What's your excuse for not getting a gf again? If this out of shape guy can get one, why can't you?
What's your excuse for not getting a gf again? If this out of shape guy can get one, why can't you?
i dont leave my house ever
I'm a lot fatter than him
>getting a gf again
Because I never got one
They are just posing for a picture, they could be just friends at most.
I call BS.
I am a deeply flawed individual
>implying that's actually his gf
nice cope faggots
Also I've rejected most women who tried to date me. I hate myself way too much. At this point, being in a relationship would suck more than staying alone.
all these
I might as well be called the absolute robot... which is sad
It's not a cope if it's true.
they're a confirmed couple.
>Why don't you X?
>What's your excuse for Y?
Always the best threads, 8/10, would read and rate again.
He looks like a fun guy, good for him
I don't use social media and I really don't have the time tk get super invested in a relationship.
Not an excuse but a legitimate reason. gf's cheat
To be honest, i don't really know. I guess im not charismatic or interesting enough. I mean nobody tells me why.
I believe is true.
It's just a picture, it's not his gf
I've spent a year trying to get a girl at work to like me.
Kill me.
That is an excuse. Men cheat .6x more than women.
.6x is less than one user, i think you need to go back to basic math.
It doesn't matter if you get a girlfriend or not. She's tolerating you until she finds someone better.
I think he's trying to say that they cheat 60% more but doesn't realize that the conversion he's trying to do doesn't work.
I have an opportunity to be with this girl who would love me the rest of my life. problem is shes like a 3/10 in the face. should I do it?
I don't have an excuse. I've talked to plenty of girls, i've had girls approach me and i've exchanged numbers with girls. If you have a mental disorder people will find out that you are in fact a fucking weirdo (like in my case) and leave asap. This is unfortunate, but hey, so it goes. Shit happens. Not everyone "wins".
YES, but do not reproduce with it.
Ask her opinion on paper bags.
Why are men allowed to say this about ugly girls but not the other way around?
Fuck off back to your hugbox, roastie slut.