Jow Forums careers

What do you guys do? and does it compliment your Jow Forums lifestyle?

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I'm a rigger

His outfit will look ridiculous at any serious place of business, suit jacket notwithstanding. Anyway, I’m a risk analyst for an bulge bracket bank.

>His outfit will look ridiculous
it's a dress shirt and tie

Product engineering intern while off uni right now. Doesn’t compliment it but I make time to get up and get a lift in before work.


Software developer. Love it, it's what I wanted to do after college. Relatively low stress, good pay, good benefits. It's an office job though so I sit on my ass for eight hours a day. Need to work out more to stay in shape.

project manager in an investment fund, I deal in real estate investments in the +100mil range. yes it does, my job heavily relies on asserting leadership with consultants and contractors, having a healthy, athletic mantained appearance is an aspect of that.

>Everyone on Jow Forums is makes mad bank

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Not user, but his shirt is too small.

PhD student in Sport Science, so yeah I guess it does

Working in a kitchen at the moment. I work 40 to 50 hours a week which doesn't bother me too much, but the worst thing is that the shifts move around all the time. Im often given the task of closing the kitchen down which means I work from 3pm get home by 1am or 2am on average. Annoying because I like waking up early. Currently In the process of joining the Navy as a weapons engineering technician. Have the academic requirements to go in as a warfare officer (better pay, more seniority etc), but decided i wanted the practical experience and qualifications.

because it's skin tight and also his hair is laughably stupid.

I'm a producer and audio engineer running and operating a studio

Jow Forums is NEET land
Jow Forums has actually gotten their shit together

im a neet

>believable, math monkey

>believable, cad monkey

>believable, fag

>believable, code monkey

>unbelievable, the fuck you lost on /fit

>believable, eternal student

>believable, general fuckup going into service

>believable, has a microphone and eggpackages glued to his walls

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I'm a primary school teacher, it's okay

Here's a bit of a thought experiment:
Are you fit because of the job you have?
Do have your current job because you're fit (or not fit)?

I own a machinery import business.
As a result I have a nice home gym in the back of my workshop.
The downside is lots of travel makes working out difficult and eating is not as good as I would like.

>work on logistics
>kickass job
>travel around the globe
>meet nice people
>get to know nice culture

I've lifted in 10 different cities in the past 5 years, bros.
Life's good.

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>unbelievable, the fuck you lost on /fit
I don't know, it's been 10 years now.

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How maths-heavy is logistics? Interested in it after uni but don't know anyone in the field

starting a warehouse job next week. it's gonna suck.

starting with a big 4 public accounting firm in october as an auditor. it will also suck.

i just want a $60k/yr accounting job 40 hours/week with decent upward mobility. fuck.

literally the only degree worth getting

Pharmacist - Would help me if I decided to start juicing

Currently on active duty status for basic officer leadership course in the army, when I get back home since I'm guard I'm gonna go police, either local or federal, fuck being a highway patrolman

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Software developer. Sitting on my ass 8 hours a day doesn't help much but I earn enough money to rent an apartment near the work (10 min from the door to the door by walking), buy a membership in a nice gym in my bc and eat good food. Also I have time to lift every day. I won't ever compete but just being in a nice form isn't hard.

High School teacher. Predictable hours, 8.30-4. Easy to fit life around it. Take home workload isn't as bad as the media plays it out to be. New grads just don't understand the concept of workload management.

Security for clubs an pubs. It's a requirement to be strong. $25/$35.

Professional Jow Forums poster

Cant lift anything. Hate all forms of strength lifting. Promote nothing but bad fads (vegans, nofap, ect).

Probably just industrial or someother bullshit

I love getting shitfaced after class.
I hope to be a stripper one day.

>he actually believes that

public practice accounting too
but local

less hours than big4, pay is more or less the same (shit)

one of the main reasons I got fit was to be more employable

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Big four auditor, biding my time to exit to be a f500 controller for that comf life.

Only reason why people go big four is to exit to other opps.


i'm going to do 1-2 years and leave for private. i don't want to do my CPA, either.

>meme haircut
>overworked facial hair
>skin tight dress shirt
>skin tight pants
>gold bracelet
>most likely a fake rolex
Stop... I can only take so much

and the internal education programs which are


I have my own amateur porn site and I have my own ASMR youtube channel (I’m a guy though.) I sell LSD to some people I know too.

Deputy city manager.

Bad: long hours, 12-16 hour days every other week for legislative hearings on top of 45 houra average a week.

High stress at times.

Sit at desk or meetings a lot.


Gym right next to City Hall. Get a solid hour in almost every day. Upper lower split and run a mile or so at the end. Also wake up early and do a mile fasted each morning.

