What are some fitness memes that have quietly disappeared over the years? Pic related

What are some fitness memes that have quietly disappeared over the years? Pic related

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I'm just waiting for the keto meme to finally die.


Yeah I noticed people stopped caring about brown rice. It has more fiber though so I'm not quite sure why it isn't still as popular besides having a bit more calories. Maybe the keto kult killed the brown rice hype?

Well they taste better.

It already died in the mid-00s and got ressurrected by reddit.

Brown rice died because
a) it tastes like shit
b) it's unhealthy
"5 a day" also died because of this. Low fat makes a comeback via veganism.

i eat brown rice for half of my meals, why do you think it is unhealthy?

If you make it correctly, brown rice is good as fuck, what are you in about? How is white rice healthier than brown?

It's also impossible to refrigerate, because it becomes all hard and grainy again, unlike regular rice which remains relatively soft and pleasant to eat.

>high carb raw vegan

>great bulking food if paired with beans
>tastes incredible

Learn how to cook, user, it's a key to a healthy lifestyle. You can't eat good shit if you can't make it good

My problem with rice - brown rice especially - is that it just takes for goddamn ever to cook.
Quinoa is so much quicker and less fussy.

Bro, are you ricest?

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Like 15 minutes in a rice cooker for 6 cups dry for white rice.
How long could brown possibly take?

At least 30 minutes.

hello newfriends

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Its not about it being unhealthy. It's about how brown rice was touted to be a super healthy alternative to white rice when it isn't. It's the same dense carb bowl of filler nutrient-deprived calories.

20 min in a regular pot. Cardamon pods+star anise+black pepper=perfect rice every time. Throw in some turmeric and dried seaweed for an asian twist. Mix with beans and tomato pulp and you have yourself a perfect side.

>jeff plz go
Those were some times

Ok Gordon


>What are some fitness memes that have quietly disappeared

Brown rice is godly

I should not kek at such foolish things

But alas, I did.

GOMAD died. I hope the
>tfw no gf
>do braps increase test
>hurr durr muscle doesnt help in a fight
memes will die

Not that guy but I thought the whole thing with brown rice was that it doesn't really have appreciably more nutrients and has phytic acid that prevents the absorption of minerals

Brown basmatti rice is delicious. Make a stir fry with all your veggies, chicken, scramble in an egg, season with loads of salt, black pepper, and cayenne pepper. Amazing.


>frying food
>literally killing all the vitamins, minerals and proteins
Yeah, no


Keto is a meme but people will still spout it because you can eat like shit and lose weight. I did it for 6 months and got down to visually 7% BF but that was mostly because you don’t retain water on keto, which isn’t very healthy. You also perform like shit if you’re an athlete. Every athlete that tried keto likes it at first but performance suffers and they go back to incorporating necessary carbs.

>Heat makes everything that is nutritious magically disappear and all the bad shit conveniently stays behind

>What are some fitness memes that have quietly disappeared over the years?
Just about everything backed by science. Everyone thinks they're smarter than years of health science now and everything is a meme. We are entering a dark age of mysticism.

what carb to eat when cutting?

Thos is so fucking sexy. Imagine taking it up yhe ass while looking up swallowing that cockhead.
Fucks me silly, throws me a bone by flicking my little flaccid cock that'll be flopping around. Then i cum. Soft little babydick cumming ropes of ejaculate. Then he lifts me up, atleast 3 feet. Because his dick was so big i was practically carl with a broom up his ass.
My ass is blown out.
But it feels so good. I shit. I live.
Only natties will know

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literally none of them will die because its board culture and has been here longer than you, newfag

Kek, won't lie; GOMAD was how I discovered I am lactose intolerant. Was a long week...

>killing vitamins, minerals and proteins
how fucking retarded are you

heat definitely destroys certain vitamins, especially C

frying is objectively the least healthy way to cook any food and the extremely high temperatures the food is exposed to do destroy several vitamins. it also oxidizes the fat inside of it. you fucking morons

Off the top of my head:
>“High-test women” (still around but less common)
>weighted dips
>unironic GOMAD
>oats threads
>supermang/ Isley
>raw eggs
>“you don’t need to train abs br0, they’re made in the kitchen”

> nutrient deprived calories
The Japanese aristocracy was well-known to suffer from numerous dietary deficiency diseases with a diet high in polished white rice whereas The Peasants ate unpolished brown rice. There's nothing wrong with brown rice just like there's nothing wrong with oats but if it's the only thing you eat of course you're going to be deficient.

He’s leginemantally one of the most aesthetic natty lifters in the world though and most people dislike him because they’re jealous. H8rs gonna h8

>cousin (15) exclaims "pecs" and feels my chest for 10-20 seconds
>asks if I've been working out
>flex arm "you tell me"
>"oh my god"
>holds my arm as we walk along the street with her friend later that day
>touches my abs at dinner


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Shad? That you?

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brown rice tastes like shit

6 meals a day to keep that metabolism going

Good thing we have access to 1000x more food variety than the ancient japanese

I want egg whites to disappear... and have people to go bag to whole eggs.

Also, fuck whey protein powder. Has Rocky had whey protein powder and egg whites when prepping for his Apollo fight?

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Its also higher in arsenic. You have to really wash and soak your brown rice to remove it.

i remember , fit was sooooo gay . i mean it still is but . . .
pic somewhat related

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Fuck her, dude. Fuck your underage cousin for queen and country.

if you lose weight why is it a meme?


Hello Satan. Checked


>It tastes like shit
>I can't cook and live on a diet of McDonald's.

You're insides are super inflamed. Maybe try making a scrambled egg first and work up from there? Cooking is pretty easy

nice board you got here. ill just do some pushups or something and catch you guys later.


just eat parboiled rice

I dont get the meme either cholesterol is proven to be important for testosterone and the yolk is the most delicious and nutritious part. I would rather throw away the shitty egg white than the yolk.

basmati rice is pretty shit. stop being a shitskin. eat jasmine.

Vit C is in literally everything you eat added. You are more likely to overdose than to get to les of it. You're not a pirate living of ale and salted pork for months.

This gave me the highest of keks, thank you.

I didn't realize nofap has been around for this long here, that pic has to be like at least 5 years old.

Not dietary cholesterol. We produce all we need ourselves. Jow Forums is trying to have it two contradictory ways, its both:

>Dietary cholesterol doesn't affect blood cholesterol so it doesn't increase CVD-risk.


> High cholesterol increases testosterone so we need to eat lot's of cholesterol

That's the real meme here.

OHP in the squat rack


Because if you give a fuck about training, cutting carbs shouldn’t even cross your mind.

>Unsourced bullshit

Btw if you wanna know the truth about cholesterol and not some retards that try to meme it as the devil

Err why? I'm a newbie here but everything I've seen is that keto helps you lose weight and keep muscle of dieting while lifting. Redpill me.

keto is for people that sit at a computer all day and still want to lose weight. if you are seriously active carbs are just fuel that you need to actually push yourself

tfw no gf is older than time

Keto causes diabetes unless you are obese, NEVER do keto unless you are 400+ lbs. There is no diet as autistic as Keto, depriving the body of its main source of fuel since the first human walked the earth, our brain and bodys evolution was fueled by carbohydrates.

>inb4 butthurt keto kunts
>mfw you get diabetes

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