Is it just me, or does anybody else think that there are literally no girls on here and everyone who says they are is lying
Is it just me...
Plenty of girls have proven their existence around Jow Forums, so...
I don't doubt it. Why come here when they have 2 safe haven to go to. and lolcow I mean. Why even come here?
Ah yes
>1st page
>Posted 3 years ago
>basically an ocean of sad lonely virgins
>implying its not a magnet for 6/10s who want free attention and validation
There are a couple of regulars.
The blonde chick that camwhores on /soc/ on occassion with the pretty bush
The big tittied chick that gets off to being fatshamed
The autist aussie that abused benzos
The BPD suicidal chick that studies medicine in germany
The chick with the scar on her face
The azn autist that calls everyone a proto-pedo
The christmas cake virgin chick that is a literal hikki
The 30 year old married chick
The autistically religious chick that wants to marry her oneitis.
Probably a lot more that I am forgetting.
Also this
Very much originally
real 3D women literally can't compete anymore
I remembered a couple more.
The petite bondage chick that got her nudes leaked by her boyfriend.
The digusting vulva autist that posts sometimes
Ebony, the racehating nigress
That british chick that used to post on vocaroo threads and /britfeel/ a lot.
That lezbot that's autistically obsessed with frozen
That chick that lactates
The black fembot with a slave fetish but wants to wait until marriage
The lesbo from Austria
Has Mini ever posted on r9k?
Yeah, of course. It's her containment board.
I dont know if she does anymore, as I dont keep in touch. But she used to up until she got overwhelmed with the stalkers and deleted every form of contact.
Well all these women sound fuckable one way or another. Too bad the rules prohibit posting self-pics.
I have seen some of them in pictures. They are most definitely fuckable. Some are unironically 8/10 plus.
Well, mini is a perfect 10/10, but I digress.
If your a woman and you see my post please be my girlfriend
Stanley stop stealing our fembots with your chad antics!
I'm pretty sure I've seen this face posted somewhere before but damn you're 8.5/10 for me.
Ebony is nice and thicc
I'd marry her in an instant
do you have a pic of ebony
I'll jerk off to it later tonight
Can you post that pic of ebony in this thread so I can save it
No get your own pic
Anyone on here who claims to be a female, is either a larper or attention-whore.
Please can you post that pic of ebony in this thread so I can save it
>tfw there's at least 1 (one) tittymonster browsing Jow Forums reading robot's posts
you sweet summer child.
You made me laugh, here's the fembot that gets off to being fatshamed.
She posted this anyways
I wonder how big her tummy is
Kinda underwhelming but thanks anyways friendo
We're here.
If you want proof, post a vocaroo thread. We love that shit.
This is the blonde fembot with a nice bush
I actually like her posts but she has a legitimately warped worldview.
That wimpering faggot that made a bunch of them in a row kinda ruined them.
Also, they are prone to larping since many anons save female vocaroos and bait newfags.
This is so annoying. I get you're all 13 on the inside and you simultaneously crave and hate attention but you really fucking ruined it for everyone when you complained about it. We had so much more freedom.
Everyone who orbits Brittany Venti deludes themselves that she looks like this girl
Thats not a girl my dude
Bait newfags into what? Enjoying some chick's pre-recorded vocaroo? Who cares?
Sharpie in pooper femanon, ah the good ol' days before the retarded rules.
The vocaroo gets a million replies and hogs all the action. Obviously chicks are put off, since they want attention. Effectively they are dissuaded from posting their recordings because of 1 larper.
No "females" have ever given a timestamp here so yes. If someone here claims to be a "fembot" know they're a shitposter or a roleplaying tranny.
I mean, I listen to all of them that are posted. I don't see what your problem is. If others can't learn to compete, then that is their problem.
If you can't tell the difference between a real female and a LARPer by their post style, then you have a hell of a lot of living to do.
I dont have a problem with it, women do have a problem with it though.
I wish it werent so, I love those threads as well, but it's always 1 larper that derails the thread with his 20 thirsty newfags begging for contact info.
Women act like faggots/trannies and vice-versa, it's indistinguishable. The only reason they can be identified is that no female has ever posted here.
why would fembots ever talk to robots if they're going to go run to the board to post about them? robots can't be loyal.
The girls here are about as attractive as the males. Neither want each other
What do you mean? It's all chicks that post on the board. I didnt mention anyone from discord. At least I dont think so.
>does anybody else think that there are literally no girls on here
not you in particular but see what happens from time to time with fembots having their pictures and logs leaked and shit.
I have been on this board ever since it was created. There are hardly any such cases. I have nudes from 7 chicks that post/used to post. I have never felt the need to post any of them.
You are probably overthinking it.
>The christmas cake virgin chick that is a literal hikki
top waifu, requesting info
No idea, but she is a regular poster, you should bump into her eventually.
I honestly don't understand why ANY female would ever out themselves as a female on this board.
