How are dicklets even supposed to compete?
How are dicklets even supposed to compete?
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Remove themselves from competition.
Is 6'2 enough?
12 cm dickcel here, has anyone had any luck with the jewlq exercises?
15cm dicklet. If I lost weight I could push 6'2
>Tfw 8.5 inches
>Tfw 6'5"
>Tfw none of this shit actually helps you get laid in real life
Would happily trade 2 or 3 of my inches to get rid of my autism and be able to talk to girls
so dick is actually longer than you?
>he isn't 60 feet tall with a 6'2'' dick
when will they learn?
user I'm not sure you know how to measure right
not in 2030
Girth is more important than length.
t.El dickleto
>really considering jelqing
>12 cm chink detected
i thought chinks are least suspectible to jewish bs, guess sefl-conciousness really fucks u up huh
Should I get my peenor circumcised or would it decrease the pleasure of it
find a girl with vaginismus. I have it and even a finger inside me feels like im being torn apart.
If you care about your dick size you're not a real robot. If you're a real robot nobody will ever see it thus the size is irrelevant. Normalshits out.
Yeah bro, let the jewish overlords slice off a piece of your body.
if you're a real robot you have a million things to worry about before your penis size
I have a confession.
My dick is only 5in fully erect.
It can be cured with the right man. You game?
>girth is even smaller that length
Wow thanks
They aren't. Dicklets aren't supposed to breed.
kek, no it can't be cured.
Yes it can, many such cases on the internet. It's a psychological thing, eventually it will go away.
This,a sad but hard truth!
Unfortunately us dicklets cannot compete.
>something on the internet = true
no, i have been to several different Drs and they all say the same thing, you can work on your pelvic floor to help with discomfort but it will always be there
But my dick is pretty much the same size
Why would anyone choose a nigger over a white man with the same dick size?
mines 5, am i fucked?
get back at dad
OP, please give greentext background on your pic so I can self insert.
Your only hope is learning how to suck dick really well.
Do you try to compensate with anal sex?
Or is that also painful for you
Assuming you have tried
Put your stats in your bio on tinder.
You can thank me later
Or just bare the pain, but yes you are right
Anal isn't effected but it still hurts because im pretty sure it always hurts for everyone
Better is both. Bear the pain, because it will get easier with practice. But still learn to suck dick anyway.
When and where do we fuck?
Black ones are more even-toned and aesthetic, and yours doesn't have the taboo factor.
You sound like a cute girl
Usually I would be an asshole like most robots and make a lewd comment or something
But I have a big penis and I feel bad and think that would be even more cruel given your story
Have a nice day!
I do have tinder but pretty much refuse to use
It just feels too decadent and souless
Plus if I put my dick size in my bio all I would probably get is whores riddled with STD's
that's all you're worth you lanklet piece of meat
Bumpus hehe
But I dont wanna get ultra aids :(
>Tfw 6.7 inches
>Tfw 6'4
>Tfw 23 yo KV
I have it even worse than you. Honestly with such a big dick I wouldn't surprised that if you ever get to fuck a girl she will obsess over you and become your personal cum dumpster
Thanks user
Thats a nice thought but I am scared about hurting her when the time comes
Wish you the best of luck too
Got 1,94 meters height and 12cm dick.
Am dating a qt who I thaught to bash my dick size. Feels good user.
>all these fucking digits being ignored
these threads cant be healthy
Thats nice user
I wish a qt was scared about mine but learned to love it in time
>size is more important than size
why would you want to?
as a cutfag my dick is dry most of the time and it pulls up on the scrotum skin any time i get an erection
Bump for tall men with big penises and no self steem
>dicklets telling themselves 6 inches is enough to please a girl
keep dreaming sissy
>built like a linebacker
>in decent shape
>dick is 4.75" x 3"
Kill me
This sounds right, but honestly how is this supposed to make anyone happy. There's just as much chance someone is thinner than average as they are shorter than average.
If anything, the real red pill is realising the most important thing is being able to get and stay hard with a normal woman and cum in a reasonable amount of time while being fit enough to do sex positions well.