Enough money and vacation to go on backpacking trips

Mergers and acquisitions

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Hello Copeness my old friend

Jow Forums is Jow Forums that has started lifting for 3 months

>Makes me stick to a routine as there is no room for error in time management
>Can take kids outside for Daily Physical Activity [DPA] and do stuff like shuffling for cardio gains
>Get to lift kids up to the monkey bars when I have yard duty
>Can wear comfy Jow Forums clothing that is casual or business casual

Things I did not expect.

>Bunch of 13 year olds mirin' all the time
>Kindergarten kids tell me I "look like a gymnast"
>Can outlift / run / be more physically active than most P.E. teachers
>Hard to find other teachers who don't just do cardio for 15 minutes and call it quits

not the guy you quoted but that guy would be laughed out of every serious white collar job i.e. not being a sales executive at cutco.

The only one getting laughed at is you mate, in your dirty clothes at the basement of a flooded construction site


I'm a field and data director for a state's democratic caucus. Really small staff so it's somewhat endless amounts of work. Being Jow Forums (but mostly tall) may let me fuck one of my super hot candidates - only time will tell

How did you get into that?

And additionally to the other anons, you wear black suits only on a funeral, every where else its dark anthrazitm blue or else.

Which bank

What looks bad: Shirt too tight and isnt tailored properly.

Dont like haristyle, beard and that style combo.

Because to pudgyfat "businessmen", having a shirt that follows your body is like a fit girl in a room of feminists. He also has an actual haircut instead of the mcnormie 20 dollar cut.

Simply put, he will mogg people in a place where people work 24/7 to compensate for being mogged. Not very popular. These people will reee and shut you out if you look anything like a man without erectile dysfunction.

Now THIS is more like it. Unkempt, nonthreatening haha-yes-sir whitemax in a poorly fitted shirt and starting-to-bald cut. Notice how the highschool tier fitted shirt hides his gains? Think "goofy" "cuck" and "white" before a purchase and it will save you a lot of trouble in your career.

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I stack shelves for 8 hours a day for minimum wage.

i audited a fortune 10 company but okay

unsarcastically I am of the hebrew faith

t. college student who has never worked a grown up job
t. early 20s child who thinks he works a grownup job but actually makes $37k/yr as a """sales associate""" and has a 27 year old boss

troubling if you actually believe guy in OP has a well-fitting shirt or a good haircut


>Physical, helps keep me lean
>Actually enjoyable work most of the time
>Spend all day with a good bunch of dudes, no cunty HR to deal with
>Working with a good crew means jobs get done on time, on spec so plenty of money and bonus pay
>When I'm done, I'm done. I never have to bring my work home with me
>Making really good money, well respected for my skills, can basically travel anywhere and find work and actually receive reward and respect for doing a good job.
>No fucking gay office politics

>Have to travel quite a bit which means long hours and a lot of sitting in vans with farty fucking lads
>If we're shop fitting for chains it can get fucking repetitive
>If I want to progress from here I've got to go into site management or H&S which is infinitely more stress and responsibility OR start my own business and put my own crew together which is also a lot more stress and responsibility

I really just want to start up my own bench joinery business and spend all day in a comfy workshop, listening to comfy podcasts, making high quality furniture and selling it for silly amounts of money to rich people.

t. sand nigger which never has worked in a professional evoirement and does't even know what business formal means.

OPs pic is to actual business men, what a woan dressed in a sex shop "nurse" outfit is to an actual physician. You know as what they want to larp but you aren't ther to do the job but to present your body, something neither men nor women should to in a real professional envoirement. Skinny cloths are for sluts and fags.

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I work as an electrician, so not really.

I have great use of it in another area though. I'm a member of AFA and being buff gives me an edge in rallies. Ironically, I did most of my nazipunching duty when I was a dyel.

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>t. sand nigger
never realized until now but yeah they are pretty bad.
>retarded haircut
>obnoxious designer cologne
>skin tight ralph lauren dress shirts
>wing tip or some other garish shoes
>42mm fake gold watch
>3 series BMW on a

I work at the welfare office doing health insurance for poorfags

.t I washed mad men

I work for my country's foreign affairs department

Kind of. I dont have much time to work out but staying fit is important.

I dont know why everyone is memeing about having to look shit at work here... Get a tailored suit for occasions you need suits, and get tailored shirts that fit you properly for all occasions. A well fitted shirt isn't as tight as OP's photo but it should compliment your body. When you meet new contacts in any work you want to
1) be credible
2) be memorable

Your appearance enhances both. Don't look like you try too hard but clothes that compliment your physique are absolutely an important part of that

Those are som shit tier suits user. They are several numbers too large for the men wearing them and makes their waists bigger wider than their shoulders. Just look at the legs on the far right, that's cloth enough to make his legs twice as wide as they really are.