You cunts are fucking unbearable.
If I was a woman the last thing I'd ever want is Jow Forums to know I browsed purely because of the kinda guys that post here.
Fat shaming sounds hot as long as we just fuck. I don't want to date a fatty.
Girls either post pics of themselves and/or tripfag to get Male attention or they just lurk a bit out of fascination with this world.
They rarely if ever post as an user.
>not wanting a belly gf
Mostly to amuse themselves
based stanley poster
female posters on r9k exist, but most "fembot" threads are made by the same guy/group of people.
There used to be a discord server and the owner was the main perpetrator and bragged about that shit while we bumped those threads.
Was kinda fun and i wish I had screencaps because one day the server was just deleted or i was kicked out for inactivity.
It's not just you and it's from experience.
Not literally that there are no girls, but that the very, very few girls out there are 80% of the time underaged, and 20% of the time lying about their intentions (e.g. they're either trying to get money out of you, are trying to get their existing boyfriend jealous by chatting with you (true story), or otherwise are trying to make fun of you), whereas 99% of people who claim to be girls in the first place are actually men.
I'm a girl(male). does that count?
Can I see your boipussy and maybe in the future pound it?
do I count as a gril desu?
Now gib boipucci pic
Rule 16 of the internet, there are no girls on the internet
there are some but none of them are pure. They are all stacies really
dont forget the single mom who only reveals herself in the christmas threads to get gifts for her children
My boyfriend doesn't want me to
sorry user :(
He wouldn't have to know baby
Girls are all here....drinking my water! They love my water and....they're beautiful. Come drink my water. It is good for you and your friends. My water tastes good and it is satisfying after a long day at work. My water!
>retarded rules
If you want to empower some slut whos never going to fuck you then go /soc/ you degenerate.
R9K is about hating women. These cunts need to fuck off.
Im fembot and stay here bc Im an attention whore and gets worshiped for being 3 outta 10
The problem is that there are too many girls here now. They all flooded in after gamer gate and then another surge during the election.
Jow Forums never has and never will be about hating women. It's about robots discussing things amount themselves. the fact that we're constantly under attack by normalfags, catfishers, and roasties is only a coincidence.
There are girls here but they are probably all disgusting fatasses ot are like that roastie team mini
I'm an genuinely disgusted
Everytime I see Stanley I burst out in vicious masterbation
I think that's a dude holding his dick between his legs
Faggot, why do you have that saved.
Ahhhhhhhhhhh yes it has newcunt. I read no more of your post because Im sure its just the same normie bullshit 'Huur duur the rules dont say that, huur duur its about iringinal content huur'
You are not "we"
>crystal cafe
threads about boyfriend problems, makeup, skincare, etc. - useful since I don't really have people to do that sort of "girl talk" with.
however, it's way too much of a hugbox for me to enjoy posting there. and as someone mentioned, it's pretty dead
it's fun to go into any of the threads on /ot/ or Jow Forums and claim that fat girls are jealous of thin girls, or that tall girls are jealous of short girls. people get really upset.
Could you samefag any harder, underageb& redditard?
Both lc and cc are actively hostile to real fembots. They're all about "my boyfriend this" and "all chads keep pumping and dumping me" and "how do I accuse people of rape when we were both drunk" garbage. It's sickening how far removed they are from robots when they often claim to be the equivalent of Jow Forums.
There are always and have always been girls on the internet. Everywhere. They were here before Jow Forums even rose to the surface web. They were here when the internet was just people fucking around on IRC's. It's just like how there are always and have always been underageb& here. Most of them have the courtesy not to scream about how they're girls, so nothing distinguishes them from male anons.
Femanon here. What's up OP, you say there are no 3D grills in here?
>inb4 trap
I don't think anyone would just go on the internet and tell lies.
You... were definitely not around for the original Jow Forums. It was exactly as that other user said: robots discussing stuff - not hating women.
red flag right here
What, do you mean the stormtrooper poster?
Not convinced, need harder proof
But you're not a fembot, just a typical roastie. You might as well not exist.
>no gun
lol wtf i couldve sworn that was a chair with a gun on it, im losing it guys
but I didn't send anything desu, why am I disgusting?
No, I saw the exact same thing.
>feet barely out of the shot
You wound me.
Why wouldn't they? Being a robot is a state of mind, just as being a cyborg or chad or whatever is. Does physicality contribute a lot? Sure, of course it does. But good looks with autistic behavior goes nowhere.
It's what most if not all of us had once wanted to believe. But with time, we have come to the conclusion this isn't actually the case. Basically we have tried really hard and yet failed to find even one fembot, regardless of whether or not she was looking for a boyfriend or any other characteristics.
Religious chick?
Anyone have a pic?
What religion?
If she's Protestant I'm interested.
They tend to pose as fags while posting and have orbiter/bf or both anyway.
Fuck them.
>Is it just me, or does anybody else think that there are literally no girls on here and everyone who says they are is lying