>cum in a reasonable amount of time
>Not being unable to cum for 1 hour and then getting soft before crying over the unconscious body of the girl
try wearing panties, it will feel sooo good for those little dicklets :)
your dubs are coming right up, Mr. Bateman...
bbc revolution is cumming
i wish i had a huge cock so i could go on omegle and get girls to flash me their tits. being a dicklet is literal lifelong suffering
>tfw dicklet that cums in 2 minutes AT MOST or if not I just can't stay hard
Is there any way to use dick size to your advantage/bring it up in real life without looking like a weirdo rapist?
>mfw 7' dicklet
There are no girls on omegle user.
It's original
who is that qt?
Am I a bad person for feeling happy when anons have smaller penises than mine?
An exercise that is free to do yourself and can't even be sold or marketed is not Jewish, you fucking idiot. The penis stretches over time, just like your neck or ears do.
so huge she forgot about it right
>Not having a dick so big you give your gf Alzheimer
Longer your dick is, the thicker it will be generally
not really because you'll soon realise people with smaller dicks than you are having a lot more sex than you.
Ok we caught a dicklet in the trap boys
Laugh at him as much as you want
What's the point of having a big dick if you get no action anyway? Its just a giant, throbbing reminder of how alone I am.
Get yourself a girl whose never had s big dick before so doesn't know what she's missing.
Then encourage her to find out.
>implying she hasn't seen a ton of huge dicks online
It's almost like you forgot that the internet existed
One of my many depraved fantasies is to find a big dicked robot with low confidence and help him build it up by letting him fuck my gf. Over and over.
Until he no longer asks for permission and just fucks her and makes her suck his dick passionately whenever he wants.
The ultimate degradation would be to make me suck him off infornt of the gf
Watching it online is not the same as experiencing it.
Plus not all girls watch porn.
Yeah but by seeing it they'll be aware and probably ask to themselves "Why isn't his dick as big as the ones I watch in porn?"
Funny enough, as desperate as I am, I think I'd actually refuse if someone offered me this irl. It wouldn't be honest genuine sex and really that's all I want right now. After months of my own depraved fantasies I've reverted back to vanilla again.
I can reach her cervix B)
This doesn't make me feel good because I mostly watch the top 0.01% dicked fuck women and think that I'm small even though I know I'm not. Fucking lustful jews ruining my mind. It doesn't help that I'm black have the bbc meme weighing me down.
you do have a bbc. You do realize all the bbc's in porn are all pumped before filming right?
is that the girl who was forced to strip and do stuff on skype after she send some pic to some guy by accident?
well i do think she looks alike.
>Tfw 8 inches length 6 1/2 inches girth
>Still no gf and now stuck with the fear that I'll never be able to fuck Asian girls cause it might be too big
Makes sense but eh. The porn jew has ruined me regardless.
It's amazing how this board talks more about dicks than /lgbt/, /hm/, /soc/, and /y/ combined yet claims to be straight
But it's mostly people worrying about what women will think of their dick, what a shitty equivalence
Theres no such thing as small dicks, just big vaginas. Its not a mans problem if his woman cant get off.
>female enjoyment matters
Nice meme.
Stay mad roasties.
>tfw 7x5 pencil dicke
Why couldn't it have been 6x6. At least it looks nice from above
vaginismus isn't real roastie
Good girl! But that pipe belongs in her pussy.
6'5" and 7.5 here bro.
If you ever land a girl, learn what you're doing and I swear she'll keep coming back to you.
fembots talking about it right now
holy fuck she's terrible at snapchat
get the fuck out of my board normal faggot
I think I have phismosis. What should I do? I haven't had sex yet but that might change soon because I'm going out more and meeting people. I'm afraid of what would happen if it does happen? What will the girl think? Is it even safe for me to do?
>tfw 5.5" x 5.5" dick
I don't know how to feel. 5.5" length is average or slightly below, but 5.5" girth is in the 90th percentile or something like that.
pretty sure i know this girl irl
You don't. No one that has ever said that about any girl posted on Jow Forums ever has. There are over 7 billion people some look the same.
7x4 pencil dick, never had a girl like my penis or miss me post-relationship/sex :(