So I am the boss (F23) of a small devs team and one of my older coworker has always been kind of strange to say the least.
Last week I had to experience one of his "virgin rage" like I use to call it. I think not having a girlfriend is a proof of a lack of emotional maturity. But I can't really say that we don't hire single male.
It has come to my attention that there is this forum on the internet where people like him gather to talk about virgin stuff. I was wondering if you could offer me your insight in that matter.
Honestly, you need to plant evidence he's going to shoot somewhere up and frame him. He'll do it eventually, why risk lives?
Samuel Hall
>virgin rage What exactly is virgin rage?
Austin Sullivan
this Shoot him before he fires
Logan Brooks
>I think not having a girlfriend is a proof of a lack of emotional maturity.
so if i lowered my standards and let some nagging, bitchy fat girl live with me and eat up all of my food, that would indicate improved emotional maturity?
i'd say being unable to live alone would indicate a lack of "emotional maturity" whatever those two words together actually means to you
Nathaniel Stewart
>implying you could
What's a "virgin rage" ?
Nathan Allen
>I think not having a girlfriend is a proof of a lack of emotional maturity.
Me: "Ugh I can't get a girlfriend and it's making me depressed" My friends: "You're coming across as desperate. You need to have more friends and already have confidence to be attractive." My mom: "You need to be comfortable on your own before you can be confident and attractive" My therapist: "If you can't be happy with yourself, you won't be happy with anyone else" Some dingusberry on Jow Forums: "not having a girlfriend is a proof of a lack of emotional maturity"
Fuck off.
Logan Williams
You need to squeeze his testosterone out of him via the penis.
Nolan Green
>>implying you could well, i could. once i went out drinking when i was 18 and "hooked up" with this 2/10. making out with her was pretty gross and it made me throw up. and then it was hard to get a boner with her, and her pussy smelled bad. then when i lost my virginity it didn't even feel all that physically good on my [circumcised] penis, fapping is a lot more convenient if i'm horny and need to prevent spontaneous erections from happening a lot at work.
most of the girls that have shown interest in me i just couldn't see myself having a "relationship" with them and i just can't base a relationship like that around sex, i would want it to be with someone i could enjoy my time with.
due to work though, i rarely meet women at all. i also have DSPS so i'm naturally a night person but stuck working a day job, which causes me a lot of stress. the last thing on my mind now is trying to find a gf. i don't even own property and i have less than $5,000 in the bank despite being 25 years old.
i most certainly can "get a girlfriend" but i am comparing and contrasting and have decided that the "benefits" aren't really worth going through with all of that so soon. especially if the only real reason is so some troll on the internet claims i'm not "emotionally mature" because i don't force myself to let some fat girl sleep in my room and use up my meagre resources
Charles King
Tell him he is better of with NEETbux and fire him.
Jonathan Butler
> 23 > boss of a software delopment team
Are you the secretary or the boss of the shittiest start up ever?
Gabriel Howard
call the police on him for being virgoo. they won't laugh you off the line, i promise.
Nathaniel Powell
Fuck the shit out of him then save him yourself ans your dev team.
Chase Lee
you coulda said fire him before he fires on you...
anyway if real you're a roasty whore op
Jace Peterson
Not all men are like that. He's just mentally challenged or something, if he can't control his 'virgin rage' at work. Try to let go of him and find a more suitable guy for the position. At the moment you might be half-tolerant of such behavior, but in my eyes it's better to just avoid a possible problem.
Elijah Bennett
web developer here, so there is a bit of programming but nothing seriously intense (just php and javascript) but we have a girl similar to OP who is a "project manager"
she doesn't know much about programming, actually nothing at all. she's only good at writing apparently, but is mostly just a content manager who assigns like 250-500 word blog posts/pages to our writers to be added to websites.
if anything messes up (or if a client sends an angry email) the first instinct she has is to blame it all on 1 person (there's only like 10-12 employees), rather than understand the problem and see how it could be fixed & prevented. it's in stark contrast to a newer employee -- a male, who doesn't know much programming either -- who actually seems interested in the process and likes to understand what's happening rather than just throwing blame on a person.
when something fucks up, she thinks >who did this and how can i make the boss mad at them he thinks >how can we fix the problem so the client is happy?
OP sounds like a huge cunt. the same girl i'm talking about once got bitched at by the boss and then when he left for lunch she "called a conference" just to scream at me for something she got in trouble for. she said >i'm your boss, you have to do what i say i said >no you're not and left for lunch. she bitched to my boss about it after and when i came back he was on my side. it's pretty pathetic, she literally thought she was my boss because when he leaves for 2hours he tells her to "be in charge" since she's less likely to have a serious problem to fix.
also she is dating a straight up loser who despite being 10 years older than me is just as broke and plays WOW all day. she has no children and pretends like she would never want any, but actually likes kids.
you're probably just like her OP, and even the normies at work who routinely get their dick wet despise her. this includes married men with children, actually everyone hates them and at most i'm "funny"
Parker Hernandez
Kys Oregano Oreganolli
Robert Allen
Just fuck him already you think too much.
Landon Stewart
hey if you look like that woman in OP pic come over and finger me real quick eh?
Youd get a better explanation if you search r9k on youtube if you're not baiting
Brandon Gray
That's the catch-22 my dude. You're supposed to be comfortable on your own and consider yourself whole (not that I'm arguing against that), but at the same time, if you've never had a gf before at an older age, you're a loser.
Xavier Fisher
>if you've never had a gf before at an older age, you're a loser. this
There is no point in getting a high pay job if you don't want children
Austin Nelson
>So I am the boss (F23) of a small devs team... the weakest bait
Cooper Stewart
>There is no point in getting a high pay job if you don't want children except you know living expenses are already very high and you also want cool shit