3/10 Dressmann suits

How do you deal with shitcunt teenagers?

How hard is it? Did rendering for a bit and it was fucked, ruined my back after a week

Yeah he's just a male model paid and dressed by an agency to look good. Tell me more about business style, random Jow Forums user

I'm a cyber security design engineer.

I'm also fat as fuck. Could use some tips on fitness since I always work....

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what are you work hours

Recent grad Sports Physical Therapist

years of schooling and interning under strength and conditioning staff for D1 and D2 programs has shown me how much fuckig bullshit is out there on the internet. Jesus why the fuck am I still here


It's not bad at all. As long as you lift with good form and work smart you're fine.

Plastering/rendering is pretty much the single worst trade for longevity. Every plasterer I've ever met has a totally fucked back.

I just wear some kneepads when necessary, know how to position my tools and materials so that I'm not moving in awkward ways and I keep everything organised and clean to maximise efficiency. No strains, no accidents and plenty of energy left for heavy lifting 6 times a week.

How the fuck do you find work as a carpenter outside a construction site, do you work with your dad or something ?

5-6 hrs a day unless there's some special project.

Operations engineer at a startup that makes and sells robots.

Feels good man. I work remotely so half the time I'm in a meeting or doing troubleshooting I'm also in my garage gym.

Making about 70k/y. Remember boys, if you were the house nerd that spent your youth troubleshooting computers and helping your mom fix her email, you can use that to make money.

I went to college to study it (UK). I did this as a mature student. First year was just working in the college. I applied myself (it's fucking easy) and sailed through it, won a few competitions, had 100% attendance, got involved in student politics a bit etc... Seriously easy. At the end of that first year employers came round sniffing for decent apprenticeship candidates. My name was top of the list, obviously, so I got first dibs on the best employers.

I started up with a local guy who has a very tight knit and successful shop fitting crew and I did my apprenticeship with him for two years, making full wage almost straight away, stayed on with them after that.

There are other ways to go but that route seemed like the quickest and most surefire way to end up in a decent outfit and it worked out well.
Just have to be wary when it comes to apprenticeships though. A lot of cowboys will take lads on and basically teach them fucking nothing and get them to do all the donkey work while they bodge jobs. Easy way to get injured and have a bad reputation attached to your name before you even get started. Reputation is everything in this business. A good one gets you great gigs and lots of money.

I start law school soon

you have an okay job, you can fit an hour to two for gym in your day, go to sleep early, wake up early, workout in the morning if you have time if not then in the evening, maybe right after work because it will be easier than getting home to relax and then go to the gym, do both cardio and weightlifting, eat healthy(most important thing), you dont even need to count macros and all that in the begining, just eat healthy foods and cut out sodas and junk food, eat more vegetables and fruit, last but not least do not limit fitness just to the gym, take walks regurally, if you can jog somewhere thats nice, but as much as going for an hour long walk is going to contribute, be mad crazy about all of that for like 3 months and then it becomes a habit, also dont skip your days and if you eat some junk food do not look at it as an excuse to just be lazy the whole day, just work harder and try to burn it off

You work 5-6 hours a day and can't find time to lose weight? Come on to fuck man, you need to want to actually do it, we can't force you.

building medical companies

I work nightfill at a supermarket. It's actually too laborious and interrupts my ability to train.

So you have a shit load of time?

Law student, wanna become a prosecutor
It does, good looking lawyers are the shit in my field

Yea. I do
But I'm anti social unless it's work related.

In business stuff I'm really social outside now work I keep to myself and just sit at the house

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Then work out at the house?


except i am doing my ca, which in aus is more recognized than cpa

>hair is instagram tier
>shirt too tight
>gold watch is embrassing

software dev

nope, i lift to offset the lack of physical activity

I used to spend more time at fucking school when I was a kid, Jesus man, thats a dream job, go workout and learn languages and things
I wake up 6AM, come back 9PM and still find time to be Jow Forums

I'm a nigger

Yea. It is a dream job
Work a few hrs a day. Sometimes maybe a little extra since you travel for business.

Did I mention I work from home office 85% of the month and barely need to be in the office...

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I'm a nigger.

Software Engineer. Sitting on my ass all day allows me to recover easily and get away with eating less.

Currently a med student, work about 10 hours a week as a nurse in a retirement home, its okay lots of disgusting stuff but its also active, the non nasty parts are fun and makes pretty good money. I want to be a surgeon later on in my career.

I fit pretty well into the second category. I'm just not in sales and my direct manager is pretty old.

I just dress regular casual. I'm also trying to start my own business. I just want to lift and play Fortnite to be habanero

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