Guys help, my jaw is fcking uneven, anyway to fix this shit?
Misaligned jaw
have someone punch you in the jaw really fucking hard
Pic related is my uneven jaw, pls send help
No. But someone should punch that shit back into place.
Go to a Korean face sculptor. They specialize in jaws, noses and eyes.
Also go to a dermatologist.
So i should contact a korean plastic surgeon?
Would chewing hard ass gum train it straight
I vote yes
Keep it that way i didnt even notice the unalignment. Its not like somebodys gonna go up your fuckin grill with a inspector gadget moby dick in your mouth magnifying monocle
Where is the top part of your nose?
Okay, i chew hard as gum, should i keep it symmetrical; 50 reps each side or should i force it on my uneven side.
bad pic, here is how my nose looks normally
how bad is it buddy boyos
I think both my upper and lower jaws are rotated to the right, it causes a teeth slant
though I think I filled the left side with masseter muscle so it might be less visible kek
the virgin vs Chad
a fitting haircut and better skin makes a ton of difference (plus not taking a shit ass picture)
also you can't 'fix' your jaw aside from jaw surgery
you can train your jaw muscles thought to make it appear more symmetrical and perhaps get fillers (they're much cheaper than surgery)
though it's noticeable I don't think it detracts from your looks much. Would have to see a non-smirk pic.
Currently on my bulk, so i'm nowhere near chisled enough to make my masseter stand out, as I also tend to store fat on my cheeks.
I also think creatine, and Minox bloats my face a bit.
You look normal, faggot
doesn't look bad at all
I would work on your skin and not taking such shit photos
also get more hair on sides like in suoits your face better
>and Minox bloats my face a bit.
kek I have the same issue
my face literally rounds the fuck up on minox and I have double chin
not weight/bodyfat issue btw, they're both lower or the same compared to before minox
Will do, thanks for the advice
Funny part is: I'm not even using it for hairloss, I'm trying to grow a beard with that shit (it works have to be patient though) top kek
I got hard ass falim turkish gum, i just let it try to roam to both sides unconsciously, feels like it straightens my teeth and other good shit, would imagine it should even you out over a couple months
I’ll look into it