These guys could barely speak english (and still dont) and they didnt even know what a calorie was or a macro...

These guys could barely speak english (and still dont) and they didnt even know what a calorie was or a macro. Yet they looked like this???

Convince me why you think tracking macros is worth it when 10000000 guys have got muscular and lean without doing it.

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because most of us are desk jockeys and non manual laborers retard

2.We all know, every one of us, know how to eat well and what makes us feel bad feel good and look good.
3.CICO is just a cope for people who want to eat poorly or just indulge in terrible foods.

This thread is bait, but some people are just good at bodybuilding. Call it a combination of genetics, drug use, and having the right dietary/training habits.

>arnold can barely speak english
dude was governor of a US state FFS
>not speaking english means you can’t understand nutrition concepts
they have all the same info in german.

yeah they didn’t know as much nutritionally as we do now, but the basic concepts have been there forever and they aren’t that important when you do as much gear and train as hard as these guys did

former powerlifters which is where they built 90% of their muscle
dbol users
not very fucking lean by todays "bodybuilder" or "aesthetic" standards

Arnold has been bodybuilding and worshipped bodybuilders since he was a kid and started taking gear at...14?
Franco? Same deal.

Occasionally lifting heavily was part of the tool set of the bodybuilder and you actually needed to show a feat of strength to be seen as legit. It was not the fucking meat and potatoes of lifting.
They weren't strong men, just bodybuilders who were strong.

>they didnt even know what a calorie was or a macro
they knew all this shit senpai, those guys and those who came before them were the ones who figured it out

They had connections to drug dealers and pharmacies, when you're on dbol your diet is meaningless.

eating a lot of protein but a bit less carbs and fat than usual, therefore feeling more hungry = getting shredded
that's all they needed to know

Arnold did powerlift before body building

Where did you get this information? Of course they knew how to eat. From what Arnie said about his protein intake there is a small chance he wasted a bit of money by keeping it too high (the body can only process so much, so you might as well just eat more carbs) but that's it.

He was also on gear, trained like an utter madman, and is one of the most motivated and determined people I've ever heard of.

uh no

they didnt even track or organise they steroids, they just took them randomly

same goes for their food intake, it was all random and by feel/winging it.

youre a fucking retard if you think these guys were writing down energy/macros of food they were eating, weighing shit out, etc

fuck off

he was training like a bodybuilder that did squats and deadlifts sometimes, that's not "powerlifting".

> they didnt even know what a calorie was or a macro.

Yes they did. And this is such a stupid post to make. Knowing or not knowing about calories or macros doesn't invalidate the proven science behind what they are and do.

because they were on roids you fucking brainlet

>feeling more hungry = getting shredded
this is what they really though?

Is it wrong?

>hurr durr pinning my butt will make me arnold overnight
kys yourself

you're an idiot, he did compete in powerlifting. what do you get from spreading your ignorance around Jow Forums?

is that why he never ate the bread when ordering a burger?


He did powerlifting and weightlifting meets, but has always been a bodybuilder at heart, always wanted to be a bodybuilder, looked up to other bodybuilders for inspiration and advice, and also trained like a bodybuilder, his entire base was built on bodybuilding workouts.
He didn't build his base on the "powerlifts", that's just regurgitated blahatier bullshit.

I mean, Franco was quite literally a strongman. He competed in the worlds strongest man competition. His lifts were also really good. He was much stronger than Arnold, both overall and pound for pound.

Check how he actually trained.
He trained like a typical bodybuilder, just more frequently with more volume than most.

They either did or they did not. If you make a claim, post the proof or fuck RIGHT off.

>CICO is just a cope
Found the absolute retard

this they didn't even have ai or non aromatizing gear back how the fuck did they do it?

>Arnold didnt even know what a calorie was or a macro

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>First guys to ever inject HGH into their spines
>Implying they had to know what to eat or how to lift to get muscle

Found the underage

Arnold 1rm almost every day, and Ronnie Coleman was a legit competitive powerlifter.

Arnold had the best doctors in the world tracking his health and monitoring his dosages.

name a better couple, Jow Forums

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Lmao its almost like he hasnt read total recall where arnold states since he was a small child he focused on bodybuilding. To get girls.

They only took Test and Dbol, and believe it or not, their dosages were pretty low by today's standards. They steroids helped of course, but they also just worked extremely hard

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these cunts were aesthetic no homo ofc

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california hardly counts

You know CICO is a meme right? Calories are just 1 variable that you can manipulate to lose weight. Otherwise explain the following: A guy with 3000 cal TDEE doesn't eat for 6 days and 18 hours. For 6 hours he consumes 21000 calories. Do you think his weight & body composition is going to remain the same just because he ate all his weekly calories? If you do, you are wrong.

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do you really think they had protein in post-WW2 Australia?

He was literally a salesman for Protein in his late teens/early 20s

what the actual fuck I am taking pic related of test (2g a week) and im not even 1/10th of his size


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What do you think protein is? Op is obviously underage. And a fag.

I mean im impressed they got by with so little, if they even took what I was taking they would grow double ds so they obviously didnt

Francos arms look unreal

gr8 b8

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non nitrogenous sources of calories are a good way to know if you are gonna get fat or not.

You don't understand the concept of CICO.
Your caloric needs change depending on the diet you're used to be at.
Calories Out is the component that includes that reality.
Calories in is the energy that your body gets from food digested.

The more often one eats, the better the body composition will be with the same calorc intake as someone who fasts for entire days, but if you eat at least once a day, CICO works pretty well still, and no one who gives a shit about making gains cares about fasting for days straight anyway so what's the point in trying to refute this?

That's like saying "hur well 3000 calories from protein won't make you fat but 3000 calories from fat will"
It's just obvious shit that everyone already knows.

Arnie was big even before he got to the US and steroids weren't available in the UK (know for a fact) never mind Austria back then.

He was the governor of mexi- eeeh california for gods sake. Speaking english isn't a requirement, maybe spanish though

What are you talking about? The Germans were the first to synthesize Test and gave that along with Dbol and Meth to their Paratroops in WW2. One of the guys at Arnold's gym was one of the doctors who used to administer those drugs to the troops. No shit he started doing Dbol and Test right away at 14

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Did I fall hard for bait there? Oh well

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ever heard of roids you mongoloid? wait dont tell me your pea brain thought they were natty lmao

Asinine unrealistic scenarios don't invalidate that CICO is factual science and you're an idiot if you genuinely believe otherwise. The human body doesn't work in perfectly-timed 7-day segments and nobody who believes or understands CICO thinks that way.

CICO is factual science, but the way that it actually works as people like you understand it is complete fantasy.

Sauce on the read? Thats the funniest shit ive read outside of Jow Forums posts

there was no non estrogenic compounds like tren back then, no breast cancer medication and no dnp

look at fraudsters, there were probably running less than they are, hell they probably ran less than me and im so tiny compared to them

Dude, they were doing fucking GRAMS of that shit every day.
Just taking test and popping fist fulls of dbols.
They could get shredded to sub 5% bodyfat n but the judging still wanted human looking bodybuilders so they nixed that. There's a picture of arnold looking dry and cut to the fucking bone from a long time ago.

They also did just ridiculous amounts of coke. It's unbelievable.

man how in gods name could they be taking grams of test and dbol and be cut? they would be bloated with 32gs there was no anti estrogen back then

oh and damn yea the coke part makes sense lol