your joints in the long run
>i'm not a very smart guy though, i don't know
No, you're right.

This. All the smartest folk I know are fit. Not bodybuilding fit but light lifting and cardio. That's healthy. What fit thinks is healthy is juicing yourself to death for aesthetics.

>I asked him if he knew how much sugar was in one of his drinks and he said “uh no” and I said “over 120 grams” and he goes “damn.” And took another sip.

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Honestly, who knows

Lmao I guess my brother mogged me

Why is it so rare for op to be positive, funny how you never run into anyone negative at the gym.

>healthy in body AND mind.
Those things are the same.

>that sub 140IQ guy who lifts

>Having anytype of braincells

yeah 130 iq isn't really that smart. 140+ is tho

t. 136 brainlet

>sugar is your enemy
>a large brain doesn't consume a shitton of carbs if not in ketosis
>eat only "good" carbs, sweets cause cancer

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it's smart to roid for two weeks in prep for springbreak

i do


>smarter than 95% of the population
>calls himself brainlet
You must be really self-conscious, have a (You)

considering 95% of the population live in 3rd world shitholes and war zones that really isnt that impressive