He doesn't lift to be strong for humanity's eternal crusade against the xenos

>He doesn't lift to be strong for humanity's eternal crusade against the xenos

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>tfw no emperor to look up to

Train to become that emperor

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Reminder that no matter how much metal you can lift, you won't become an immortal with psychic powers.

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what's wrong with xenos? If it's got ears like a knife, make it your wife.

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>He doesn't lift to be strong for humanity's eternal crusade against Soros

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That's a fucking challenge.

Well I won't know until I try

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Nah, no matter how much you lift you'll always belong to your pokemon. Blaziken thicc af

I'm gonna beat that challenge.

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Trump is a puppet of Israel.

fuck off leftist 40kid, your setting is shit


>He doesnt have autism
live in the real world faggots

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This, the setting has turned to shit. Much better in the early 2000's.

40k is the most rightwing and mainstream setting you will find, what the fuck are you talking about?

An Adeptus Arbites will be with you shortly, please standby.

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delicious heresy. Admit it, Eldar are AESTHETIC as fark

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>ywn fight for the glory of Noxus
>ywn conquer demacia and ionia
>ywn unite runeterra
>ywn become grand general

Why live?

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