What kind of shoulder pain do you get fit?

What kind of shoulder pain do you get fit?

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How did you know I have shoulder pains ?

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we all do

My right front shoulder always stings a little especially after doing a lot of heavy pressing movements, im thinking of giving up on benching altogether.
What about you user how close is your shoulder to dying

restract your scapula you fucking faggot

I do already but my right shoulder has always been fucked up, maybe I should see a doctor

My shoulder always hurt on the first set of weighted dips- it doesn't even seem matter how much warming up I do, I even got a bunch of elastic bands and I do a whole mobility routine before my lifting but it doesn't seem to help.

0 because i stretch before each workout morons.

Joint pain at very specific angles of motion. This is from an injury back in February and I'm not sure which exercise caused it. I tried doing front quats last Sunday (for the first time as a form check) and my Shoulder pain returned for two days.

i fucked my shoulder from training a skill with protracted shoulders when they should have been neutral. Now biceps tendon hurts when I put my hands overhead(even if I elevate my scapulas, there is discomfort).

well shoulder position is very different in front squats and back squats. No need to injure yourself when you have a good alternative.

none. boxed a lot before lifting, shoulders are strong as fuarck

All my pain comes from right behind the scapula. It's fucking awful.

Re-tore my rotator cuff the other day so its not great atm

I get no shoulder pain because i know how to lift moron.
Keep doing your behind the neck shoulder press Gollum

imagine osgood-schlatter's but on the upper part of the front delt

My shoulder pain is caused by depression. How do I fix it?

nothing since rear delt isolation every time I press

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>cant box because shoulder pain and stressed and depressed because of it
>cant heal because stress and depression
i want off the wild ride

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What does that feel like? when it tears

the kind where OP is a faggot

I run a 5k ~4-5 times a week, but at least once a week, I'm get this stinging/stabbing feeling in the back of my left shoulder. I usually turn around, thinking someone is trying to get my attention or something.

When it tears just a sharp pain and you know somethings wrong. After a constant ache in the area with really sharp pains when you do something to exacerbate it. Not pleasant.

Physio starts again next week

My shoulder blades are out of whack with one much lower than the other.
Got an ultrasound recently showing bursitis on both shoulder.
My physio told me to do some wall slides and some prone exercises and I don't know if I'm getting memed but I'm doubtful this alone will fix the problem.

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i lost range of movement in my left shoulder
if i streached when waking up the pain would flair up
went to doc and then physical therapist
did the stretching they recommended many times a day
now i have full range of movement again