
>first day at the gym
>start taking weights off bar
>old guy yells at me to put his weighs back
>spend the whole time bench pressing 65lbs on the floor
>everyone looking at me
Is the rule of thumb "if there's weights on it, it's in use?" What if someone doesn't take their weights off when they finish?

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>first day
>benching on the floor

Your not gonna make it... kid.

If theres weight on it, either wait a minute or ask a nearby person if its in use

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Damn user, if it would've been my 1st day I would've pussied tf out of there. Nicely done user, proud of ya keep it up. And no the rule of thumb is
>towel in bench = brb
>plates on bar wo/towel = I'm to weak to re-rack my plates

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>What if someone doesn't take their weights off when they finish?
That doesnt happen.

well OF COURSE you were going to be EMBARRASSED for being such a RETARD lmao

In theory, if there’s weights on but nobody’s around, someone just didn’t re-rack. Next time someone shouts at you, just explain you didn’t see any stuff claiming the bench and then ask to work in.


Na homie if they are using two machines what i like to do is pick one. If they say something use the other one they are using. Then if they say something again tell em to pick one and fuck off. Also if there its weight on the bar just ask someone thats next to it or wait like a minuite. Soon you will get big enough to take someone elses bar by just adding more weight to their bar, they never say anything if you add more weight.
Good luck bro

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>lifting in a shithole
Its your fault

I'm not big enough to do this

Go back to equinox

user, fuck everything and everyone that isn't you. Why are you here? What made you go to the gym today? Fuck everything else, you're here; that's it! It's you and the bar; you and the heavy shit that you're GOING TO PICK THE FUCK UP AND PUT BACK DOWN! Fuck everything else, and just do that.

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>gets kicked out

Good; get kicked out, fuck them! Pick up his car and throw it into the street, don't stop user, find the real you and push him until it fucking hurts; don't stop!

Objectively wrong

Hey user, I’m here for a quick guide. Ask someone around if it’s occupied. If they say no, feel free. If they don’t know, wait for a second and use the equipment. If they come back, politely apologize and ask if you can work in. You will make it boyo. That guy is a douche.

>Being so weak you can't take the weight off the bar once you're done
You're not one of those guys, right Jow Forums?

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>Pick up his car and throw it into the street
never considered this thanks

>those sarcastic gym posters "you were strong enough to lift the weights ONTO the bar, right?"